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The Endingdawn.

endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
edited October 2012 in Art and Fiction
A heavily cloaked man sat down at the counter of a tavern within the beautiful city of Calimport. From just looking at him people could see he wasnt very thick bodied. From what little the man did show was his arms, uncovered and showing the thin, but muscular forearm and bicep as his finely gloved hand reached for the mug of ale that he had asked the barkeep for. His face was hidden beneath the shadows of his cowl, all that was visible was those clear, peircing silver eyes and the thick locks of straight red colored hair, which seemed to be dyed to look closer to the color of blood then a flame.

"Where's the money for the drink boy." Said the Barkeep, Glaring at the Figure.

"What makes you think I'll give you any money for watered ale?" He moved his other arm and set a few copper coins on the bar before turning and surveying the growing crowd. Those silver eyes searching for someone in it. In Corner just to the right of the door sat a group of men, they looked like a group of ragged, poor cutthroats. One of them was gesturing as he spoke. The Cloaked figure could just make out the words said under the din

"So I stole something from one O' them Pasha's. Gotta away clean with it I did, Pungy

"You stole from who?"Exlaimed the man called Pungy" Are you completely insane. That man have you found Dont ye doubt." His hands going out wide as he stood and then pointed at the other man."It be best if ye returned it, or ye is gonna kill us all."

"I'm afraid its too late for that." Both the men looked over, The cloaked figure had snuck close while they werent paying attention and pulled off his hood, showing an Elven face, sharp and smooth without a hair to his face."The Pasha wants his Dagger back."

"Who the ell' are you?" Said the seated one who had claimed the theft. Pungy was just sitting there pale as an egg.

"Aint ye know? We are dead. Dead I tell ye. He be called the Endingdawn, for those pretty eyes be the last light ye will ever see."

"How correct you are." Murmered Endingdawn with a bit of Mirth as he drew a thin Dagger, its Hilt inlaid in gold."Now as I said. Give me the Dagger and I'll say your dead as a favor for giving me the item."

"Like ell' you would!" said the theif, practically yelling it as he stood, drawing a strange looking two pronged dagger."Ish Mine! I stole it fair and square!" Pungy just backed away before turning and run, not even noticing the wetness that grew between his legs.

Endingdawn took a moment to look his opponent over slowly and then smiled, the bulk of this man made the Dagger look more like a tooth pick, making Endingdawn wonder how in the world that man managed to sneak into a Pasha's Palace and steal it. Endingdawn shrugged as the theif came on, stabbing at Endingdawn clumsily and what seemed slowly.
Endingdawn parried the stab, blocking the dagger between the prongs. Then suddenly Endingdawn's dagger broke, clear in half and he blinked and jumped back glancing at his dagger.

"What in the name of the Abyss? this was enchanted." The dagger was sheared clean in half. Endingdawn sighed."I had just finished paying for this one. Galrick is going to kill me for breaking another one of his toys." He muttered.

The theif came on with a loud roar stabbing again for Endingdawn's gut. The elf twisted to the side and smacked the blunted blade of his dagger into the theif's eye, crushing the eyeball and cutting into the skull, making the theif howl in pain. Endingdawn crushed his other hand into a fist and slammed it into the man's solar plex, knocking the wind out of the man and making him drop the magical Dagger.

"Now you die for breaking my Dagger." He reached down and picked up that mystical item and walked over to the theif, coldly plunging the dagger into theif's other eye, all the way to the brain.

"B*stard." Endingdawn removes and wipes the blood off both daggers using the theif's shirt and stows them away, remembering to grab the other half of his broken dagger aswell.

"Back to Galrick, for my pay and my lecture. Stupid magic." He pulled his hood back up and left without much more than a word to anyone in the Tavern, who all had turned and watched when they heard the desperate theif's roar.

Endingdawn dawn made his way down the crowded streets, moving torward the place that was once the Palace of the Great Pasha Pook a century or two back. He headed inside with a nod to the begger sitting at the door, but everyone knew that the beggar was a guard. Its what they call on open secret. THe place was still practically destroyed, though the hallways and a few rooms were rebuilt. Endingdawn made his way to the room of the leader of this small guild and master magi Galrick proudfoot. Without really knocking Endingdawn made his way into the room, where he saw the Halfling mage looking over a scrying tool. The dimunitively short halfling looked at his subordinate in annoyance.

