greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Did you do all the storyline quests? Did you talk to the Prince? Did you talk to Celeste?
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Talk to those 2 people @greywynd mentioned about the shrines of Ubuntu or something then if that doesn't open the path, do House of the Crocodile as well. The icon should appear on your map after that.
Yes I've done all the storyline quests or I wouldnt have it 100% unlocked with boons and all. I'll try to go back and see if they give me any quests but I recall trying that before with no prevail. Will try again today some time and report my findings. Just feel it's odd it would have been completed all the way through yet not have an option to go back to the areas again.
I've looked into it and now it's saying I have to redo the whole campaign even tho I've done it. Stated I need to complete the quest chain dark tidings to unlock travel to port. But I already have the ability to port there. Did something happen with an update that maybe reset quests but not the campaign?
I haven't completed the Chult campaign but have a related issue with the Lost City of Omu questline. The quest from Celeste to get it started isn't there - she doesn't have it for me - just says go complete the next campaign advancement task (Shrines to Ubtao is next for me). And I can't travel directly to Port Nyanzaru because it says I need to complete the Dark Tidings quest ... which I have - I even checked my quest log to see if it at least shows that it's complete there and it does. Any fixes on the way so I can unlock Omu? My reason to do it right now is that I can't go there to complete a Legacy Campaign task for Sybella - at some point I'm guessing it will be a problem for campaign completion, but that may take some time as I collect all of the Forgotten Totems it will take to advance.