And for HAMSTER sake, why woud we still need 15k deflect on our drift globe? This artifacts need more attention
15k from one source like that lets you look to other things for other stats you need.
IMO, we need our deflect as high as we can get, all the time as a tank, not for 1 minute later. And, the problem is never about the ratings, but the other contribution to reach atleast 70% with Caprese.
I dont think Cryptic hates tanks. They just dont care about tanks since the overwhelming majority of players are DPS.
As a matter of fact, a certain person from cryptic is in my alliance. After mod20 came out i was crying about how this mod brought almost no gear for the tanks. There are a couple armor pieces that are good/decent, but everything else is useless... I was told 2 things. First that there are more gear that will be coming, even though, from what i can see in the Sharandar store these gear still offer nothing for tanks. And when i complained that, as a tank, i dont want accuracy, CA or anything like that because they wont help me survive, i was only asked if i know how stats work in the new combat system. What this tells me, devs dont know or dont care to know what tanks need and require.
I agree with what some people said that you dont need to have every stat at 90%. But here is the thing. DPS can easily raise 3-4 stats at 90% during combat. Tanks are lucky if they can raise 1 stat at 90% and have the others at 50%. Im a paladin tank, can easily raise my item level to 49-50k, im sitting at 44.6 simply because the pieces that are good for tanks are old with low item level. Paladin's forte gives defense, crit strike and deflect severity. There are extremely few, if any, gear pieces that can give a good amount of deflect, crit avoidance, deflect severity and awareness. How am i supposed to build my tank to be a real tank with gear that mostly give offensive stats? I cant.
And here is another issue my fellow players.
Tanks come in here to cry about their poor state. Every single time this happens, there are plenty DPS players who will come and give us HAMSTER. You are fine. You dont need anything. Meanwhile the same DPS will come in the forums and cry about "how unfair" is that their class gets out-dpsed by another class. How this gear gives 1% power and another gives 3%. Meanwhile tanks have a hard time avoiding getting one-shot. Have a hard time because a lot of DPS will run ahead and then come running to the tank with hordes of mobs behind them. Have a hard time because we get nerfed. Have a hard time because someone had the brilliant idea to jump head-on the boss before the tank and all hell breaks loose. Have a hard time because we dont get gear to fix our stats. Have a hard time because things that resistances dont work properly. Have a hard time because the only stat that has is actual value reduced to half is DEFENSE, the primary stat for tanks. Yeah, that 90% defense we struggle to get reduces damage taken not by 90% but by around 50%. And that not even all of it.
I made a post more than a week ago about damage resistance not working, none of the devs even seemed to care or acknowledge the issue. Im curious how much time will pass until they fix it, if they ever fix it.
Im also curious at what point in time there will be ever so few tanks in this game that finding a tank to run anything will take ages, more so finding a good tank because many tanks go for damage builds instead of actual tank builds.
What if there would be added feats something like these legacy boons?
Fey Thistle - When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 3000 damage to your attacker. Frozen Reflection -When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 5000/6000/7000 damage to your attacker. ( note values not finals, I only picked due mechanics).
Would such abilities be sufficient for you when comes dps? You still tank and by tanking you do extra dps.
Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
To be honest, i wouldnt mind them but i wouldnt want then either.
As long as i dont need an hour to kill a group of mobs or do something, i dont care about how much damage i deal.
I would much rather prefer they give us the ability to raise our defensive stats. As it stands now, even with the companion bonuses, you can either choose to increase 1 defensive stat by "a lot" or increase 2 stats by a little bit, from what i have seen most sacrifice HP.
Plus, if they bring these changes DPS will abuse them. Like they did with the "focused retaliation" master boon. Many DPS abused it for damage. Now they changed it and it doesnt reflect damage, only increases some stats. if they make them into boons. Feats like these exist for tanks, at least for paladins and fighters, for barbies i dont know. Paladins have an aura that deals damage when you or a party member gets hit and for fighters it deals back damage when you deflect. But, really, at least for the paladin feat, the magnitude is a whooping 10. And i can tell you, when you dont build damage 10 magnitude is extremely low.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,160Arc User
IMO, we need our deflect as high as we can get, all the time as a tank, not for 1 minute later. And, the problem is never about the ratings, but the other contribution to reach atleast 70% with Caprese.
That Deflect also applies to allies.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
IMO, we need our deflect as high as we can get, all the time as a tank, not for 1 minute later. And, the problem is never about the ratings, but the other contribution to reach atleast 70% with Caprese.
That Deflect also applies to allies.
Yes, and what is your point? Because we are talking about the lacking of gear that improves or atleast make tanking is much more ease.