"You broke another one!" THe halfling practically screeched as Endingdawn's guilty face.

"Oh shut it Galrick. It wasnt my fault this time." Replied the Guilty elf.

"Oh its never your fault is it Logaine?" Muttered the Halfling.

"Do not call me that name. Im not the same person as the one who carried that name."

"Yur not? Your not Logaine Al'Tishara, the great Druid from the Moonwood, protector of the trees and its People? Please. You'll always be him. You just wont admit it."

Endingdawn glared at the Halfling, but then his shoulders slumped.

"Just leave it alone Galrick. Its hard enough with you reminding me every day."

"Sorry pal. Didnt mean anything by it."

"leave it be." Snapped Endingdawn, tossing the dagger on to the table.

"Okay, okay." muttered Galrick as he looked at the Dagger. He picked it up gingerly by the hilt and examined it with a nez peirce that was hanging from the collar of his white wizard robes."This is definately what broke your dagger, You see the between the prongs is a strong enchantment that seems to eat away at other things, more than likely there is an elemental or a devil sealed away in this thing."

Galrick moved over and placed the Dagger in Endingdawn's hand."Its yours now."

"What about returning it to the Pasha?"

"Thats easy." Grinned the Halfling." The Pasha is dead. And I have your next assignment. Your to head to Neverwinter."

Endingdawn blinked and digested the information. He hid the dagger away in a specially made loop within his heavy cloak."Whats the job, Where is Neverwinter, and can I have another Dagger to go with this one?"

The halfling glared at Endingdawn at the last part of that question and sighed."There is a dagger with a flame dweomer in the armory, take one of the many swords there aswell while your at it. Your job is to aid the City of Neverwinter, the city that got hit by a Primordial, if Our links to Bregan D'aerthe are believeable, against the Lich known as Valindra Shadowmantle. A minion of Thay who wishes to complete the Dread Ring there."

"Valindra. . ." Endingdawn straightened. He had a bone to pick with that one who had caused him to go insane from torture to learn his secrets, morphing him him for a time, into a red dragon, which would explain the color of his hair. But that was many years ago, and he had recieved help from the Abolithic sovrienty, who he served for a time. Slowly, he had regained some measure of sanity, but at the cost of his druidic power."So she is a Lich now. This is getting better."

"I knew you would like that my old friend."

"When do I leave?"

"Right now, your pack is ready in your room. Get your weaponry and go. There is a caravan heading north to Luskan, from there seek out your contacts and find a caravan to Neverwinter."

"See you around Galrick." Endingdawn said with a grin, turning and leaving the room, heading to his own quarters and picking up the said supplies and then to the armory to get his weaponry.

"I'de best hurry. This is going to be a long trip. But the prize at the end is worth it."

Endingdawn made his way out of the city, quickly and quietly. When he reached the caravan he learned he was signed on as a guard. Declining a seat on on of the wagon's he pulled a figurine from a pouch at his belt. It looked to be a hunting cat, birthed in flame. He tossed it to the ground and the figurine changed, growing into a giant sized silver cat, whos paws, shoulders, and hindquarters were alight with black flame. A Denzien of one of the lower planes of the Nine Hells. He mounted up and Rode rear guard as the Caraven went on its way, to Neverwinter, to his Revenge.

(I Hope you all Like my first Post for my New Character. People who wish to join in and Roleplay (Simple chatter, not fighting feel free to post in. Anyone who has OOC (Out of Character) Comments please put them in ( ). Enjoy. My next peice will come soon.)
Post edited by endingdawn on


  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    (i got somewhat confused about this character, basicly, he was tree hugging elf but now he's a mercenary or what?)
    I am inactive and I know it
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    (i got somewhat confused about this character, basicly, he was tree hugging elf but now he's a mercenary or what?)

    (Kind of. Because of the Sovereignty, the way he thought about the world around him had changed to how they wanted him to think, but as his sanity came back, so did small fragements of his past, which in turn caused him to abandon the Abolithic Soverienty.)
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    endingdawn wrote: »
    (Kind of. Because of the Sovereignty, the way he thought about the world around him had changed to how they wanted him to think, but as his sanity came back, so did small fragements of his past, which in turn caused him to abandon the Abolithic Soverienty.)
    (well thank you for shedding light on this subject. Your character seems to be an interesting fellow, looking forward for next part/more of our conversation in tavern!)
    I am inactive and I know it
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Heh heh! Enjoyed it. The start was quite a tale.

