Looking at stars in space one knows that heavenly bodies in the heavens invite everyone, but the intimidating backdrop of unknown – 'the great dark' serves to balance the hopes with fear. It can be seen as a representation of the human mind itself. The nature governs the heavens the same as it governs the human mind. The stars appear and disappear at will like memories. With enough patience and will, even the most evasive of stars or memories can be searched. The great dark in human mind is unknown.
"I will give you this wisdom. Go out and know. You are my best student but you must become a better human being. Don't let the knowledge evade you. It is your enemy. It must be found out." These words were ringing in mind, but I don't remember who said those.
In order to search memories or stars, a complex pattern is required - constellations for stars. For human mind, complex patterns are already hard coded to look through the past which has been cloaked, faked and locked in a spiral of layers – with each layer requiring a key of time and a blueprint to wade through enormous sea of false information. A perfect key exists for each lock - incorrect key misleads the seeker with incorrect answers. If one seeks the right question, has the will and the patience for the answer, it will be rewarded. Questions like, ‘how deep is space?’ or ‘where does the heavens end?’ are black holes which must be avoided and the right question must be asked.
And the right question right now is – Where am I?
The situation I am in appears to be amnesia and I can only ask questions like ‘who I am’ or ‘where I am’. I know the fact that I have taught myself to look at stars and navigate. But I dont know where to navigate to ... But I am hungry so I was able to find the town. I must have a very strong sense of smell to be able to reach here after walking for 20 miles. And now nothing can come between the sweet smell of hot waffles and me!
"Can I have one of those, please?"
The waffle keeper took one look at me. The waffles are crying in the prison. Even the bars of the prison have left deep imprint on their face. They want FREEEDDDOOOMMM!!!(in my stomach
![:o :o](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/open_mouth.png)
"Here you go. But do you have any money on you?"
Money? The word sounds like something I used to love... is it my lover? But why is he asking about my lover? I made an expression of
![:confused: :confused:](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/confused.png)
"I can't give you food without money? You can have bread though."
Huh? he wants to take money from me? I don't know what money is but even thinking of giving it away is making me extremely angry. Just then I saw a thief run by and a policeman following him. "Activate inventory!" The policeman drew out a sword from the space. It looked like a spell... can I do the same?
Waffles Vs Bread ... ... ... ... I must!
"Activate inventory!"
Everyone around me ducked. I put my hand inside the dimensional window and searched ... It was empty except for... I took it out.
The expression of the shopkeeper was that of a scared monster bullied by adventurers. He was muttering gibberish under his breath "omg! this one is not an npc!" though I couldn't follow it.
"You can keep this" I handed him an egg.
He was a bit relieved but then his expression changed from shock to :eek: awe. "This is egg of Youth! And your rags... you must be the representative of light! Did it come from old hag"
huh? egg of youth. Must be in my inventory to dupe innocent civilians. What a terrible person I was... I mean I am. So I am a conman by profession. Should I con the shopkeeper with the egg? The shopkeeper has decided to con it to old hag. Maybe I will follow him and mug him of the egg when I can find who his customer is... Arrggg.... doesnt matter, right now I want waffles.
"Here! Please keep it. It is yours to keep. And have as much food... any food you like. It's on me. In return I have a small errand... I mean quest for you. Can you meet me after I close my shop?"
What? free waffles? Yes! Now nothing can come between me and my waffles!
![:D :D](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/grin.png)
I am Happy Today!
... ... ... ... ... ...
Arrggghhh! This is serious! The cold weather is entering my head! If only I was not lured by waffles!
... ... ... ...
hah! Like that could happen!
huh! I just felt as if someone is staring at me? Can I feel something like that? That is very convenient if that is true! If someone was checking me out I could easily know their interest without looking at them! So I must confirm. Even if I am wrong, I won't embarrass myself at this lonely place.
"Hey there! Who are you and why are you staring at me? Its lonely you can talk here, I could use a company." I blurted out expecting silence.
Sometimes the most beautiful of things happen are when you try to check you paperbag while you are sure, that you have eaten the sixth of six waffles you brought, only to find a seventh. I could identify with such a feeling right now.
"When did you know? Nevermind. You must be the one I was here to meet."
Ah! So this is the guy! He is late! The reason I was almost bored to death! "You are late!" But where the hell is he? His voice is coming from everywhere.
"No I was on time. I just concealed my presence to test your skills. I stopped my breath and heartbeat for twenty minutes. But I needed to breath faintly just now and you were able to detect me. You must be very skilled."
He was here for so long a time? And stopped what? He must be a psycho. Did I eat a cursed waffle like the one snow white ate from her stepmother? Was that a waffle? Anyway... I must be careful dealing with him. "Who are you?"
"Well, I am the most evil dark death assassin there is. I kill others when they don't know what is coming to them. I kill them so quickly in an evil way. In short anything evil there can be."
Evil... suddenly I got shudders and hair on my back stood up. I felt familiarity of that word... had I been tortured before? Is the trauma coming back up... the knowledge is so evident as I just lived through all that in a moment of memory... wait!! he said he kills others only when they don't know. "So you won't kill me as I know that death could be coming from you"
"Well, yes I am not planning to kill you evilly. I have laid waste to towns without anyone knowing their neighbors were dead. Even I was afraid I had to cut you neck and drink your blood..."
