What are the benefits. I have seen that really means you need a guild. People always spam to be a part of one but what does it really get you? I can see how in WoW you get XP boosts for a high level guild and things like that but what does a Neverwinter guild actually do for you that you just can do alone or hard work?
I think it's mostly up to you... Do you want to go it alone or with a group of friends?? That really all guilds are for. There are some games I prefer to solo, and others, I like guilds... They do have advantages though... Higher leveled players can always help lower leveled ones. Tell you the best weapons they have found, or even take you through some of the harder zones... But it's always up to you and how you want to play. But I think for most, it's the social aspect, and having a ready group of friends to go raiding with.
The Lords ofLight - A LGBT Friendly Guild {Social/PvE/Light RP/Events}
Apart from having a group of folks to run with all the time, collaborate with on Foundry work, or for camaraderie purposes, its hard to know what benefits will be there later on when the game gets out of beta. I would assume it would be beneficial for world events (if that is in the plans), or the like. I initially felt I needed to be in a guild, but at this point, I just want to see what the game is all about, and will make a decision later (whether to join one, or make one). Would urge you to do the same if the validity of being a member of a guild is in question.
Into the Heart of Battle I go - blade sharp and purpose clear...
Yeah I just wasnt sure if they were going to make the benefits worthy enough to go guild seeking or to establish one. I used to be guild crazy myself but as these online games have changed over the years I have realized that if there are not a good set of dungeons to run or I am done with the raiding scene my will to join one has become about NIL
A guild is best suited for individuals who want to build relationships and share their in game experiences with others, which often results in a more enjoyable experience than going it alone. Neverwinter is focused on group content and dungeon delves. While it may not initially have content that requires strict organization, it's always more fun to tackle a challange with friends than with people you never get the chance to know.
A lot of players and guilds these days are more focused on self accomplishment though, so building those kinds of bonds just doesn't seem as important as it used to be. It tends to take a back seat to enjoying the game and sharing that experience with others, which really is a shame.
In the end, it's purely up to every individual as to how they wish to go about playing a game and also dependent on whether they even enjoy the game to begin with. Personally, I prefer being part of a guild when I know that I'll be playing a game for a long while.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
A guild provides more opportunity for helping, and getting help, during your adventures. Comradery... Camaraderie(this word always looks spelled wrong to me.. lol).... having friends to chat with, at the very least, can make a frustrated moment a lot more enjoyable, simply by bringing some humor to it. In a good guild, there is also a lot of gearpassing going on, so that the person that needs it doesnt have to join a ragequit-fit cuz the thief rolled need on a wizard robe. lol
grapeyouMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 30Arc User
edited April 2013
Guild? If you are anti-social and like single player games, no, you dont need anything.
If you want to play with like-minded people and have fun with others, then yes, you need a guild.
Just because a guild is in this game, does not mean it wont expand or branch out into others you may be interested in playing aswell.
ivsakenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
If benefits to xp or crafting are the reason you join a guild... your doing it wrong, and also only very recent additions to the MMO market. I could try to explain the benefits like not having to look for PuG groups to do instances. Having friends around at all times to help you with that difficult quest or boss you cant kill yourself. and on and on and on and on and on... But from the way you asked the question, I can tell all of that would be lost on you.
Good luck in life in general, you will need it if that post reflects your attitude in real life
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Since I'm looking at going as a dps guardian fighter, I'll get flak for it outside of my group of friends.
If all you care about is getting to cap as fast as possible and then preening with the best loot for a few weeks, then "no", you don't need a guild. Go power-level to your heart's content and then claim you've "won" the game when you hit cap and loot the game's best gear.
For the rest of us, who don't play these games like its Mario Brothers, guilds are pretty much a necessity.
SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power. Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
IMO you do not "need" a guild. However there are a lot of benefits to being in one.
1) Guilds will generally, by and large, run content better than the average PUG
2) Loot distribution is generally more fair and team oriented in a guild. For some this is a reason to not be in a guild.
3) Some guild run events and if you are into RP style of things or like the social aspects of an MMO then a guild is a good idea.
4) There are always those who will help in a guild, if and when you get stuck you have backup. From quests and group content to crafting, some do it better than others.
