Hello. I have a problem with elemetal weapon quests.
Previously NPC(Archdruid Morningdawn) gave this quest after starting Elemental Evil campaign.
After this campaign became an adventure, NPC(Archdruid Morningdawn) no loner gives this quests. I asked technical support about it and they said I should complete Elemetal Evil adventure to open weapon quests. I completed the adventure but quests are still not available. Then I asked technical support again. They said that this quest would need to be investigated by the developers and asked me to create a bug report.
So Elemetal Evil adventure is fully completed but NPC(Archdruid Morningdawn) doesn't give the quest for elemental weapon.
(Berserker 20 lvl Layfon server NeverwinterRU)
I hope you could help me. Thanks for the amazing game you develop!
The quests are disabled as the weapons can now be obtained as transmutes. We are aware that they are still part of collections even though they cannot be obtained - one of our goals is to update collections in the future.
Just to paint a picture here, this would be no different, if come next patch, with no prior notification or patch note, we logged on to find you could no longer obtain lionheart weapons, poof gone, they don't drop and you can't exchange them for tomm completions, however, now we have lionheart transmutes, that are obtainable after converting under mountain into a new adventure! Obviously the transmutes give no stats like the original lionheart weapons, just a transmute.
Do you not see the issue here?
> This doesn't make any sense. The reasoning you're giving for disabling/removing the quest and thereby the weapons is because they can now be obtained as transmutes??? Apologies but I don't see the logic here. Perhaps there's further confusion because there's two sets of "elemental" weapons that are/were impacted > completely removed from being obtainable through the quest line.
> Just to paint a picture here, this would be no different, if come next patch, with no prior notification or patch note, we logged on to find you could no longer obtain lionheart weapons, poof gone, they don't drop and you can't exchange them for tomm completions, however, now we have lionheart transmutes, that are obtainable after converting under mountain into a new adventure! Obviously the transmutes give no stats like the original lionheart weapons, just a transmute.
> Do you not see the issue here?
We were told before the bard came out the weapons were going to be removed. Those who were playing and wanted them got them those who were not playing at the time didn't. The weapons were vaulted along woth a load of other things from year and gears ago, it just is how it is. Maybe they will add a way to get them via quest again but they can still be obtained from the Firemane lockbox which can be bought on the AH or the weapons can be bought there themselves.
This is all well beside the point(s). I'm well aware they can be obtained from a lockbox or the AH, are you selling them? because that's a pointless pointm which why this time (from multiple times before), I didn't bother to include. I mean who doesn't like having questable content removed and exchanged for a zen option, right?