This red dot is presumably intended to convey some information? But it just sits there, on
EVERY character on the account, giving no useful information and only going away when you call up and dismiss the home screen. I would very much like the ability to disable it for all characters on an account after clearing it once. Additionally, it might be good to consider replacing it with actual information.
Still yes it is a nice feature they show this in client, they do this per character as Reward Claims will show new character's items that may not have been fully claimed by that individual.
ETA loading a saved UI file was what caused the dot to return on some characters. I've overwritten that save and it stopped doing that, for now. If the next time they update the home page and it sets the dot on that saved UI file again, that will be annoying.
Every... Character.
I think the "core" of the concern stems from that fact. I'd suspect I'd just visually ignore this little Red Dot, as the issue is Announcements Flashes on every character; and this is separate from Character Reclaim Rewards, or at least in an ideal world should be. Still this maybe a viable work-around, till they 'tweak' the Red-Dot announcement acknowledgement Account-wide. Still I like it when I see the Announcement Dot, just wished it was a more calming color to get attention!
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Note: DeepSkyBlue is a visually a calming effect, so is CornFlowerBlue to denote attention.
╘ they "might" be able to reconsider Announcements by Account, & keep Reward's Claim by Character; different icon's &/or features.
"The calming effect of the color blue Short-wavelength colors, such as blue, decrease the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. As a result, we start experiencing peace, calmness, tranquility and serenity. Blue makes us feel relaxed, comfortable, and less stressed."
"Effects of the Color Pink Calming: Pink calms our emotional energies. Non-threatening: Pink lacks any aggression or anger, although the deeper pinks can be more assertive and confident."
Still overall I think this is a wonderful improvement they've added! Hitting LL, or L once and tapping the announcement window; even without clicking the link will clear it!
Thank You!
No, I don't want an option to disable it. I want the mechanism to be account wide instead of character base.
These days I basically "ignore" the red dot (not willingly but basic human behaviour) because I have many characters. The red dot becomes a 'standard' background and that defeats the purpose to make me to aware of the notification.
I would just type 'll' without thinking and do not pay attention to the notification because I assumed (that could be wrong) I read that already.