    But to be honest, I felt more sympathetic towards that theif or some reason. Maybe the elf came out a little cruel, don't know if it was intentional but it was certainly enjoyable :)
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Heh heh! Enjoyed it. The start was quite a tale.

    But to be honest, I felt more sympathetic towards that theif or some reason. Maybe the elf came out a little cruel, don't know if it was intentional but it was certainly enjoyable :)

    (Logaine doesnt really care for those who break his toys, and he has a very bad habit of somehow finding a way to break magically durable weapons often.)
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    (well thank you for shedding light on this subject. Your character seems to be an interesting fellow, looking forward for next part/more of our conversation in tavern!)

    (No Problem. And if you dont know. the Abolithic Soverienty are very powerful Psonics, so they were easily able to begin the process of easing the insanity and restoring him to his past form, though the left enough of the insanity to keep him their puppet, and after a few years they stopped caring about what he thought to himself, for they had altered his personality enough to where he was grateful and left them be when he disappeared from their service. Though how will always be a secret, some say that the Soverienty let him go on purpose.)
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    The caravan took its time getting itself to Luskan, and for the Elven fighter it was not a fun time for him. He sat there always the rear guard, keeping to himself, riding that mystical flaming cat as his steed. The caravan had gifted Endingdawn with an Ebon wood longbow, which he kept strung and on his lap.

    Finaly the gates of Luskan appeared before him. Dismounting, the Elf recalled his demonic steed to its stone form and hid it away. Endingdawn pulled up his hood as he walked into the city, taking care to hide his hair from the guards. The name Endingdawn was known here aswell, and the Ships had it out for him. Some reputation eh?

    The Elf slipped was way to the docks while the caravan was stocking up for the final leg of their journey into the area of Neverwinter Woods. Endingdawn sat down at a certain point on one of landing platforms and waited. Several minutes passed before a scruff, downtrodden looking human pirate sat down beside the cloaked elf.

    "Do you have the rest of my assignment?"

    "Wo'ld I be he're iffin' I dont?" snapped the pirate before place a parcel on the elf's lap and standing."Get ye gone. Effor the ships be knowin' ye are in Luskan." And he walked away.

    "Thanks old man."

    Endingdawn smiled, he had always liked the old man and his completely fake accent. He found it to be very entertaining to hear. Endingdawn held the parcel and opened it, reading the letters and recognising Galrick's Handwriting.

    'Dear Logaine.
    Yes. I adress you now as Logaine Al'Tishara, because that will be your alias while within the walls of Neverwinter. This is not up to discussion and comes as a order from my boss. and you know that I told him it would be a bad Idea, but he was adamant! What a jerk! Well anyways, just take it easy and use just your first name if you really have to. The folks of Neverwinter probably wont even know who you really are anyways, so whats the harm?

    Your friend
    Galrick the Halfmage
    P.S. How do you like my pun of a title? pretty snazzy right?'

    Endingdawn was frowning, his mood darkened, but he could not help but smile and the patheticaly sad wit of his halfling friend. He stowed away the note and headed back torwards the caravan, only to be stopped by a pair of burly looking pirates with each holding a sword in a hand. The Elf arched his brow.

    "Whe're do ya think ye're goin'?" Asked the pirate to the left.

    "To see our captain hopefully." Chortled the one to the right.

    "How about You didnt see me, and you both get to live." Replied Endingdawn, settling his hands on the hilts of his dagger and sword, which both were tethered to his belt.

    Both of the pirates laughed. "Ship Baram be lookin for ye're head elfie." Said the one on the left, making the one on the right laugh.

    "elfie. . bwahaha."

    Endingdawn sighed softly and started to draw his weapons as both the men came forward, stabbing for his gut. The elf twirled to his left as his sword glides for Leftie's throat, causing the man to jump back, only to have rightie pull up and bring it back down in an overhead chop. Endingdawn, pivoting his right arm and deflects the down coming blade with his dagger, the one from the armory. And its dweomer began to take effect, heating the blade in contact with it, making Rightie, drop the weapon.

