It happened to me the twice now (I think since the new mod came out although I'm not sure about this; didn't play KR for quite a while) that I'm stuck after killing the boss. There simply is no portal!
Or better said, not a visible one. Because where the portal SHOULD BE (in between the 2 chests) is a small area I can't walk, it's like I am walking into an invisible wall (and no, it's not the end of the map -> if I make 2 steps left or right, THEN I can still move forward).
Has anyone else experienced this? I didn't find any other threads regarding this, but I don't think I'm the only one that this is happening to, is it?
You can also get out by clicking your character's name on the HUD and selecting 'Leave Map' from the dropdown menu.
Didn't know that, either.
Thx guys for the responses and suggestions.