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New "Premium Loot System" - nothing but a hoax (even worse)

This "new system" is more worse than the old one....its unbelievable....and you guys keep on doing it again and again and again......
While people try to find out what this new loot system is all about i did more than 70 dungeon runs from dread legion to Lomm and rerolled all chests on my own - not mentioned what guildmates rerolled (got bunch of HAMSTER btw).

For example.....i did like 6 CODG Runs today and all i got was 7 Tarmalune Tradebars and 5000 ADs (dropped 5000ADs from Lomm Chest as well - so Dread Legion and Lomm is exactly the same when it comes to the entitlement? - not even a single HAMSTER green horse - nothing, nada.....(rerolled 12 chests...) Countless FBI Multi Guild Runs.....nothing "premium" at all....or do you count one single PresWard as a premium drop? I mean...JUST 1 PRES WARD??? Not even mention the "useless" scrolls of life....
Companions rising in price like there s no tomorrow...."Bulette Pup green" - 1.7 Mil Quickling green 3.6 Mil......
but hey "we get rewarded with scroll of mass life" -ACCOUNTBOUND!
Sounds like an improvement to me...yeah.....sarcasm off....

But lets keep it clear...i got a "Runic Bag of holding" from epic Temple of Spider and sold it for like 700k ADs - nice! Thats what i consider as premium loot but dont get me wrong....i dont expect/claim such drops every time i run a dungeon! While im looking at the current loot table im feeling disappointed right from the scratch and im not the only one.
All i can say is that people getting pissed off again and again and again......the same standard loot like it was before....the same MOD6 Armorpiece from dungeons like Cragmire/eToS and so on...Aquamarines from Bosses.....NOTHING HAS CHANGED AT ALL! Nice! "Premium Loot".....thats ridiculous....pure Cynysm...nothing else...Thats no "improvement" rather a step back in the wrong direction.

And yet you tell people "We want having people the same experience when it comes to loot like other players" How dare you to claim stuff like like that?....Its so HAMSTER wrong....
1 Pres Ward, 1 Scroll of Life, 1 Genies Gift --- "Premium Loot" farming Juma Bags is the same HAMSTER and its even providing companions/moints lol.....
I guess every time i go shopping and look at some advertisements like "Premium direct juice" my eyes start to tickle lmao.....
You guys haven proven it again - no fable for loot desing just another fast food HAMSTER hoax...uncreative, cheap and yet you re selling it as if it is the first landing on the moon.....its so sad......


  • dasparddaspard Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    fully agree to hanzohasashi, Since the real implementaition of the new loot-table, I did 15 TONG, 7 CODG and an anucounted number of DREAD Legion. The result was more the poore and frustrating. I wasted my reroll tokens during the week, where the loot-table was not active, now I wasted a lot of AD to get any of the good loots, but this was useless.
    I'm frustrated and this is not the aim of a game.
  • the1truehunterthe1truehunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 211 Arc User
    It is all about money my friend. I also wrote my feedback about how I feel about this "improvement". While we have these "premium rewards" as they claim to be (1 preservation ward, 1 scroll of life, 1 tradebar etc.) for me it is just another item added to the loot table that will take place or % of another useful item like mount/companion. If in the past the drop chance of a companion was let`s say 7%, now it is 3% because of the implementation of these new rewards. I don`t mind to have Account Wide Legendary Mounts inside these chests even if I know I will never get one, also I don`t mind having these rewards such as Trade Bars / Preservation Wards / Stone of health / Revive Scrolls and so on. It is just about the fact that they haven`t reworked the base loot from these dungeons chests. You run a LOMM again and again for what? Just to have fun? LMAO we are tired of killing mobs because everything in this game spins around killing something. So this is not the reason we play LOMM and other dungeons right? It is for the prize. And we both now that there is no base prize worthing our time. You know you will have to gamble at the end hoping that you`ll get something good inside and you do it even if you don`t have the PREMIUM Reroll Tokens, because your mind can`t handle the fact you just spent 30 mins from your one time life just to get an obsolete armour piece, 1 refinement item (very common drop anywhere else) and some currency that can`t buy a decent thing out of npcs.