5) You never know what is down the road. Much better to be a part of a good group prior to something like guild ships or guild levels and perks coming into the game. That way you can all tackle it as a community rather than be some straggler out there with no home or allegiance.
What are the benefits. I have seen that really means you need a guild. People always spam to be a part of one but what does it really get you? I can see how in WoW you get XP boosts for a high level guild and things like that but what does a Neverwinter guild actually do for you that you just can do alone or hard work?
I mean really.
Ask not what your guild can do for you, ask what you can do for your guild. If this doesn't make sense to you at this point and time, there's other perfectly acceptable ways to enjoy the game... such as play solo, play with PUGs, and/or other family and friends. Keep in mind some in guilds will often do the same things I prescribe here as well and enjoy playing with their guild mates. Haha hope this doesn't confuse you more!
Guilds lend themselves to having a pool of trustworthy party members readily available to pull from for dungeons or events, even PvP. This is based on D&D, where guilds are not the focal point of the game mechanics. You can solo your way to the top by being a pub in many dungeons. However, that being said, I have not seen end-game content, which may lend itself to guild raids or something else which requires a LOT of party trust (ninja looting, etc). The good news is, being in a guild never hurts you.
Unless they require blood sacrifices or your first-born.
"A True Friend Stabs You in the Front."
~Oscar Wilde~
"Look at what the Great Weapon Fighter can do, he's so OP!"
~Andy Velasquez~
I'm going to be playing almost exclusively with a handful of friends, so we'll probably wind up making a guild just so we'll have a private chat without having to group - that, I find, is one of the major advantages to guilds; it's a way to keep track of friends.
No one . . . at any time in any game ever . . . "needs" a Guild. Guilds are social circles. In every MMO I play, I play primarily solo, but I am in a few guilds because I love the people I have met in them, and I love to be able to join them if they need help or want to socialize. But it is true that there is not a game or MMO in existence that a Guild membership really is needed. Options, though, are REALLY awesome. Role-player guilds . . . PvP guilds . . . it is always good to find a social group of similar like-minded people who not only play the same game but play it in a similar faction. The Guilds I am a member of . . . very small. Maybe 10 - 15 active people. But for some of us that's all it takes to complete the social feel of an MMO
Games like WoW give bonuses . . . sure . . . but really for players like myself I could care less about bonuses. It's the people that matter
I was solo for a long time when I started with mmo's before a rl friend got me invited to a large guild (hey Madvillains ). It was fantastic for sharing items and knowledge and stupid stuff and money transfers etc.
I prefer being a solo gamer. That means to me, if I play at "odd" times I can take a chance on a random group of gamers and see how we do. If I behave badly for some reason (eh, the moon is full, my hubby was mean to me, I hate paying the bills, the checkbook doesn't balance, whatever) then I know that my actions reflect only upon myself, and not on my guild. Being a solo player allows me a certain amount of freedom of expression.
I think there are expectations to belonging to a guild. Your guild members may feel offended if you don't play with them, for whatever reason. Someone in another guild may start a flame-war with your guild because you did something that offended them.
I've spent a few years playing in leagues/guilds. If you feel more comfortable needing a group around to play with, then that fits your playing style best. I'm all for guilds. I just don't fit the profile.
Figure out what you need/want from the game, then go from there.
What are the benefits. I have seen that really means you need a guild. People always spam to be a part of one but what does it really get you? I can see how in WoW you get XP boosts for a high level guild and things like that but what does a Neverwinter guild actually do for you that you just can do alone or hard work?
I mean really.
This exact attitude is what is killing this industry.
I have been playing MMORPG's for the best part of 15+ years now and I can honestly say, they are not getting any better.
Might be time to start thinking about packing up the bat and ball and walk off the field with the memories of what once made MMORPG true MMORPGaming and truely great.
Take the community out of the MMORPG and what do you have? Single player action based platform games.......
This exact attitude is what is killing this industry.
I have been playing MMORPG's for the best part of 15+ years now and I can honestly say, they are not getting any better.
Might be time to start thinking about packing up the bat and ball and walk off the field with the memories of what once made MMORPG true MMORPGaming and truely great.
Take the community out of the MMORPG and what do you have? Single player action based platform games.......
