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I AM...I was

Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
edited September 2012 in Art and Fiction
The young fellow going to Neverwinter thinks about how one hand could clap if one learned how to listen to what other never hear...and suddenly, it happened.

Suddenly, I realize who I am.

I mean who I AM. The word, the name, the making......

Odd, it seems like I just started in that last incarnation, being a githzerai monk also in these realms (but further away than here.) Then again, this is one of the younger times I have achieved enlightenment to the self of my true being. After all, I'm an attendant, cop, monk, cleric, and that Gith monk....

And a rarity it is that I remember so much and many of my former lives so quickly. From what I remember from when I remember, I know I remember I had these past lives but never know how much or many I will remember. I seem to sense I know at least half of them if not more.

Ahh, possibly a higher reasoning faculty than most...clothing with many hidden pockets, and...yes, a spell-book. I thought as much, I'm a exceptional person of my race in this incarnation and some form of intelligence-based magnus, likely wizard. Well, they're going to want to know my "this life" name, let's see, the runic script mark says something to the likes of "Argenas." No. I get he's trying to go all wizardy when all he..I...studied was Arcana, but I'm going with my belief. I'll be known as truthseeker, and if I end up next week as a kender in...by the Way of all, the Cataclysm?! I was in Krynn too? And why do I feel strange all of the sudden...Oh, I'm supposed to learn by not remembering any of this at this time...pity, I would have loved to remember the Dragonlance longer....

The male experienced what seemed like a "flash behind his eyes," and completely lost his trail of thoughts.

Now what was I...right Entering Neverwinter soon! I'm sure a recently completed training magnus of my skill can find a patron or job quickly enough. Maybe I'll even try that adventurer thing all those people keep gossiping about. Argenas the spell-quick as a moniker perhaps? No, no, it should be something that reflects finding out things, like peeling away layers of mystery and misdirection to get to the core of life's....what? Of course! Truth! We all have truths that affect our personal meanings, and I can make my truth to look how everybody's truth connects! Then I have an adventuring name I'm sure will get me noticed! from now on I will go as truthseeker! No capitalization, just simple scripting, to remind me that the journey to the meaning is key, not me itself as important! Yeah, humility and intelligence and arcana triad of support! I'm surprised I didn't figure this out before!

And so the male enters Neverwinter, beginning a new adventure, and a brief moment of Satori.
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  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    *eight months later*

    the truthseeker didn't expect to be where he was, but isn't that what adventuring if not all of life is? Here he was as a "regular" in a bar...err, tavern. Well, he was a step waway from publicly running the place, not that he'd admit that was ever an option. His "security" was as far as he liked to show his "involvement" with the "owner." If people realized how "close" they were, the balance and buffers lost could be...unsettling.

    But another patron called him for a few hours today...

    Odd, I just had a feeling like I forgot something...for a while now, but it's gone again. Well, I'm sure I'll remember if the time is right. For now, off to the next adventure and a bit of glory in between....
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