I see a friend with near MAX Item Level, and with a Rare Burn Weapon Enchant shows:
75.9k power +90% (max), crit 77.04k +54.5%, sev 69.1k +67.8% in fact.
He's 47.4% Base Rating Power Contribution, with other at 42.6% it still reports 90% power though despite the two do add to 90.
I mean all they need to do is give
Weapon & Companion Enchantments at Mythic give like +400 to +450 Combined Rating each, so at least people at MAX item level aren't running around with Rare Weapon Enchantments!
Clearly they don't want higher benefit's above 90%, yet it's funny seeing people with full Item Level using Rare Weapon's enchantments.
Yet Forgotten Ward Ring of the Prospector gives +5,940 Defense & +3,960 Awareness, Gives 1100 item level, yet far closer to 3000 with that buff, yet only gives +440 Combined; and everybody wears it despite lower item level. Yet the Feywood Raid Ring +1, offers 1600 Item Level, with +1,200 Combat Advantage & +3,600 Critical Strike, and a Combined Rating of +1,280 and has far lower buffs. So seems the lower combine rating helps you some where, but in this case it seem more to be the far low Item Level.
You'd just think they'd raise the Cap to 95%, and give just a tiny bit of combined rating to Weapons or Companion Enchantments. Yet nothing I can do!
So seems the choice is Burn with 7.5 Magnitude once every second for 3 seconds, or Poison which has a 4s delay yet does 25 Magnitude. So clearly Poison is better for Larger Boss, Mini-Boss more so, while Burn is more effective if you defeat enemy before 4s is up for it to Proc.
This is what justifies the absence of Combined Rating.
(Sum (stat) + combined rating x 15) / 15 = item level
For "Yet Forgotten Ward Ring of the Prospector":
((5940 + 3960) + 15 x 440) / 15 = 1100
For "Feywood Raid Ring +1",
((1200 + 3600) + 15 x 1280) / 15 = 1600
Some have to remove Raptor's Instincts or Air Archon so your Total Power is only 80% before the Mythic Poison to something that boost Crit, Crit Severity Defense, Awareness, Combat Advantage or something else. Still lots of flexibility to change things, based on the needs of each toon.
Got 2 toons now over 50k now, with third closing in needing 125 more item level; and my forth perhaps may need a bit more around 500 or so. The fifth is probably a little more than that, yet I play him less, so has less boons and companions upgraded.
Still he's respectable for the area's he needs to go, or focus on!
I'm guessing the new Campaign area will be 50,000 since Dragonbone Vale is 45,000. After that I'd think we'll likely get a Dread Ring revision perhaps, possibly even Storm Kings Thunder? Don't know what they've said about that, but I'm digressing away from Topic.