Only when enough tanks stop queueing and DPS players start complaining they can't get into dungeons will Cryptic do something. Either by helping tanks or removing the necessity for them.
It's already started - the RQ has already moved from 50/50 waiting for tank or healer to mostly tank.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I main Tank with a Healer and DPS as secondary.
RTQ has been looking for tank mostly for a long time, it has got worse since the last combat change.
I would say that for every 1000 RTQ runs I Q for
900 - bonus is Tank 99 - bonus is Healer 1 - bonus is DPS
RTQ has been looking for tank mostly for a long time, it has got worse since the last combat change.
I would say that for every 1000 RTQ runs I Q for
900 - bonus is Tank 99 - bonus is Healer 1 - bonus is DPS
I agree. I have a tank and a healer I use for quick RQ run AD farming. It used to be 50/50 role bonus tank/heal, but recently it is really hard to find role bonus for healer.
Cryptic probably have good statistics on this. I would assume they generate data on how much the various archetypes are played, since archetype playtime is a good input to the balancing discussion. What are you going to do about it, Cryptic?
RTQ has been looking for tank mostly for a long time, it has got worse since the last combat change.
I would say that for every 1000 RTQ runs I Q for
900 - bonus is Tank 99 - bonus is Healer 1 - bonus is DPS
Yeah, currently me and the other 2 tanks on our alliance only login for our alliance activity, then queue together, and we wont do it if we are lacking tank or healer on our side, we sometimes PUG a dps, which is very rarely happens, but never ever will for a tank and healer.
What if there would be added feats something like these legacy boons?
Fey Thistle - When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 3000 damage to your attacker. Frozen Reflection -When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 5000/6000/7000 damage to your attacker. ( note values not finals, I only picked due mechanics).
Would such abilities be sufficient for you when comes dps? You still tank and by tanking you do extra dps.
I suppose this may help a Pally level, but it wouldn't fix the main problem that tanks are getting absolutely hammered by mobs. We can't get our stats high and, like melechest said, damage resistance is seemingly broken. The defense formula is absolutely stupid and isn't working. If I'm not running with a good healer I just don't play my tank anymore.
I tank in rtq. In redq i play as a dps (layout) and therefore (i tank in rtq) i know how to take first few hits so I can help a tank. Or tank boss with my dps layout if tank die... Also. DPS always complains on support classes. You will never read support classes complains about crappy dps performing. So nothing strange about - less tanks ingame.
I still have no clue about my tank... other than his theme song,
When King Thorn throws his mighty shield, All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield! If he's led to a fight and a duel is due, Then you know exactly what he'll precisely do. When King Thorn throws his mighty shield!
Anvil of DooM! Shield Throw and Bull sh... Charge! Earth Shaker and Second Wind. Brazen Slash and Heavy Slash and
just Slash...
... he helps out a lot.
My Feets? I have two feet... OH! Feats...
Heavier Slash, Ricochet, Roiling Hatred, Land Waster, and Executioner's Cut.
Oh and I have a whole TWO boon points on my health.
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
this is happening, cuz lot of player want the extra ad reward for tank/healer, and just want a fast queue... thats not tank problem is a greedy person problem... thats no1 can fix. Gets even worst when u can get ilv to queue super easy (if u still need to reach it) make 30k + minimum to queue so they have to at least get some effort.
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
This is bearable if you draw a group with more than one good DPS, unless you also have a player running around opening every shard they can find. Then, you have swarms of adds plus demogorgon at every large crystal battle... and players start to abandon. Then, the only tactic left if you stay is to go from the spawning portal (after you die) and do hit & run sorties at the large crystal spawns (if you can find them in the chaos). The process can take over 30 minutes, can cost up to 100,000 AD in personal consumables, and by the end of phase 1 you may have no team left to help you take on the boss in stage 2 and 3. I have tried to salvage these runs many times and only succeeded twice. It gives a feeling of failure even when it is a victory. Cryptic should add a new title: "Sole Survivor" - complete an RTQ solo
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
I'm assuming this is a PUG run, so yeah on PUG run you will encounterig some PUGnut. Some tank acting like a DPS, a DPS that charge a head and aggro a whole bunch mobs and bring back to you, a healer that think he/she is a tank/dps and refuse to heal the teams, etc.
continuously finding myself in RTQ's like demogorgon with 2 chickenshit tanks that refuse to tank..this happened twice in a row today, 2nd time 5 people just bailed and left before Goristo, and the 5 of us that were left...someone kept aiming goristo at the black portals and healing it..doh!, still we completed it on silver in the end, and as a dps class my warlock did 80% of the total damage and 40% of the total healing (dedicated squire companion). both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank. all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else. queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
I'm now seeing a higher percentage of inexperienced tanks in RQ as the experienced ones are queueing less. Inspect them, you'll see they have poor gear choices and stat allocations and barely scrape into the run with item level.
