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Mod 21 - The broken stuff: Things that need addressed (little things, relatively)

ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
edited February 2022 in Player Feedback (PC)
Whist these have been reported, as both feedback and bugs, I'm going to list out some things from a personal perspective that need addressing and essentially "fixing".

1. All bound status changes impacted with Mod 21 introduction. The recent patch (today 19th August) is seemingly addressing 2 of these concerns. I want to see them all addressed. I've posted such items in the bug forum. If the remedy and/or time is the issue as to why these haven't been resolved collectively, please say so, otherwise it's continuous frustration as to why they are selectively fixed.

2. Illogical bound status. Again, it's been addressed numerous times, the Avernus transmutes and adventure seals to name but a couple. The question regarding why this hasn't been resolved is the same as #1. I'm sure people would want to throw Vos ring in with this. The bottom line, as it is with #1, is that whether the item is seemingly small or meaningless in comparison to another, is irrelevant, they all need to be addressed.

3. Items impacted by the dropping of Experience gain items in mod 21. Again, these are items that have been "resolved" in a hit and miss fashion. Players shouldn't have to be reporting every single item here. There is no logical reason as to why, if you're going to introduce a major change, that literally removes a single modifier (+% experience), that you can not, simultaneously reference your database for all items impacted and resolve them all at once, again, unless the restraints are as to #1 (transparency).

- As a further, I say resolved but this in itself needs addressing. As far as I'm aware the only item that was appropriately resolved was Azure Enchantments (and boons), you did a logical move and straight out swapped "Experience gain" for "Movement speed" but for some bizarre reason to chose not to do this for other items. To be slightly more specific. The Inscribed garment box from the ZEN store, you just removed the modifier and replaced it with nothing? This is absurd, unsatisfactory and demands proper resolution. You have also done this with other items, such as the master of the hunt (?) cloak. There is a very (seemingly) easy and logical address to this, the same one you initially applied to azures and boons.

- For "items" of this nature that were consumables you did the logical thing and made them available for exchange BUT, again, you only chose a select few items (2 items..), of many . For example, the boosters but nothing for the multitude of scrolls. You had already done this correctly with the companion tomes, why not the XP scrolls etc.. Can we not search the database to cover all relevant items here because you have overlooked many.

4. Removed currencies. Mod 21 vaulted and modified a lot of content, with this content were numerous forms of currencies/items that were impacted. This was and has been addressed during mod 21 preview, as a bug and feedback and general discussions with absolutely NO formal response. The logical approach, as you have done in the past, would have been to make such currencies/items available for exchange, the lack of response prior to a live implementation of mod 21 just left players assuming you were going to do the logical thing here, we saw some items in preview that followed this course, but these were a small few of many and in the end we saw no appropriate address.

- Again, you did this correctly with Aquisition Inorporated (sort of), why were none of the other many areas not treated the same? Surely this was a very obvious and logical thing to do. For specific reference example, look at the original bounty systems that were removed with mod 21, that's 11 (?) currencies you removed, rendered useless with no appropriate address. The alternative to this, especially seeing as you eventually fixed the bounty caches, is to implement a last chance exchange vendor, for the boxes, a reasonable and fair solution, no? One, the other, both but we got neither.

5. Campaign store removals and currencies. Again, similar to above but with focus on lack of transparency. If you insist on continuously removing content and all it's associated currencies and store, can you not have the consideration to openly state this? Players appreciate knowing that something is going to be removed and have a last chance saloon, players don't appreciate something simply being pulled, with no formal notice or address. This is applicable to all the vaulted and modified content. Selectively re-incorporating some of the store items/rewards into the new system rewards is not an acceptable solution. If you're not going to be transparent with what and when specific things will be removed, then at least make a last chance exchange vendor for such things and/or state it will be made available at some point.

- Another specific sub-section of this is the Elemental Evil campaign. This is an example of numerous aforementioned issues. You, without any formal notice, despite it being questioned multiple times prior, removed the opportunity to gain the elemental evil weapons from the campign (excluding lock box), you took the quest away, leaving players with no means of gaining motes, not that that matters as the quest line was killed off, so you have players with the unwakened Hearts, motes, related wands, with absolutely no means of using them, or exchanging them. I'm literally throwing my hands up in the air with despair at this point.

Seriously I just don't understand any of the logic behind all of this, I'm trying to be as reasonable as possible but it makes absolutely no sense beyond assumption. You can not look at this as anything but negative and this is just stuff off the top of my head, if I recal lanything else I'll add back.


If for some reason a "database search" is not as simple or viable as it seems to me, as a player, then here's a starters list for reference.