I'm thinking long and hard about this post, and still coming up with "Huh?"
Guilds don't pay for MMORPGs. The solo player does.
Community matters, this is a moot point. But, if the singular player does not have fun and does not play, then the MMORPG fails.
I think the MMORPG industry is doing just fine. Just ask any of the players on Facebook playing a "free to play" game yet spending hundreds of dollars to play with their friends.
Take the community out of the MMORPG and what do you have? Single player action based platform games.......
That is all some gamers know really to them that IS gaming. In fact, it gets even more extreme, I've heard this comment a few times:
"You know what I don't like about RPGs? You have to work to get to max level? Why is that? Why not just start the game at max? It makes no sense to me."
Anyone ever hear this kind of comment (or similar)?
Games have to cater kind of gamer though, they exist in vast number and they CANNOT tolerate having carrots to chase, they must consume them all as fast as possible, or they can't relax. I literally think knowing there's more XP and gear out there to get, causes them anxiety.
It explains why some of them crank at 90 hours a week until they cap, then of course complain that there's "nothing to do".
And I don't condone my play style over others, I do not. My "care bear" style leaves a lot to be desired, believe me!
But the thing about the hardcore power-gamer that kills me is that when you play this game like a console game or arcade game, you really miss a lot of what the design tries to encourage. It's like a Monty Haul campaign in D&D, sure it can be fun (I guess), but there's another element to the game that is ignored when you play that way.
SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power. Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
No, No one 'needs' a guild, I'd say it's perfectly feasible to enjoy all of the game's content either solo or part of a PuG (notwithstanding bad PuGs running things). Do some players benefit from being part of a guild, playing with people you 'know' and 'trust'? Heck yes. I have a few peeps on my friends list I'll team with on occasion (my daughter primarily), but outside of that I'll likely stick well clear of guilds.
A world to defend
A city to protect
innocents to save
"Why?" They ask "they hate you"
We're heroes it's what we do.
*patiently waiting on Paragon City*
What are the benefits. I have seen that really means you need a guild. People always spam to be a part of one but what does it really get you? I can see how in WoW you get XP boosts for a high level guild and things like that but what does a Neverwinter guild actually do for you that you just can do alone or hard work?
I'm thinking long and hard about this post, and still coming up with "Huh?"
Guilds don't pay for MMORPGs. The solo player does.
Community matters, this is a moot point. But, if the singular player does not have fun and does not play, then the MMORPG fails.
I think the MMORPG industry is doing just fine. Just ask any of the players on Facebook playing a "free to play" game yet spending hundreds of dollars to play with their friends.
So what you are saying is that Platform and Flash player games are the way of the future? If so, why dilute the MMORPG scene with it? Just go play one of the umptenth-million of those other genre games and leave MMORPG's the hell alone.
As I said which you don't seem to understand, MMORPG's revolve around the requirement for participating in the community to achieve what you can't do solo, that is the point of playing an MMORPG, to group with other people. Take that away and whats the point?
This has been an age old argument for years now and we are just sitting back and watching as the producers keep on abusing it and it gets more and more watered down every year.
EQ1 and UO are still going, so I doubt if the single player doesn't have fun the game fails because your example has no proof of that. The only thing that allows a game to fail is how much profit the company chooses to spend to make.
So what you are saying is that Platform and Flash player games are the way of the future? If so, why dilute the MMORPG scene with it? Just go play one of the umptenth-million of those other genre games and leave MMORPG's the hell alone.
As I said which you don't seem to understand, MMORPG's revolve around the requirement for participating in the community to achieve what you can't do solo, that is the point of playing an MMORPG, to group with other people. Take that away and whats the point?
This has been an age old argument for years now and we are just sitting back and watching as the producers keep on abusing it and it gets more and more watered down every year.
EQ1 and UO are still going, so I doubt if the single player doesn't have fun the game fails because your example has no proof of that. The only thing that allows a game to fail is how much profit the company chooses to spend to make.
Relax my friend. I'm saying that Platform and Flash player games are just as much an MMORPG as PC-based MMORPGs. I don't differentiate between platforms, as I said before, Community MATTERS. In all things MMORPG.
