Enjoy watching Twitch streamed 5e? How about not one but six campaigns all set in the same world of Oredin? Come see what chaos Kolok's Crushers (copyright pending) cause the rest of the world!
To join us on twitch come to
https://twxt.tv/MTYyNDc4MDc1OkFkcHBGWk0tSWZmSWo5Vy0yRWVuYw== and join the fun.
Every campaign has a different feel with a different set of (kinda) sane-ish people all led to ruin by our amazing DM, TheMarkKnight. The campaigns stream all through the week, and if you miss an episode you can catch the VOD. To join and watch live drop in at the times below, you won't regret it:
Monday6:00 EST - D&D Live: A Company of Fools
Tuesday1:00 EST - D&D Live: A Dark and Hungry God Arises
7:00 EST - D&D: Artifact Recovery Corp
Wednesday1:00 EST - D&D Live: Help Wanted!
7:00 EST - D&D Live: Danse Macabre
Saturday7:00 EST - D&D: The Road to Nowhere
And if you like what you see, follow the Twitch stream and join our Discord.
Hope to see you soon.