- Ashmadai Symbol
- Blackdagger Gold Coin
- Blackdagger Insignia
- Blure Fire Insignia
- Deathknell Shard Sliver
- Gray Wolf Insignia
- Kessell's Sigil (?)
- Many-Arrow Insignia
- Mithral Nugget
- Necromantic Sigils
- Onyx Fragment (?)
- Unawakened Heart of Earth
- Unawakened Heart of Fire
- Unawakened Heart of Air
- Unawakened Heart of Water
- Fire Seeker's Wand
- Earth Seeker's Wand
- Air Seeker's Wand
- Water Seeker's Wand
- Inscribed Garment Box (Inscribed Linen Shirt / Inscribed Linen Pants)
- Huntmaster's Cloak
- Dagger of Shadow
- Adventurer's XP Booster (blue)
- Adventurer's XP Booster (epic)
- Wayfarer's XP Booster (green)
- Omin's IOU (resolved? knox box exchange?)
- Drow Bracer's (green)
- Alliance Supplies (currency) (resolved? store now accepts AD as well as currency)

Then add to that currencies straight up removed from Dwarven King, AI and The Maze Engine. Or currencies disappeared but seemingly still there, Black Ice.


Reposted to correct forum

Updated 24-02-22: 2 things partially resolved...
Post edited by ukspawn on


  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    There's too much stuff that is left to rot and die with no recourse, would be nice if this was officially acknowledged.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Topics mentioned in the original post have been previously reported from several different sources - the majority of issues, especially ones that are more feedback-based. are not features that can be quickly executed on and need to be scoped for time and resources. This isn't to say we don't gather the feedback as it comes in, we just can't always act on it within a certain time-frame.
  • polysatyr81polysatyr81 Member Posts: 154 Arc User

    Topics mentioned in the original post have been previously reported from several different sources - the majority of issues, especially ones that are more feedback-based. are not features that can be quickly executed on and need to be scoped for time and resources. This isn't to say we don't gather the feedback as it comes in, we just can't always act on it within a certain time-frame.

    Is this why Mastercrafting was rushed through without feedback and no word yet on whether or not fixes are coming?
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User

    Topics mentioned in the original post have been previously reported from several different sources - the majority of issues, especially ones that are more feedback-based. are not features that can be quickly executed on and need to be scoped for time and resources. This isn't to say we don't gather the feedback as it comes in, we just can't always act on it within a certain time-frame.

    I understand this, the issue is that from a players perspective there's no indication that it has "been received", whilst I again understand that yourself and colleagues do read the forums and obviously see all the reports it's nice to get acknowledgement of the problem. Saying that, you're also aware that there are many very long term issues of a similar status "feedback-based" that are still floating around in the void.

    Whilst this is feedback based it isn't merely feedback as a suggestion(s). Various things were removed, with no indication they were to be removed or left unexchangeable, further to this some of these things were highlighted during preview feedback or at least queried with again, no apparent feedback and obviously no resolution when it went live.

    I get there are various complications and fixes or suitable approaches take time but these are mostly things that could have and should have been dealt with at the time, simply because they were made apparent and that you had already approached suitable resolutions for similar issues and items.

  • If we're taking on little things, I'd like to point out something for the console kiddies. Making a long story short, has the game's clock been adjusted for Daylight Saving's end? As I just invoked not four minutes ago, and apparently despite it being a quarter to 6am EST, the game itself has already reset the invoke clock and other such affairs. Missed out on that last Celestial Coin, that I did.
  • alchemistxiiialchemistxiii Member Posts: 42 Arc User

    If we're taking on little things, I'd like to point out something for the console kiddies. Making a long story short, has the game's clock been adjusted for Daylight Saving's end? As I just invoked not four minutes ago, and apparently despite it being a quarter to 6am EST, the game itself has already reset the invoke clock and other such affairs. Missed out on that last Celestial Coin, that I did.

    local time may change but the times for servers stay the same, like that on most games as you end up with 23 or 25 hour days that mess up the rotations, easier to adjust to the time your self than an entire server where not every one that plays gets the same change in time.
  • themoorethemoore Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    Fey Trinkets, Adventure Shards and Tyranny for Strongholds::
    Guilds that are not lvl 20 are loosing so much respect before and is not fair:

    With sharandar item lvl 40k most new players cannot help at all with fey now and there is no way to create vouchers, and not having the support with sharandar we have to loose extra time to grind fey trinkets without getting our Adventure Shards of power ALSO LOOSING.

    With the new change of Campaign of Well of Dragons we cannot create the dragonborn Artifact anymore where we could obtain even the shard of dragon Forged Steel worth 1000 tyranny (was like making a voucher)

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