I am affected by the 0 dmg issue with weapon enchant (as a barb) like my fellow warlocks and I started the client today (25.01.2022) and the game received a patch.
I had my hopes up that this issue will be fixed because its a pretty nasty bug that impacts a lot of players.
I started reviewing the patch notes with hope and for my surprise this bug is not even mentioned there... but for my joy some localization bugs got fixed which is a delight.
Also there is a similar post on the forum (I know this is a repost) which didn't even get confirmation by developers which is kind of sad, and Aaragorn posted a video about it on YouTube as well... so this bug does not have enough attention drawn to it atm...
So yeah dudes, I will gladly read my locales in Chinese while doing 0 dmg with Poisoned Thorn.
Issue should be a resolved in an upcoming patch.