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T3 hunts

aelinazaelinaz Member Posts: 43 Arc User
after several weeks, there seems to be requests for T3 hunts help. Appears that there needs to be 10 toons to a defeat . Issue is for the 5 players not in the hunt party there is no reward of any kind. Then you see AH loaded up with devil remains at extremely high prices. It would be good if the devil remains could be gotten some other way. I have helped with several t3 hunts and as i have noted there is never any reward. Waste of time and resource. Please look into this


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    We do it in Alliance, getting as many of our people in as we can. Those that did the farming are nice enough to rotate the party around to pass the drops to other players.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    Devil remains were down to 180k before phase 4 started.

    With the *huge* number of T1s being done right now, we'll see a fairly big number of T3s as well.. much driven by the BiS T3 loot that will be even better upgraded in the Forge in a few days.

    I think we'll see devil remains below 100k in 1-2 weeks.
  • aelinazaelinaz Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Ty for response, but it remains to be an issue if 10 + are needed and only 5 get rewards. Should be all at least get the remains.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Actually, no. If they're going to make things in the game that require everyone in the instance to help, then everyone in the instance should have their own drops off the critter's loot table. Just like every other heroic encounter. Which is what Nightspine is.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • edited November 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • mistameenamistameena Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    As far as I am concerned T3's are just a mess... you want a 10-20 person mini map raid then so be it, great idea - but if that's the organised approach whether by guild, alliance or PUG then those taking part should share the spoils for the time and effort.
    No way will I be farming lures and passing them around only to then find I get shut out of the loot unless someone decides to donate rather then use, sell etc.. when more players begin to realise its not worth their time to help out the harder it will become to get them organised and that is just anti-fun for what should be a real opportunity to get widespread community events rocking.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    First of all: The normal rule is that the lure holder get all the loot. So nobody is getting shut out from any loot they _deserve_, the lure holder has invested mass effort into obtaining that lure and the loot rightfully is his. The effort invested in helping kill T3 boss is tiny compared to the lure farming effort.

    Secondly: Usually T3 runs do more than one T3 kill when they are set up and organized. So it should be as easy as making sure groups rotate the lure holder to make sure everyone get at least one devil remains. Or just have the lead group pass out the remains from kill 2 etc.

    This can be easily solved in a guild or in an alliance.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    From what I gather, the hunts were designed originally to reward anyone that damaged the target with equal chance at loot. People complained loud and hard that outsiders had a chance at their loot (justifiably), and therefore they reduced the loot to party only. The problem is, the T2 and T3 hunts were designed with this mob mentality in mind and they never changed that.

    Left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, which is a common theme in this game.

    Solution: Everyone that participates gets favors and remains. Lures and Gear isolated to the party only, OR make the lure and gear personal drops (so each person has a chance at it dropping for them that is not tied to anyone else). Everybody wins.
  • mistameenamistameena Member Posts: 37 Arc User

    From what I gather, the hunts were designed originally to reward anyone that damaged the target with equal chance at loot. People complained loud and hard that outsiders had a chance at their loot (justifiably), and therefore they reduced the loot to party only. The problem is, the T2 and T3 hunts were designed with this mob mentality in mind and they never changed that.

    Left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, which is a common theme in this game.

    Solution: Everyone that participates gets favors and remains. Lures and Gear isolated to the party only, OR make the lure and gear personal drops (so each person has a chance at it dropping for them that is not tied to anyone else). Everybody wins.

    Agree.. that has always been a traditional issue with large openworld boss fights, player turn up, tickle the boss then AFK in a corner for the duration then loot up rinse repeat... so the one answer could of been to make the t3 an instanced fight for organised groups. But it is what is is now and as I said previously guilds and/or alliances will be in a better position to get them done but if only the party activating the lure are to be rewarded, even within a guild or alliance it is still going to cause issues.
    In answer to @mentinmindmaker - all that effort grind T1 and T2 to get to a T3 and fail to attract enuff buyin due to loot shut outs will be an issue for many and a few short man fails followed by no loot wins will begin to make players question whether it's really worth all that farming and grinding.
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    At the very least I'd give like 3000 Favors to anyone who damages the thing
    (beyond a poke). Non-drop party players who are Clerics won't get credit if
    they just heal, but let's face it they will be doing damage, too. Giving Devil
    Remains is a bit harder to say, since non-party members may not have
    contributed to building the lure. But, meh, why not? Everyone wants to
    upgrade their weapons at some point. The prize really is the armor, for use,
    fashion, collecting or bragging rights and would stay with the drop party.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • raiderone000raiderone000 Member Posts: 87 Arc User

    From what I gather, the hunts were designed originally to reward anyone that damaged the target with equal chance at loot. People complained loud and hard that outsiders had a chance at their loot (justifiably), and therefore they reduced the loot to party only. The problem is, the T2 and T3 hunts were designed with this mob mentality in mind and they never changed that.

