Is there anyway possiable this might make it to the xbox 360? Ive been wanting a dnd game on this system for a long time. I tried daggerdale,but was so

in that,it was to much Hack-n-Slash. I want a good old fashion RPG with a good story and depth to it. Come on Cryptic,if you do this you will have alot of happy x-box users. I have 4 of my friends that would buy this in a heartbeat.

Of course, if they could find a way to port it without simplifying the PC controls and game play to make it work on the console then I would be alright with that.
Or turn the game into a liability and force PWE to cut it out of the equation. Xbox MMOs are never in high demand because the crowd that wants them, all play PC. It would not be cost efficient in the slightest to dumb down the graphics in order to fit the needs of a static console, and with the Xbox One being in reach, the diehard console players will move on and dump their 360 (although I feel that the Xbox One is going to crash and burn)
Plus, what consumer would pay $60 for a game that is FREE on the PC? Or do you just walk into a Gamestop and say "Give me a copy" and you just walk out with a free disk?
More fun? Do tell. It's different controls with an insanely hard to use interface due to the nature of controllers you know... Not having the 50+ keys keyboards have? The game itself is still the same.
Tl;dr: No, what the hell are you smoking?
Ok, so you'll say it'll bring in more money, lets see about that shall we.
First of all, PWE would need to pay a fee to publish the game on the Xbox, this is immediately a money drain.
Then Microsoft would insist on a box launch or charge you to download a game people can play for free on the PC.
And the ingame cash shop, hell no, the Xbox 360's cash shop would be through the Xbox dashboard, so Micro$oft gets their cut again, this means that the cash shop items on the 360 would probably be more expensive due to Microsoft's fees and paid for in Microsoft points.
This is combined with Microsoft's patch and downloads policies meaning that you might have to pay again to access content like the Modules on the 360.
But the ultimate kicker is that although the Cryptic Engine in it's current iteration was intended to work on the 360 (Champions Online was supposed to be launched on the 360), since then it's outgrown the 360 hardware and firmware capabilities.
So you'd have a load of downsides for a little enhanced controller capability and the ability to chat with your xbox live friends whilst playing.
I didn't know this game had necromancers.
I didn't know a game that had packed servers and major updates coming in the next 2 weeks was dead.
Holy Thread Necro Batman...
Because Minecraft has the same complexity as Neverwinter.
I wasn't referring to the game. Check the date of the first couple of posts.
Or rather PW spending some serious money to make NW compatible with XboX 1.....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
my eyes they burrn to this thread aaaa
Microsoft would benefit financially from a conversion since any in game purchases would require buying MS points for in game Zen or items.
I really doubt it.
plug that in your comp and get xpadder then suddnely the difference between pc and xbox play is almost nothing
DCUO is published by SONY Online Entertainment however, and runs in an engine optimised for consoles and PCs (The Unreal Engine).
Neither Cryptic or PWE are owned by Microsoft and therefore Microsoft would want a cut of the pie for everyone playing through the Xbox 360, this would mean a box purchase or a purchase through the Xbox Store.
Believe me, no game would ever get onto the Xbox 360 or PS3 without the console creators getting a cut, and the game would have to be massively tooled down to get onto a console anyway.
The issue with making *anything* work on X-Box or any other console is that the languages aren't often compatible.
While the X-Box is a Microsoft product it has a different operating system which uses a more compact list of core functionalities so it's nowhere near as simple as compiling the game in a different piece of software. Games which work on multiple platforms basically get coded multiple times in order to do so.
Basically any game which gets translated into X-Box has to be done by going through the game (and the game engine's) lines of code one by one to ensure compatibility with the X-Box OS.
It's not something the dev's have ever said no to, in fact they purposely kept the game controller friendly, but it's no small task so they aren't going to jump into that yet (if at all).