I did quite well for awhile in City of Heroes (**** I miss that game) except that I worked the graveyard shift and could never connect with a like-minded group of people on the same server I played.
The OP was asking about the benefits of participating in this particular PC-based MMORPG.
Don't give him/her diatribe. Offer them helpful suggestions as to Why YOU think community is Good.
I think that's all they ask for.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2013
Joining a guild in Neverwinter is like having a regular group of friends to sit around the table and play D&D with.
Going at it solo is like showing up to a huge convention everyday, hoping that you get a good group of people to play with at your next session. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.
But I would highly, highly encourage you to bring friends or make friends if you want to make the most out of your Neverwinter experience.
This is a very good question, however the opportunity exists for this thread to get personal.
Let's keep the temperature down, as this is a topic, if handled with tact, can influence others that may not have thought of, or even knew about benefits of community and camaraderie that often is fed by the guild community.
Joining a guild can add years of enjoyment to a game for yourself, if you take the time to select the right one.
karischMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Whether you feel you need a guild or not is an entirely personal thing, if you only want one for the material benefits it gives you (if that game does do that) then i am sure there is such a guild out there to find.
However, for us (my guild) being part of it is about the socialisation and community within it, the kind of folks we try to attract are those that want the banter with other like minded folks. In fact if someone was to only put that they were looking to join for the material benefits the in game guild can give them, then we would decline their application in a heartbeat as that's not our kind of person and they would not fit in.
In Neverwinter i do not even know if there are such gains to be had from a guild within, as to be honest its the least of my personal requirements so i haven't even looked to see if there are any. I have been part of our community since 2006 and its like a second home, friendships are formed, good times are had, and i know many more will come in the future with these guys, that for me is reason enough to be a part of the guild. Its not everyone's cup of tea as they say, but that's ok cos we are all different and want different things out of our gaming time
The Lords of Light - A LGBT Friendly Guild {Social/PvE/Light RP/Events}
You can join or visit with us here.
A lot of players and guilds these days are more focused on self accomplishment though, so building those kinds of bonds just doesn't seem as important as it used to be. It tends to take a back seat to enjoying the game and sharing that experience with others, which really is a shame.
In the end, it's purely up to every individual as to how they wish to go about playing a game and also dependent on whether they even enjoy the game to begin with. Personally, I prefer being part of a guild when I know that I'll be playing a game for a long while.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
If you want to play with like-minded people and have fun with others, then yes, you need a guild.
Just because a guild is in this game, does not mean it wont expand or branch out into others you may be interested in playing aswell.
Good luck in life in general, you will need it if that post reflects your attitude in real life
A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)
For the rest of us, who don't play these games like its Mario Brothers, guilds are pretty much a necessity.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
1) Guilds will generally, by and large, run content better than the average PUG
2) Loot distribution is generally more fair and team oriented in a guild. For some this is a reason to not be in a guild.
3) Some guild run events and if you are into RP style of things or like the social aspects of an MMO then a guild is a good idea.
4) There are always those who will help in a guild, if and when you get stuck you have backup. From quests and group content to crafting, some do it better than others.
5) You never know what is down the road. Much better to be a part of a good group prior to something like guild ships or guild levels and perks coming into the game. That way you can all tackle it as a community rather than be some straggler out there with no home or allegiance.
Ask not what your guild can do for you, ask what you can do for your guild. If this doesn't make sense to you at this point and time, there's other perfectly acceptable ways to enjoy the game... such as play solo, play with PUGs, and/or other family and friends. Keep in mind some in guilds will often do the same things I prescribe here as well and enjoy playing with their guild mates. Haha hope this doesn't confuse you more!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Unless they require blood sacrifices or your first-born.
~Oscar Wilde~
"Look at what the Great Weapon Fighter can do, he's so OP!"
~Andy Velasquez~
Games like WoW give bonuses . . . sure . . . but really for players like myself I could care less about bonuses. It's the people that matter
I think there are expectations to belonging to a guild. Your guild members may feel offended if you don't play with them, for whatever reason. Someone in another guild may start a flame-war with your guild because you did something that offended them.
I've spent a few years playing in leagues/guilds. If you feel more comfortable needing a group around to play with, then that fits your playing style best. I'm all for guilds. I just don't fit the profile.