"Wait what??? You call that evil? I thought by evil you mean to # $ % @ and then cast water breathing on a snail and then put it @ # $ % and then cast heal on the wound @ # $ % and then cast poison, bane, curse and energy drain, then cast harm (and just in case - remove paralysis), contagion and then after having a cup of tea, cast close wounds, heal and cure. The command and cast symbol of fear, pain and weakness, and then cast soundburst... aww I am bored, just cast slay living and raise the undead, put up the holy aura and stand near ... maybe a bless, prayer would do good, have never tried that... you there?"
Apparently the guy had fainted. Poor assassin, has no idea of being evil. The evil was probably the key... the blueprint to my memory. I remembered the spells cast against me by someone... someone I really hate and fear. Who is this person? Anyways. Poor assassin had no idea that life can be more eil than death. Please great light forgive me for corrupting his innocence... was the assassin he or she? The voice was... ambiguous.
And I remembered the warning the jailer of the waffle beings gave me, "You are the opposite of what that person stands for. I am quite sure you represent light of mercy, please don't clash your ideologies with that person. I could be dangerous." I hope he is not cross that I didn't follow his advice. Maybe he is most evil. For who would keep so sweet and cute waffles in prison!
... ... ... ...
The cold is getting to my head again. Even I don't understand what I am thinking anymore. Well, I will just drag his body with me to the caravan. The waffle keeper already gave me some money.
... ... ....
Wait! Where the hell is he???
"Ha ha ha!" he started laughing hard. "You can't just walk to Neverwinter. You will have to walk a whole month just to climb over the mountain, assuming you survive the whole ordeal."
"So what do you suggest. How do people here go to Neverwinter?"
"There used to be a mage here who used to teleport people to Neverwinter but he disappeared a while ago. Trade and contact with the city has ceased since."
"Mage? A wizard or a sorcerer?" It matters a lot. You see, wizards are careful in their planning. Nothing goes wrong because they simulate the ****-ups many times in their minds and make sure they don't ****-up. Sorcerers on the other hand are more spontaneous. They would act with a yee-haw!!! to spells and may be casting for first time without much idea, but act like it is so easy and nothing they do ever goes wrong (usually). So I would rather prefer a wizard - though teleportation is a high level spell.
"I don't know. Why don't you check the ruins on the outskirts of the village. You will find his home and you can check yourself. He had an apprentice too. Funny fellow! When I first asked for his name, he said he was wizard's apprentice! Haha using such archaic terms!"
Looks like gatekeeper was bored standing here all day. Suddenly all his sentences started to end with exclamation marks. It appeared to me that this person was bored and he would start telling me the meanings of his mother's lullabies he listened to when he was small. Poor fellow. If I had to stand on a door all day and do nothing but stand in armor... in metal armor which gets so cold in snow (brrrhhhh) I might decide to become some ultimate demon king to escape the cold armor. I can certainly sympathize, but of-course, I can't take pity on him to entertain him. So I cut his sentence short, "Thanks a lot! That did be all!" I tried to end my sentences with exclamations also to display my comradeship of the 'Exclamation mark society of bored people' to soften the blow... I was feeling guilty after-all.
So I started to find this wizard. I was passing through the woods when suddenly I felt my power waning from me. I could sense something nearby... something foul... yes I think it was foul. It felt nostalgic but my skin started to burn, like an allergy. Allergic reactions are very difficult to get rid of. Although I don't remember much of my past, I remember meeting a person who was allergic to dust. The place we were living was very green and without dust. However something changed and the next I remember are scenes where I met him... full of fire, smoke and blood. Next I remember is him closing himself in a room and throwing a bucket of water near door whenever it was opened. I believe it was to remove the dust from air outside. I also remember that color of water turned reddish later... And next I remember is him hanged in his room... suicide I guess. Well, war has many victims, it is best to avoid them. However, the business at hand was urgent to take care of. I don't want to suffer allergic reactions which can change people so much.
When I entered a clearing, I saw a young boy, holding a knife in his hand and kneeling before a 9 foot tall handsome creature. He had black scales instead of skin and had blue and red eyes. Ah! He must be the wizard and his apprentice! Because of amnesia, I had momentarily forgotten how wizards look like. I thought they were delicate creatures with small waists. I guess I was wrong. They have wings, horns and look very strong. Must be hard getting girls of this height I guess. Anyway lets concentrate on the business at hand. I had already asked the gatekeeper about how to greet a wizard. So I decided to introduce myself.
"Well met my friend! Accept my humble greetings with praises for Mystra."
"Friend? You dare call the mighty Molikroth your friend!"
"Sorry, I was a little too forward. haha. By the way, nice tattoos. I have studied the art of tattoos myself, but I thought them to be too painful to have so I decided against it." I was desperate to carry on conversation. I was told that the wizard was very indifferent and not always willing to help people. I have to make it in this interview. Gotta get attention while being subtle.
"What? You can read my runes??!! What in the nine hells is this..."
