Greetings Neverwinter fans!
I'm Stormshade, an Online Community Representative here at Cryptic Studios/Atari. Some of you may already be familiar with me from our other titles, Star Trek Online, and Champions Online.
I'm really excited to be here heading up our community efforts for Neverwinter!
Some other Community people you'll likely see around the forums are, Wishstone, GMDestra, GM_Tiyshen, Infoninja, and GMJahia.
If you ever need to get in touch with us, please file a community support ticket
Please also remember to take a moment to read the
Atari Community Rules and Policies. Doing so will help to ensure that your stay here is as pleasurable as possible.
I seem to be your first forum poster, so, hi! Good job setting up everything on the boards - it looks quite spiffy.
Pass my congrats onto the web team for yet another awesome site
Looks like an auspicious beginning, and I look forward to seeing more!
Can't wait for the release!!!
Long time D&D player here. and am a lifetime member over at Star Trek online, looking forward to this like you wouldnt believe.
Things are looking good so far and love the screenshots and movie keep them coming.
(Wait, this isn't the local AA meeting?)
And hello to everyone else.
I teach Literature, Comics, and Writing at UC Riverside and neighboring community colleges. I'm also a long time tabletop gamer, and recently my 4E campaign ground to a halt after three years and levels 1-24. (Let's face it, there's not much support for the Epic game.)
I've been very much looking forward to Neverwinter as a way to reconnect with many of my old tabletop pals who have moved away. My hope is that we can create and play D&D together again on this game.
I'm also a lifer on Champions Online and now a regular subscriber on STO, since my one-year membership ran out last month. Both great games.
I'm anxious with anticipation for this upcoming epic
I'm an absolutely huge D&D fan, and I've been waiting to talk about this game with you all for so long now, I honestly can't wait to start rolling out the 411.
Does this mean Q isn't allowed to come and harass me here? :eek: I'm going to need a new foil...
Does this mean you also Roll a D6?
Good luck with your new game.
Hello everyone.