However, having dps players running around and opening up all the green portals is also a major problem suddenly! Swamping everyone with hordes of unnecessary mobs despite me shouting in chat "ONLY OPEN PURPLES!!!!"
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,160Arc User
...especially in light of Grazillax telling everyone to close the tears. Not open them.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Lower experience and gear levels in RQs is very noticeable since it seems Combat Rework and the somewhat underachieving Mod 20 episode 1 scared away a lot of the veteran players.
It was the same after mod 16.. and just as the game was recovering from mod 16 veteran losses, Combat Rework hits.
You can only streamline content and experience to a certain extent. If the learning curve is too flat (and the time from Start to "Endgame" too short) the whole game suffers.
What was meant as some sort of promo for new players like "See this piece of content? Its super cool! Insert coins here, play today" is HAMSTER up the Qs. It doesn't help that vets leave, while new players that have no idea about mechanics yet stream in with this advertisement of Sharandar (they don't know this is Shar 2.0..) and try to hit some stuff.
It's almost like... people said this would happen. It's almost like... Déjà-vu?
thanks for all the answers guys. i was just throwing my two cents into the original question about tanks, and it only bothers me in pug rtq's i have had 4 that went the same way in 2 days..with 8 different 'not-a-tanks' i play a warlock, 54k ilvl 6400 dmg rating and stack a huge amount of incoming heals, so i can tank demo for quite a bit myself..ive started to swap out my dps comp and use the dedicated squire for more healing/aoe cleanse/aoe healing just to cope with pugs, but ximzero was right, ill use 2 scrolls of life, 4-6 heal stones , and the end reward...1 scroll of life lol. the last 2 weeks i have been mentoring and gearing up 3 new players who main a trying to seed the dungeons with geared tanks lmao. i have the odd feeling that a lot of the players that quit must have been tanks... they need more from cryptic.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,160Arc User
I don't think the players can handle too much more love from Cryptic if it looks anything like this combat rework.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
What’s funny is it’s not that much of a rework. The boons are the same, feats, powers, items. The only thing changed is how we have to gear up to get stats and hit points. That and the suped up ADs.
But combat hasn’t gone through the change that happened in mod 16.
Only now it’s a system of diminishing returns that’s negatively affecting Tanks out of the gate.
Meta builds will be out in 6 weeks and we will be no better or worse off than where we were before this change. Except for Tanks. You can’t be mid level and expect to get through content, especially solo. If you’re 50+ then you should be fine as you probably have all the gear and companions you need. And to Tank, you NEED them to get the hit points and basic stats. Casual players will struggle, new players will likely change class or quit if they haven’t found a guild to support them and a large number will only take Their Tanks out for friends and Alliance.
RTQ and REQ are going to have a Good Tank shortage.
Sadly, i dont see ant love for tanks coming. the overwhelming majority play DPS and only care about their damage. And seemingly Cryptic only listens to them. Most tanks that come in here and make threads about the state of the tanks get buried and been thrown a lot of **** from DPS players. I made a thread some time ago and most people that commented were DPS who did exactly that. They just dont care. For a few days after the rework most DPS were afraid to run ahead. Now thats over too. Many DPS can run ahead and clear mobs without dying. If they dont fix that and fix the mobs and the bosses to not deal immense amounts of damage, they wont give any love to tanks. And even if they were to show us some love, if we end up running behind the DPS again the game will not be fun. The new dungeon is also a menace to tanks. I barely play anymore. The game is just so unfun if you are a tank. And when i log in, for any amount of time im in, i always see people spamming in search for tanks to run stuff. The shortage of tanks is apparent and it will become worse. And we will never see any love simply because we are a very small, ever shrinking, minority.
It'll only change when the queue times get so long that the dps majority start screaming that they can't get into dungeons as there are no tanks to join the queue system...
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
It'll only change when the queue times get so long that the dps majority start screaming that they can't get into dungeons as there are no tanks to join the queue system...
I think the AD bonus greed will fix it. Someone will join as fake tank to grab AD bonus. You can only measure the tank shortage at end content.
It'll only change when the queue times get so long that the dps majority start screaming that they can't get into dungeons as there are no tanks to join the queue system...
I think the AD bonus greed will fix it. Someone will join as fake tank to grab AD bonus. You can only measure the tank shortage at end content.