    The only purpose of the PREMIUM REWARDS is to make you gamble your AD trying to get one of these and also to reduce the chances of normal loots while they will add various promotions so they can make some money out of it. Because let`s be honest. No one will pay 3m for an Epic Bulette Pup and don`t get surprised if a choice pack of the most hyped and overpriced companions/mounts will show up in ZEN Store at a "decent" price of 1000 zen. In my country an average salary is 300-400E /month. When they ask for a virtual HAMSTER 10$ for me it means half day of hard work. So in fact that 10$ it is very expensive for something like that. And there is only one reason having these prices. There are not enough people that play to pay less so they choosed to increase the prices. That`s why Neverwinter will never growth in player base. Because of the greedy behaivor where anything should be expensive and poor quality of releases/control they have. We also know that they don`t have any intentions to fix ZAX because they want people to spend money to get items straigh with cash, not with in game currency.

    I always complained and I will complain until a new MMO will come out and I will move on. I used to love this game architecture and it was the only one fiting my playsyle. It is no longer. Because I know there are better ways to monetize the game without affecting the economy nor people`s health but they continue to do the same mistakes.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    I tend to agree with @hadestemplar#9918 the system is barely out of diapers and you are complaining, it poops too much. I personally have yet to see any tradebars drop, but I am only 1 person, I am not into collecting tradebars, I am not into a lot of things the players consider "worthy". Maybe I have different values or define real value in tangible materials. Let's take a look at what they say might drop from queued content;

    What would I deem "most valuable" and "worth it" to participate in these ques?
    • Astral Diamonds (refined, not rough) - refined or rough it all spends the same to me.
    • Scrolls of Raise Dead/Raise Dead Team - these always come in handy.
    • Stones of Health - I tend to chew on these a lot in tough areas.
    These items are appreciated, just not commonly use by me.
    • 36 slot bag
    • Mounts and Companions rank Uncommon -> Epic - I have a lot of mounts, I opened too many Juma bags.
    • Legendary Account Wide Mounts – very rare! - not seeking an upgrade and I'm not sure if this is an upgrade?
    • Companion Upgrade Tokens - this is nice, but I get these from Sybella.
    These are not on my top ten items...
    • Mount Upgrade Tokens - not upgrading mounts, just don't see the need.
    • Tradebars - I would use them, if there was something to buy in that store.
    • Wards - Not much to upgrade these days, still sitting on 3 coalescent and 38 green wards.
    • Genie's Gifts - beat the campaigns these are used to advance.
    Maybe you are having issues with the drop rates? I was only testing it, on the second day first try I got 2 Mass Scroll of Life. I sure don't expect super high drop rates. If I got on and something "special" or "premium" drops in every other event, how is it "special" or "premium" at all?

    But I really suspect, you are mad mostly because, these are bound to account. You cannot sell them in the Auction House to make AD and continue the vicious cycle of grind loot, sell, convert, and repeat.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,508 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    My burning question is: is this worse than before?

    For me, it is the same as before (so far). Nothing for me to angry about.

    People reported they got Legendary mount - Account which was not possible before.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @kalina311 fair point about store, but I normally buy these through the AH from you guys with AD. Assuming I amass enough bars to buy one, I might do that, but from what my friends tell me, the bars drop is only 2 or 3 at a time. Unless they forgot to mention a Tradebar Jackpot?? Even so, I only use them in tough areas and currently I am not doing Avernus.

    @hanzohasashi#5461 I didn't spend any AD, I don't know why you would spend AD to run a dungeon or skirmish, I only used reroll tokens on the first day and saw no point to using more than 3 of them. Did you really blow through 800 in just 5 days? That is amazing, 40 per day, but ultimately it was your decision to press that button. I hope you were in the correct dungeons as well, not the leveling, that would just be so sad.