    (Sorry folks Part 2 will be continued later on)
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    (ungh, another elfie hunted by Ship Rethnor...
    and while we're at it i do know that abolithic soverienty are powerful psionics)
    I am inactive and I know it
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    (WHat? I couldnt think of any ship other than Renthor and Kurth, and I didnt want to use kurth.)
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    (at least in 1372DR there were five Ships : Rethnor, Baram, Kurth, Suljack and Taerl, if i remember correctly Ship Suljack was removed but im not entirely sure about it, others should be still active or then i've missed something important)
    I am inactive and I know it
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    (at least in 1372DR there were five Ships : Rethnor, Baram, Kurth, Suljack and Taerl, if i remember correctly Ship Suljack was removed but im not entirely sure about it, others should be still active or then i've missed something important)

    (Thanks. Now im going to eddit and use Taerl or Baram instead. I was suljack was still around, that one would have been perfect)
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    "You two really shouldnt have bothered me." said the Elf dully as he spun counterclockwise, his cloak flying from his form as his sword takes Rightie in the throat. The Elf's other weapon, working practically on its own from its counterpart, slashed into the thumb of Leftie's sword hand, causing another weapon to clang to the ground as Leftie Howled in pain, looking at his hand.

    The stench of burning flesh filled the air as the cut on Leftie's thumb started to bubble and boil, the dweomer from the dagger heating his skin to a liquid form.

    The Elf, getting annoyed with all the yelling, his mouth twiching to a frown as his sword, a fine looking falchion with grey wrappings and a white jewel on its dark hilt, took the mans head off. Once again the Elf wipes his blades of the blood using the very bodies they came from before sheathing them away.

    The elf turned and searched for his cloak. People could see what he wore now and most would be impressed. From what could be seen he wore no actual armor, but a fine tabard of a silken mesh, colored silver and trimmed in a gold script, weaving words of arcane into the cloth; His leggings were of a soft leather, fitting him perfectly without stretch or tear in the material; his boots ran up to mid calf, dyed many times over the color of silver and made from a supple leather, more than likely drow made and magically modified; on each of his biceps were metalic armbands, bronze in make but scrolled with the language of the arcane, matching the bands that sat on his wrists aswell; The only plain item on his person was the simple old, badly kept belt he wore.

    Quickly the Elf returned his cloak to its former position and pulled on his hood. Now that his work in Luskan was done he planned on laying low in the caravan. Making his way back to the wagons he slipped inside one and sat down, closing his eyes and forcing a reverie upon himself to get some rest he would need it soon enough.

    When he awoke several hours later the caravan had already left Luskan. The Elf made his way to the front of the wagon and spoke to the driver.

    "How many hours out are we?"

    The driver turned and smiled, it was a woman, the one who had first offered to have him sit beside her on the wagon when they first left. After so long, it was the first time the Elf actually noticed the woman. The first time he noticed her thick bouncing curls of auburn hair, framing that chubby cute smile on her face and those deep blue eyes. He had also noticed that though the woman had some girth to her, it was in an attractive way. And by the way she acted, she knew men found it attractive.

    "It's only been 'bout 4 or so hours since we left Luskan. Dont you being worrying about the rear guard, the boss sent someone else out until we camp for the night." She smiled sweetly at him and patted the empty seat next to her.

    The elf thought for a moment before drawing his hood down and taking the seat next to her, Making her smile all the more sweet."

    "I do not think I know your name sir, I dont think anyone does."

    "Thats because they dont." He replied crypticly "My name is Logaine, and thats all that I care to give at this moment."

    "Well Logaine no-name. I hope you'll keep me safe for the rest of the journey, I'm Aleria."

    Logaine smiled at Aleria, placing an arm around the woman.

    "I dont have a problem with that. Not at all Aleria."
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    (Doing a bit more research for this last part that will bring my Elf to the Tavern where he meets up with all the others. Hope you all dont mind the wait.)
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    endingdawn wrote: »
    (Doing a bit more research for this last part that will bring my Elf to the Tavern where he meets up with all the others. Hope you all dont mind the wait.)

    (nono, take your time take your time. Theres no need to hurry. Heck i've had over one week of break in Thaix's back ground (which is not as well made as yours in my opinion) story, I just write it when i feel like it, not cause it "needs" to be done.