Figure out what you need/want from the game, then go from there.
This exact attitude is what is killing this industry.
I have been playing MMORPG's for the best part of 15+ years now and I can honestly say, they are not getting any better.
Might be time to start thinking about packing up the bat and ball and walk off the field with the memories of what once made MMORPG true MMORPGaming and truely great.
Take the community out of the MMORPG and what do you have? Single player action based platform games.......
I'm thinking long and hard about this post, and still coming up with "Huh?"
Guilds don't pay for MMORPGs. The solo player does.
Community matters, this is a moot point. But, if the singular player does not have fun and does not play, then the MMORPG fails.
I think the MMORPG industry is doing just fine. Just ask any of the players on Facebook playing a "free to play" game yet spending hundreds of dollars to play with their friends.
That is all some gamers know really to them that IS gaming. In fact, it gets even more extreme, I've heard this comment a few times:
"You know what I don't like about RPGs? You have to work to get to max level? Why is that? Why not just start the game at max? It makes no sense to me."
Anyone ever hear this kind of comment (or similar)?
Games have to cater kind of gamer though, they exist in vast number and they CANNOT tolerate having carrots to chase, they must consume them all as fast as possible, or they can't relax. I literally think knowing there's more XP and gear out there to get, causes them anxiety.
It explains why some of them crank at 90 hours a week until they cap, then of course complain that there's "nothing to do".
And I don't condone my play style over others, I do not. My "care bear" style leaves a lot to be desired, believe me!
But the thing about the hardcore power-gamer that kills me is that when you play this game like a console game or arcade game, you really miss a lot of what the design tries to encourage. It's like a Monty Haul campaign in D&D, sure it can be fun (I guess), but there's another element to the game that is ignored when you play that way.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
A city to protect
innocents to save
"Why?" They ask "they hate you"
We're heroes it's what we do.
*patiently waiting on Paragon City*
So what you are saying is that Platform and Flash player games are the way of the future? If so, why dilute the MMORPG scene with it? Just go play one of the umptenth-million of those other genre games and leave MMORPG's the hell alone.
As I said which you don't seem to understand, MMORPG's revolve around the requirement for participating in the community to achieve what you can't do solo, that is the point of playing an MMORPG, to group with other people. Take that away and whats the point?
This has been an age old argument for years now and we are just sitting back and watching as the producers keep on abusing it and it gets more and more watered down every year.
EQ1 and UO are still going, so I doubt if the single player doesn't have fun the game fails because your example has no proof of that. The only thing that allows a game to fail is how much profit the company chooses to spend to make.
Relax my friend.
I did quite well for awhile in City of Heroes (**** I miss that game) except that I worked the graveyard shift and could never connect with a like-minded group of people on the same server I played.
The OP was asking about the benefits of participating in this particular PC-based MMORPG.
Don't give him/her diatribe. Offer them helpful suggestions as to Why YOU think community is Good.
I think that's all they ask for.
Going at it solo is like showing up to a huge convention everyday, hoping that you get a good group of people to play with at your next session. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.
But I would highly, highly encourage you to bring friends or make friends if you want to make the most out of your Neverwinter experience.
Let's keep the temperature down, as this is a topic, if handled with tact, can influence others that may not have thought of, or even knew about benefits of community and camaraderie that often is fed by the guild community.
Joining a guild can add years of enjoyment to a game for yourself, if you take the time to select the right one.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
However, for us (my guild) being part of it is about the socialisation and community within it, the kind of folks we try to attract are those that want the banter with other like minded folks. In fact if someone was to only put that they were looking to join for the material benefits the in game guild can give them, then we would decline their application in a heartbeat as that's not our kind of person and they would not fit in.
In Neverwinter i do not even know if there are such gains to be had from a guild within, as to be honest its the least of my personal requirements so i haven't even looked to see if there are any. I have been part of our community since 2006 and its like a second home, friendships are formed, good times are had, and i know many more will come in the future with these guys, that for me is reason enough to be a part of the guild. Its not everyone's cup of tea as they say, but that's ok cos we are all different and want different things out of our gaming time
Recruitment is CLOSED!!