Yeah I'm seeing this in the 'easy' 5 man dungeons - more lowbie tanks are taking up the slack but they aren't queueing for epics in large numbers. I've seen some though. (and yes, they are terrible)
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Hmmm. Today i got into Spellplague Caverns redq... Tank was into mode - i'am waiting for something, but I don't know what to do. No initiative. I can take some, but didn't take tank layout. And when tank doesn't know what to do... After that it was another redq - lomm. With three new players (free artifacts etc etc). They didn't even know mechanics. After that - Lair of Lostmauth - as a dps I tanked all the time last boss and mostly before and i took more dmg than a tank. And he had "nice" 35K+ ilvl but he just don't know how to tank - even lol. He just switched to tank layout for bonus ad. We were lucky that one who left last had fighter comp. and companion did the last hit. Even healers weren't any better. I died in LoL after that i revived healer. No point to go further.
As a matter of fact, a certain person from cryptic is in my alliance. After mod20 came out i was crying about how this mod brought almost no gear for the tanks. There are a couple armor pieces that are good/decent, but everything else is useless... I was told 2 things. First that there are more gear that will be coming, even though, from what i can see in the Sharandar store these gear still offer nothing for tanks. And when i complained that, as a tank, i dont want accuracy, CA or anything like that because they wont help me survive, i was only asked if i know how stats work in the new combat system.
What this tells me, devs dont know or dont care to know what tanks need and require.
I agree with what some people said that you dont need to have every stat at 90%. But here is the thing. DPS can easily raise 3-4 stats at 90% during combat. Tanks are lucky if they can raise 1 stat at 90% and have the others at 50%. Im a paladin tank, can easily raise my item level to 49-50k, im sitting at 44.6 simply because the pieces that are good for tanks are old with low item level. Paladin's forte gives defense, crit strike and deflect severity. There are extremely few, if any, gear pieces that can give a good amount of deflect, crit avoidance, deflect severity and awareness. How am i supposed to build my tank to be a real tank with gear that mostly give offensive stats? I cant.
And here is another issue my fellow players.
Tanks come in here to cry about their poor state. Every single time this happens, there are plenty DPS players who will come and give us HAMSTER. You are fine. You dont need anything.
Meanwhile the same DPS will come in the forums and cry about "how unfair" is that their class gets out-dpsed by another class. How this gear gives 1% power and another gives 3%.
Meanwhile tanks have a hard time avoiding getting one-shot. Have a hard time because a lot of DPS will run ahead and then come running to the tank with hordes of mobs behind them. Have a hard time because we get nerfed. Have a hard time because someone had the brilliant idea to jump head-on the boss before the tank and all hell breaks loose. Have a hard time because we dont get gear to fix our stats. Have a hard time because things that resistances dont work properly. Have a hard time because the only stat that has is actual value reduced to half is DEFENSE, the primary stat for tanks. Yeah, that 90% defense we struggle to get reduces damage taken not by 90% but by around 50%. And that not even all of it.
I made a post more than a week ago about damage resistance not working, none of the devs even seemed to care or acknowledge the issue. Im curious how much time will pass until they fix it, if they ever fix it.
Im also curious at what point in time there will be ever so few tanks in this game that finding a tank to run anything will take ages, more so finding a good tank because many tanks go for damage builds instead of actual tank builds.
What if there would be added feats something like these legacy boons?
Fey Thistle - When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 3000 damage to your attacker.
Frozen Reflection -When you Deflect an attack you deal up to 5000/6000/7000 damage to your attacker.
( note values not finals, I only picked due mechanics).
Would such abilities be sufficient for you when comes dps? You still tank and by tanking you do extra dps.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
To be honest, i wouldnt mind them but i wouldnt want then either.
As long as i dont need an hour to kill a group of mobs or do something, i dont care about how much damage i deal.
I would much rather prefer they give us the ability to raise our defensive stats. As it stands now, even with the companion bonuses, you can either choose to increase 1 defensive stat by "a lot" or increase 2 stats by a little bit, from what i have seen most sacrifice HP.
Plus, if they bring these changes DPS will abuse them. Like they did with the "focused retaliation" master boon. Many DPS abused it for damage. Now they changed it and it doesnt reflect damage, only increases some stats. if they make them into boons. Feats like these exist for tanks, at least for paladins and fighters, for barbies i dont know. Paladins have an aura that deals damage when you or a party member gets hit and for fighters it deals back damage when you deflect. But, really, at least for the paladin feat, the magnitude is a whooping 10. And i can tell you, when you dont build damage 10 magnitude is extremely low.
It's already started - the RQ has already moved from 50/50 waiting for tank or healer to mostly tank.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
RTQ has been looking for tank mostly for a long time, it has got worse since the last combat change.