    P.S. no problem about those Luskan Ships)
    I am inactive and I know it
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2012
    Yawning. Logaine rubbed his eyes and sat up, taking in his surroundings groggily. He was sleeping inside one of the wagons, beside him was that human girl he had found so pretty. He looked at her as he thought to himself.

    'I cannot remember the reason why I still come to her bed each night. I grew bored after the first few hours.'

    It has been more than a week since they had left Luskan and the Elf was starting to wonder if the caravan had gotton lost, though he knew not the distance to Neverwinter City. He continued to think about the trip so far as he dressed in his clothing, belting his weapons and strung the ebony wood bow he carried. Ignoring the pleas to return to the bed of the now awake woman, he exited the wagon and started walking torwards the wilderness, not even stopping as he spoke.

    "Im going to go hunt something. All of this watching is getting boring."

    The sentry just nodded, it wasnt the first time the Elven warrior had gone out to find something exciting.

    "Bring us back a boar or something this time."

    Logaine laughed as he gave a small wave before disappearing into the brush without much more than a rustle. He moved along quite stealthily for someone who was wearing a cloak that could snag easily. He saw a fire burning some ways off. He grinned in anticipation.

    "Bandits I hope." He murmered as he set off torwards the camp with haste, unstringing the bow as he walked and stashed it in the quiver, finding that killing someone with a bow wasnt very fun. For the moment he only drew the curved dagger that held the fiery spirit within. He came quickly within sight of the fire and blinked in surprise.

    For within the camp were robed folk of assorted races and gender. From what he could recognise he saw three males, a dwarf, a human, and a teifling. Females he could recognise. three humans, two teiflings and an Elf. Logaine blinked again. Why would an Elf be with such an odd looking group. But he blinked a third time when four hulking demons walked torwards the fire. It took but a single look at their red skin and canine snouts to know that they were Malebranche.

    "Damn. War demons. This might actually be fun."

    There was a rustle to Logaine's left and he lashed out impaling a small creature to the tree. It was an imp, and it was still alive.

    "Ah hell." Was all he could say before the little monster cried out.

    "Spy! A spy has invaded the camp." Was all it could say before a magically enhanced fist smashed into its face. The power of his armlets kicking in. Logaine removed the dagger from the bloody mess of the imp's corpse and removed his cloak. But instead of going for the Falchion at his hip. He went into a pouch within the tabard he wore and withdrew a few pellets, closing his eyes as he threw them into the fire pit these people had made, causing a loud explosion and a bright flash. Without opening his eyes, Logaine burst into the open and drew his falchion, twisting and turning his way through the group, his dagger and falchion slashing at where people had once been. Logaine opened his eyes to be standing infront of a dazed and very large Malebranche.

    Behind him those in robes were crying out, some in surprise at the cuts in the arms and sides, some in pure agony as the flame dweomer of his dagger melted their flesh. But what Logaine heard most loudly was the cry of a minor Malebranche that he had cut with his Falchion, whos hunger for fiery blood he could now feel.

    Logaine had little time to contemplate this new developement as the large Malebranche, now revived from its daze, drew a wicked looking longsword from his belt and a heavy metalic sheild off its back and charged the opponent, a wicked excited grin on its face as it sheild rushed the elf. Logaine dodged to the right, coming out of the twist with a strike to its unguarded side only to connect with a sheild! The greater malebranche had switched places with a minor one who wasnt dazed. The minor Malebranche swung his sword and Logaine, who on instinct dived to the side, slamming into a tree. But Logaine did not escape unharmed, he had been nicked on the shoulder by the sword, dropping both weapons Logaine cried out in pain as his arm spasmed. There must have been magic in the Malebranche's foul weapon.

    "Ah hell. . . Done in by a few lousy demons. . . Galrick would kick my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> if he found out."

    Logaine would have said more, spat in the demon's face as it drew close for the kill, but his eyes fell heavily and he slipped into blackness.

    And awoke with a start, sitting up straight then grasping his arm as it groaned in pain. He blinked through it before looking around. He was in a wagon, his arm bandaged and his gear next to him. He pulled his tabard and armlets on before peaking out of the wagon and blinked. Several miles off was a town, not just any town, Neverwinter City. He wondered how he got back to the Caravan, and he even asked a few people. They just said a cloaked stranger had placed him in the wagon and left. He sighed.

