In my opinion getting only 1 lliira's favour for 5 placed fireworks is not enough for the prices of the rewards. A mount of bell costs 125 favour so you would have to farm 625 fireworks to be able to afford 1 mount without the quest.
Currently it's better to just do the daily quest on a bunch of alts and farm favour this way since the rewards aren't bound. You get 31 favour for doing the daily quest (30 from the quest and 1 from the 5 fireworks placed). That is equal to 153 fireworks farmed which would take at least a couple hours of farming.
Thank you for this wonderful refresh of an event that previously failed to ignite my enthusiasm
1) Fireworks crates spawn at all locations for each player, avoiding conflict when two players try to interact with the same object (please do this with other events(
2) If two or more players are standing near a fireworks crate, pressing F only interacts with the create and not the other player.
3) Using the fireworks drops to buff the RNG finally provided value for the otherwise useless drop and encouraged group cooperation.
The bad:
Interacting with the fireworks crate did not always result in adding the fireworks to the inventory. The Llitra's Celebration crate counter increased, the number of remaining crates you were allowed to interact with decreased and made it impossible to complete the quest (because your inventory would not have 5 fireworks when the quest counter ended). The solution was to drop the quest, change instances and re-take the quest from the Disciple of Llitra and find other creates to open. The instances that experienced this behavior were: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 25, and 37
Having the fireworks pile unavailable for interaction at times due to the show going on was also a bit annoying but not a major nuisance. Getting randomly placed in combat during the show was a bit more annoying, especially when trying to interact with the mail or going to the character select screen.
Otherwise, these changes were extremely well done. It was possible with minimal effort to farm two of the 125 coin items just from the daily and 10 extra fireworks. I was able to get multiple stacks of fireworks to donate running quests even without seeking out the buff for their droprate. All in all, it's nice to see something change for the better. The old system wasn't good at all and the only reason people didn't complain before last year was that the rewards weren't worth much. Last year we got better rewards but still the broken system. This year, apart from the issues above, worked out very well.