It was eight years ago that I began playing Bioware’s Neverwinter Nights, a time that seems both a long while ago and as near as yesterday. I have the moment nearly down to the day that I started playing because the summer of 2004 is eternally seared into my brain. But I’ll get to that in a minute.
I had been playing Diablo and Diablo 2 for a long time and had gotten a good taste of what role-playing in video games could be. Granted, neither of those titles are truly RPGs but they were enough to whet my appetite for the genre. In looking around, I stumbled onto Bioware’s Neverwinter Nights. I wish I could say that I was an old-fashioned tabletop gamer but, sadly, I was (and am) not. Still, I played through the first game and the fires were lit.
Finishing NWN 1, I wanted more and in my search, I found out about these mysterious things called persistent worlds. To say that a role-player was born is an understatement. From there, it was a natural progression to DM-led small group campaigns via Neverwinter Connections. By July of 2004, I was heavily immersed in both a persistent world and at least two small group weekly campaigns."
"Then the bottom dropped out of my world."
"In mid-August, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and to say that my world was rocked is an understatement. I struggled to maintain even a modicum of normalcy, which was difficult under the circumstances as I realized I would be facing multiple surgeries and months of chemotherapy all while trying to teach school and raise my then 2-year-old daughter. I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide, but life’s a funny thing. I grabbed onto anything that made me feel that everything wasn’t in turmoil, that maybe I had some stability even as my life spun out of control.
Neverwinter Nights became my savior in many ways. In blinding pain from surgeries or sick as a dog from chemo, I continued to play in my campaigns and on my persistent world. These were the places I was in control. I was healthy and strong. I was powerful and could save the world even if my now frail body in this world could not."
January 10, 2013
Ive followed Suzies columns since being a member of the forums and i like the way she writes> wow insperational how something as small as a videogame can be used to fight the good fight. Good health and god bless Suzie.
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