It's been many mounths since these bugs are in game but nothing were look into or fixed. These bugs are important to fix Quality of life on Fighter Dreadnought.
Fighter Dreadnought Class Feature:
Monumentum suppoose to activate after 2sec of running. ( I've been testing it for couple of days and all the time that class feature needs atleast 4sec to activate.)
Fighter General Bug:
Marathon Runner - Suppose to increase movement speed by 10% when out of combat (Doesn't increase movement speed at all.)
Fighter Dreadnought / Vanguard movement speed after block bug:
Another Bug is when Fighter use his shield movement speed decreasses by 10% (When Fighter no longer use his shield Debuff to movement speed is still active.)
Insignia bonus Bug:
Insignia bonus called Gladiator's Guille When i use more than 1 and my stamina get low my movement speed decreasses but when my stamina is full again only 1 of insignia bonuses work and increase my movement speed only by 10%.
Fighter Dreadnought Feat:
Striker's Mark: when i use my (Commander's Strike) and a Rouge use his (Wicked Reminder), my daily power Mow Down consume stack of my Commander's strike and Rouge Wicked Reminder on boss Debuff bar.
Suggestion For changing cast of (Griffon's Wrath):
Fighter as Mele dps character have to stay close to bosses / mobs to be able to hit them Griffon's Wrath is one of the highest magnitude encounters as a Fighter. my suggestion is to bring back old cast method by that i mean that fighter could use for example 1 out of 3 griffon's wrath without getting cooldown just like one of the Ranger Skills called Hindering Shot. Most of the time Fighter can hit only 2 out of 3 times with Griffon's wrath and it's getting cooldown, why not bring back old cast method to make griffon's wrath more usefull in not stacionary fights.
Demogorgon's Wrath bug with Cursed Burn Enchantment ( All Classes):
I've Been testing it and Cursed burn enchantment doesnt add stacks to Demogorgon's Wrath artufact set bonus when Poisoned Thorn does. in my opinion Cursed Brun shhould also add stacks to Demogorgon's Wraht because of that i can't use it. My damage will be lower because of that and it's no point of using that until it get fixed.
I hope you will do something about all these bugs because they all making it harder to play fighter as dps and dodge danger zones.
Greatings From Savage_King.
Oppressive Darkness Feat with Lostmouths Vengance (Story Teller artifact X3 Primary slot *% chance to do Weapon Damage*) with Mythallar Shard (Raw Pressure X3 Neck/Waist/Primary slots *+100Mag Dam from a CA stance) and TR Feat Toxic Blades (+30Mag Dam Stack off Encounters and Dailys) as the Effect: Cursed Burn cancels out all Story Teller Artifact proc due to TR Effect hit Rate and the per sec Stack of the the Cursed Burns "Refresh Rate" as its so short effect it constant apply/remove, the same issue isnt on the Poison Thorn with its longer effect/proc gap