Ah! good. Wizards are supposed to be reclusive. Finally I got him interested in my conversation. A fine development indeed. Must carry it on. "Ah! Are they supposed to be magical? But it doesn't seem like a spell. Just a name. It says Meph... please turn other side."
"Damn you! And the human sacrifice. I shall return!"
What? He teleported himself? Was I not subtle enough? Did I come through as too intimidating, or annoying? *sigh* Oh! at least the apprentice is here. He will know where the wizard teleported himself.
"WHAT have you DONE??!! My only change at ceremony of a warlock... Now he will never return!"
What did the apprentice say? Never return? Come on. I wasn't that annoying! That anti-social %^&*&^% wizard! If I lay my hands on him ...
Well then I will ask him to teleport me. He did seem good at teleporting himself. Though why do I smell sulfur?
[complete -> ok, i admit. warlock looks fun :-) ]
Instead of a dark mage, how about a dark pact warlock worshiping the dark and shadows?
Now we have a mage who can heat waffles while pressing the dough in a forcefield.
Thought I would put a bit more to the story and do some explanations first:-
PC has the alignment of lawful good; but unknown to all in reality, his true alignment is a true neutral. PC wakes up with amnesia and is good at tracking [with stars].
PC is overpowered but has all the powers sealed up (besides being unmotivated to do things beyond selfish concerns). PC went through a hell of a life but has lost the memories, but has faint flashbacks whenever something known happens around pc.
In previous life pc was a cleric and representative of good and lawful, but pc's teacher did his utmost to hide this from everyone. This was because pc had a lot of talent and teacher thought that rather than waste that talent to evil, why not put it to use (teacher was neutral good and hid his/her unlawful part well).
Being a hypocrite even to oneself, pc tried to find the pleasure in the sanctuary of waffles and a deep love with waffles started. Eating waffles in that town/church etc became famous as pc was the guardian of clerics - it became synonymous as donuts with cops (or something similar). Then something happened...
Assassin like to call himself dark/evil etc because of all the guilt built up due to his profession. In reality he is lawful good, though he thinks he is chaotic evil. Over the course, being shown true evil, I plan he will switch to good-neutral (hope neverwinter online has alignment change with story). I guess he will start as a evil rogue then become good rogue later and even lawful [maybe he can set up a cabal with strict laws written down for their secret order]
As of now, he is somewhere fainted, however his hide skill is very high so he couldn't be detected and was left behind by pc.
Third is mage who wants to kill himself to reincarnate as a warlock.
And the devil he wants to form contract with is Mephisto...
This is because this wizard has low intelligence but high charisma ()... and seems to have blood of dragons [*sigh*]
Fourth would be a fighter. This fighter is using two handed lonswords instead of shield and sword, however, gets easily entangled with the swords. So goodnaturedly, the pc suggests using other weapon. However, the fighter wants to be a knight and wants a weapon to slash heads while *riding* the horse (means he has a higher rank) = lawful neutral.
So pc suggests trying halbred and other two handed weapons. It seems the fighter takes a liking to scythe... however armor and scythe dont go toghether well and people think him to be weird...
oh i forgot to add... he doesnt take off full plate as otherwise he will cut his own neck with his scythe...
It started quite well but soon the characters stopped talking to me.
Feel free to use in your work. But please quote the love for warm waffles if you do
Nooooo! Where else will waffles inspire us?!
Wait, how *long* did you hear this "character" "talking" to you? Did it say to kill the President?
haha! well I usually make up a character and a setting, and then leave the character there like a lion cub. Everything else just kind of happens. Its like a dream with open eyes. Problem is that everything happens so fast that it is sometimes hard to type.
That way I enjoy writing stories because I don't know myself what will happen next. Sometimes a character I like and think is protagonist becomes antagonist and unlikeable later. That is why I enjoy writing stories.
I liked the character because he was quite similar to me, but it was also after I started writing it, I switched to 4e - not the ruleset I mean, the fantasy thing - so Mystra is dead so should their followers etc... That destroyed my old 3.5e-verse and it became muddy. And the new 4e verse didn't adjust well to story.
Eventually the line went dead...
Its not yet released. There is some info when it will be, what will be it like.
Check this thread for more info:
Wait, you don't have waffle mini games?
How blasphemous! Do you think I would create a situation where there is a possibility for me to LOOSE a waffle!!!
Rather, by eating waffles side by side in minigames - all the games would be waffle games where you get a waffle irrespective of your win or loss.
I'll understand if you accidentally think that's a compliment instead of a statement of simple fact.
. . . Actually, now that I think of it, I'd be pleased if everyone I knew thought of me in an omelette-adjacent fashion.
Have you met...
POWDERED....TOAST....MAN!!!!!! and what he does when he isn't fighting crime to your breakfast?
And his Epic battle:
Powdered Toast Man vs Waffle Woman!
Sorry I will pass on the offer, though tempting.
I don't want to think of myself as a cannibal when eating waffles.
Gotta admit, never liked that show. I forgot about it over eleven thousand years ago. However, it's true that I do enjoy the thought of a breakfast themed superhero, as I (and others) may have already demonstrated.