I would say that for every 1000 RTQ runs I Q for
900 - bonus is Tank
99 - bonus is Healer
1 - bonus is DPS
Cryptic probably have good statistics on this. I would assume they generate data on how much the various archetypes are played, since archetype playtime is a good input to the balancing discussion. What are you going to do about it, Cryptic?
When King Thorn throws his mighty shield, All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!
If he's led to a fight and a duel is due, Then you know exactly what he'll precisely do.
When King Thorn throws his mighty shield!
Anvil of DooM! Shield Throw and Bull sh... Charge!
Earth Shaker and Second Wind.
Brazen Slash and Heavy Slash and
... he helps out a lot.
My Feets? I have two feet... OH! Feats...
Heavier Slash, Ricochet, Roiling Hatred, Land Waster, and Executioner's Cut.
Oh and I have a whole TWO boon points on my health.
Just killing time...
both runs would have been so much easier if just one tank that queued as a tank..had actually had the small spherical objects to actually tank.
all content is a bit messed up atm, but if you have no intention of playing your class, youre just making it worse for everyone else.
queueing as a tank and hoping that the other tank will do the tanking......well seems the other guy is thinking the same about you.
this is happening, cuz lot of player want the extra ad reward for tank/healer, and just want a fast queue... thats not tank problem is a greedy person problem... thats no1 can fix. Gets even worst when u can get ilv to queue super easy (if u still need to reach it) make 30k + minimum to queue so they have to at least get some effort.
However, having dps players running around and opening up all the green portals is also a major problem suddenly! Swamping everyone with hordes of unnecessary mobs despite me shouting in chat "ONLY OPEN PURPLES!!!!"
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
It was the same after mod 16.. and just as the game was recovering from mod 16 veteran losses, Combat Rework hits.
What was meant as some sort of promo for new players like "See this piece of content? Its super cool! Insert coins here, play today" is HAMSTER up the Qs. It doesn't help that vets leave, while new players that have no idea about mechanics yet stream in with this advertisement of Sharandar (they don't know this is Shar 2.0..) and try to hit some stuff.
It's almost like... people said this would happen.
It's almost like... Déjà-vu?
i was just throwing my two cents into the original question about tanks, and it only bothers me in pug rtq's i have had 4 that went the same way in 2 days..with 8 different 'not-a-tanks'
i play a warlock, 54k ilvl 6400 dmg rating and stack a huge amount of incoming heals, so i can tank demo for quite a bit myself..ive started to swap out my dps comp and use the dedicated squire for more healing/aoe cleanse/aoe healing just to cope with pugs, but ximzero was right, ill use 2 scrolls of life, 4-6 heal stones , and the end reward...1 scroll of life lol.
the last 2 weeks i have been mentoring and gearing up 3 new players who main a trying to seed the dungeons with geared tanks lmao.
i have the odd feeling that a lot of the players that quit must have been tanks...
they need more from cryptic.
The only thing changed is how we have to gear up to get stats and hit points. That and the suped up ADs.
But combat hasn’t gone through the change that happened in mod 16.
Only now it’s a system of diminishing returns that’s negatively affecting Tanks out of the gate.
Meta builds will be out in 6 weeks and we will be no better or worse off than where we were before this change. Except for Tanks.
You can’t be mid level and expect to get through content, especially solo.
If you’re 50+ then you should be fine as you probably have all the gear and companions you need. And to Tank, you NEED them to get the hit points and basic stats.
Casual players will struggle, new players will likely change class or quit if they haven’t found a guild to support them and a large number will only take Their Tanks out for friends and Alliance.
RTQ and REQ are going to have a Good Tank shortage.
Is what it is at the moment.
Sadly, i dont see ant love for tanks coming. the overwhelming majority play DPS and only care about their damage. And seemingly Cryptic only listens to them. Most tanks that come in here and make threads about the state of the tanks get buried and been thrown a lot of **** from DPS players. I made a thread some time ago and most people that commented were DPS who did exactly that. They just dont care. For a few days after the rework most DPS were afraid to run ahead. Now thats over too. Many DPS can run ahead and clear mobs without dying. If they dont fix that and fix the mobs and the bosses to not deal immense amounts of damage, they wont give any love to tanks. And even if they were to show us some love, if we end up running behind the DPS again the game will not be fun. The new dungeon is also a menace to tanks.
I barely play anymore. The game is just so unfun if you are a tank. And when i log in, for any amount of time im in, i always see people spamming in search for tanks to run stuff. The shortage of tanks is apparent and it will become worse. And we will never see any love simply because we are a very small, ever shrinking, minority.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox