naicalus wrote: » Banned for spelling trickster wrong.
doogie74 wrote: » Banned for missing the mark; naicalus is a spelling HAMSTER.
kemula98 wrote: » Banned for no reason, until 10/23/2024.
naicalus wrote: » Banned because it's pointless that they do since you only get one hit in stealth anyway and then you're dead in the water now.
crixus8000 wrote: » Banned for being a hero of the north.
Banned for being a grammar HAMSTER.
Banned for no reason, until 10/23/2024.
Banned for no reason, until 10/24/2024.
Locksheon Gaming
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Trickster Rogue
Banned for spreading the rumor I am dead when I am a live in the water.
Banned for not being more imaginative and taking the easy way out in banning someone.
I have already been banned for being a grammar HAMSTER and it didn't stick.