    Left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, which is a common theme in this game.

    Solution: Everyone that participates gets favors and remains. Lures and Gear isolated to the party only, OR make the lure and gear personal drops (so each person has a chance at it dropping for them that is not tied to anyone else). Everybody wins.

    Unfortunately it seems like the DEVs are listening to the wrong peeps. It was always favor and remains without Lure & Gear for
    outside party members. They never had a chance at the good loot, it was just perceived that they did. It's like when someone joins chain kill, some folks go crazy u stole my loot (which isn't true) and others understand its free for all.
    I used to welcome the help from outside folks. Hunts will probably go back to old style later.

    Now I am not wasting my time and resources for nothing. I don't help with any lure hunts especially T3. This is just like the Milestones finishing too fast because the DEVs listened to certain peeps maybe the Elite. Double favor for hunts and not doubling all other favor sources was totally BS... And now we see the results in M4 finished in less than 2 days!! GREAT.
    Not that I ever had a chance but it would've been nice for level playing field. I am not Elite and not casual player, in between.

  • madrigal#2900 madrigal Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    me passing a t3 hunt being asked to help - sure ill help but i want all 5 devil remains
    reply: lol , right you expect people to kill it for nothing?
    me: isnt that what youre asking me to do though?...

    i inspect the 'team' most are badly geared the dude asking me to help had 4 enchants missing, the rest were rank 8's and one demonic 11, no one was over ilvl 23k and they had no healer.
    come on people, dont put a team together that consists of your friends only, make sure the team actually has some gear and ability otherwise you are unfairly asking an outside team to do the work while you all reap the benefits, then you get sore when the reply is 'no'.

    they placed the lure anyhow, and i watched them fail from a distance.
  • benyrbenyr Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    > @madrigal#2900 said:
    > they placed the lure anyhow, and i watched them fail from a distance.
    > inevitable.

    Hi, just curious. Ive done a few of these in our alliance but never seen a T3 fail and was wondering what actually triggers a failure given the respawn point is so close.

    Is there a hidden timer on the boss so if hes still alive after so long he just dissapears, or is it a case of if he kills everyone around him its over?

    If its the later, rather than commit everyone to the fight at once would it be better to leave people in reserve to step in whilst others run back from respawn point?

    Just interested for my own planning as to whether its ultimatly a dps check, or if with well run tactics a lack of numbers can be overcome.

    Many thanks in advance.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    benyr said:

    > @madrigal#2900 said:


    > they placed the lure anyhow, and i watched them fail from a distance.

    > inevitable.

    Hi, just curious. Ive done a few of these in our alliance but never seen a T3 fail and was wondering what actually triggers a failure given the respawn point is so close.

    Is there a hidden timer on the boss so if hes still alive after so long he just dissapears, or is it a case of if he kills everyone around him its over?

    If its the later, rather than commit everyone to the fight at once would it be better to leave people in reserve to step in whilst others run back from respawn point?

    Just interested for my own planning as to whether its ultimatly a dps check, or if with well run tactics a lack of numbers can be overcome.

    Many thanks in advance.

    From what I have seen, its a zergfest. There may be some minor tactics involved but for the most part, its just stay alive as long as you can and do as much damage as you can, and if you die, run back as fast as you can.

    The bosses despawn after having nobody left on their aggro list for a few seconds. So basically, if it kills everyone and there is nobody left alive that has damaged it, it goes away. If someone stays and does not immediately release, I believe they can delay this, but usually people release right away. So you need enough people so that someone is always alive. There *may* be a timer on how long you have to kill him but I haven't seen that.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Not releasing in River District BHEs (specifically Kabal Counter Attack) will prevent the boss from resetting.This is occasionally useful due to the ridiculous amount of damage the burning patches do. It is probably the same for Nightspine. Every one I've attended has had so many people that everyone dying at the same time is unlikely.

    Generally speaking, the only tactics are to have healers using Cleanse powers and for people to not stand in the green goop, release and run back if downed.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • benyrbenyr Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    Thanks guys, ill stick to mass alliance runs then and just overwhelm him rather than try to be clever!
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