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Lots of game crashes in the last 2-3 days

robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
edited March 2022 in Bug Reports (PC)
In the last 2-3 days the game crashed like 15-20 times and each time I saw this:

I've noticed that probability of crashing increased when I did these steps:
1) opened shared bank,
2) took one Dragon's Weapon Cache from it (Shift+LClick and drag, and type number 1, press Ok)
3) choose Barbarian (I have 33 Barbarians),
4) then double click on weapons to equip
5) drag and convert old weapons to ref points (type convert when needed)

The game often crashed on step 4), sometimes on step 5). It was quite often since it crashed after 3-4 toons doing steps 1)-5) or so.
Now all toons have equipped Antique weapons (and converted old weapons), but the game still crashing from time to time, even without opening bank at all. It doesn't crash very often though. For example, I did the whole Acquisitions Incorporated adventure (9 quests) and it didn't crash I think (maybe once, not sure). But now it crashed when I was just invoking, so no idea when it happens.


  • seekey#7769 seekey Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    I'm not sure if that's related but after last patch on that day it was hard to login the game for me. It's timed out 5-10 times instead of loading after character select window. When i could log in i have got disconnected after a few minutes, then start the login ritual again ...
    Force verify and starting in safe mode solved it.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Thanks for sharing the details! Escalating.
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