    "great, now I owe someone and I do not even know who they are. Thanks gods. Your killing me all the more." He muttered sarcastically as he armed and cloaked himself, summoning his nightmarish mount and rode to the city, intending to find an Inn and some Ale to drink.

    (Thanks for being patient with me. I hope you all liked this final part of The Endingdawn's trip into Neverwinter)
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2012
    816 veiws of this. ^^ And its my first real character story I've written. I cant help but feel proud. Than you all for reading. Dont hesitate on giving an opinion, well dont if its trashing it too much. :P
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    endingdawn wrote: »
    816 veiws of this. ^^ And its my first real character story I've written. I cant help but feel proud. Than you all for reading. Dont hesitate on giving an opinion, well dont if its trashing it too much. :P

    Keep up the good work! (if I wasn't accidentally locked out of the main forums temporarily I would have thanked you sooner!)
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    I like it !
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2012
    I am now a very proud owner of a Neverwinter Beta Key!!!! Thank you Pac.
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Have fun with your beta key!
    And also, its only natural that texts which are well made gets views
    I am inactive and I know it
  • endingdawnendingdawn Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2012
    Thought to give a little bit of info of what Logaine carries. Inspired to do so like Thiax

    Main-Hand: A Falchion type sword, a wide flat blade that curved, much like a scimitar, The blade made from what looks to be silver. It's guard is but a simple cross with made of a dark metal with beautiful white gem in its center. Wrapping around the handle was a grey colored wrapping. During his time on the road Logaine discovers that his sword is a Firebrand meaning that its a weapon ment to fight demon or devas who are of a fiery origin, though he has yet to discover what it actually is yet, hes just on a hunch.

    Off-Hand: A simple curved dagger, no guard to it, its handle wrapped in simple brown leather. The only thing thats really out of the ordinary is at the base of the blade, right above the leather handle. A fiery symbol of arcane, showing that a spirit is contained within and grants this weapon its deadly magic.Which is to say that it will char the area around the cuts, sometimes even burning things till they bubble and turn to liquid. This depends on the spirit within. There are even times when the dagger will merely give you a slight burn. The weapon's dweamor can be used ten times before it must recharge for several days. But if you do not exhaust it. it will fully recharge within twelve hours, depending on the number of charges used.

    Armbands: metalic armbands on the biceps, bronze in make but scrolled with the language of the arcane, matching the bands that sat on his wrists aswell These bronze bands are basicly Athrogate's Belt of Giant Strength. But you must be wearing all four bands for the magic to work.

    Tabard: a fine tabard of a silken mesh, colored silver and trimmed in a gold script, weaving words of arcane into the cloth. The arcane words weave a Stoneskin spell into his tabard, using the activation word. The tabard will become harder than cured Umber Hulk hides for a total of twenty minutes. Recharge time is five hours. The spell can be deactived with the use of the activation word. Each time it is deactived one minute is taken off the timer for the spells activation. The spell will not recharge until spent completely.

    Leggings: Simple soft leather, fitting him perfectly without stretch or tear in the material No magical effect to them.

    Boots: mid calf, dyed many times over the color of silver and made from a supple leather, drow made and magically modified to aid with stealth.

    Cloak: A heavy cloak that covers his whole body from head to toe when he wears the hood. The hood itself has a spell that hides the face of the wearer, but only within the hood will it be hidden. Beyond that. This item has no magical effects.
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Very good job, more editing for me cause i forgot boots.
    Thanks Endingdawn.
    I am inactive and I know it
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I read Jades story so came back to read yours very nice, I wouldn't have guessed this is the first time you write something of this nature. Well done!
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • end1ngd4wnend1ngd4wn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Hey everyone. This is Endingdawn. had problems with my old account so I created a new One. I will be using this one for the Stone tavern and everything else. Back to the Roleplay!!! -Your weird Red haired elf.))))
  • jadescimitarjadescimitar Member Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Welcome back!

    It would seem that most of us have taken another route in our creativity and have turned to graphic arts and creating our forum signatures for now. Story telling perhaps a little bit later.

    This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
    Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
    | R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
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