    Have fun! <3
  • edited September 2020
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  • hanzohasashi#5461 hanzohasashi Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Omg.....yeah its senseless...even if you can prove it when something is HAMSTER...people wont believe it....guildmates and me - i repeat - guildmates and me --- running TIC, LOMM, FBI, Dread Legion,Master of Hunt, eLOL, CODG , MC, KR - almost everything - Multi Runs non stop to check it out ---------
    and yeah its much worse than before - before the new "premium system" people looted some stuff from time to time and were able to sell it for a nice amount of ADs 100k-700k. I personally dont care for the ADs ive wasted. I just wanted to see whats in the chests....and none of my guild/alliance were surprised....none of them... but tbh....imagine if you re a new player and you struggling in eLOL withing like 40 minutes to finish the dungeon and all you loot is 1 single PresWard.....isnt it horrible?^^ I think it is lol....why didnt they add Stuff like that to the old table? Why it has to be "something new"? Something "fishy.."
    Nah sry.....this new system is everything....but nice. Just my opinion.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    Alright,, describe how you where expecting this new system should work.
    Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • hanzohasashi#5461 hanzohasashi Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Well..true Words....
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User


    They have yet to find a way to reward more casual style players with meaningful rewards, without hardcore players going brrrrrrrrr through it and getting 100 times more out of it than intended.


    Well, they could just slap a daily/weekly/monthly account wide cool down on the drop rate of the good stuff depending on it's quality and call it a day. Then let Reroll Tokens or spending AD increase the chance for a good drop, but rewards gotten through that would be tagged bound to account.

    So, the lucky or persistent ones would still get their unbound sweet stuff for keeping or trading, but everyone else would also see at least some light at the end of the godawful RNG tunnel in form of some bound to account goodies.

    I'd say it's not too difficult to find some kind of balance here, that would give everyone a little taste of something good.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    I dunno, I ended up with some pres wards and trade bars and mass life scrolls. I guess the value is in the beholder!

    I'm trying to get my Celestial Weapons so I'm using scrolls, now I'm not buying them with tradebars. Really not sure why you call them useless. I wish I had these when going for my Lionheart weapons.

    I'm building enchantments so I'll use the pres wards.

    Tradebars I'll either save for a R15, or mount upgrade tokens or something. I see value in these, but will need to save some up.

    1 mass life scroll is over 10k
    2 tradebars maybe 2k?
    1 pres ward = 9.5k

    Most green horses were worth what, 2k-5k? And those are what you want back? But I see you pulled a bag and sold it for 700k, that's a heck of a drop. It was clearly stated that the harder/longer the content the better the rewards. To me codg, dread legion, temple of the spider are not hard/long content. Lomm is borderline because there are some mechanics in it that you actually need to play rather than facetank it. Prior to the changes about the best thing you'd see from the content you listed was a bulette pup valued at 400k-600k @ green. Less than your bag. Even most of the purple pets that dropped in that content were not expensive. And we still don't know what is actually going to be bound when it drops. Every companion I've seen drop since the changes has still been unbound.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User

    Hanzo there's no point arguing. Everyone who tested knows the dungeon loot doesn't worth your time/effort, but somehow all is perfectly fine here. I wasted AD to test as well, but being fooled enough I stopped rerolling. I believe they'll collect some numbers during this phase and recalibrate it, so I wouldn't suggest anyone to reroll anything the way things are now. All hoping to get something good got their hopes crushed badly. Of all the players that I played with noone was satisfied. There is also the issue of transparency, which I better not comment.

    Not so long ago, we didn't even had reroll option/feature. And players complained less even gaining similar or even less viable rewards.
    Now players even gaining better rewards than previous system, still complain cuz system do not grant best rewards.

    The whole problem with rewards is not the system itself, but players. Who got spoiled.

    Also no one poke you in your back and demand you to reroll, it's up for players to decide do he want try again or not..

    Also, give me a name of mmorpg game whos would have better reward system. Almost all mmorpg games work in more less same way.

    Also some complain that certain rewards are uselss cuz the are cheap in AH..
    Well, more players gain x item = it's value decline.

    Now since you claimed that rewards do not satisfied neither you neither party. Then tell me when you would be satisfied?
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    I saw vulgar language with first OP post. :o :# :s Calm down and explain it without the those use of vulgar words. Vulgar language on forums is against TOS!
  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    I like the premium loot. It can use some adjustments to be sure, and I'm sure they knew that when they made it. What some are calling for... specific loot from specific bosses can be done in addition to Premium Loot. Premium Loot is not the reason we lack specific drops. Also, the odds are better than many have posted. I get a premium item every two or three chests. I think peeps are failing to identify them when they occur if they are not 'good' ones.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    rarraaz said:

    lol, Even EverQuest didnt have such a stupid loot system. Most MMOs, 90%, the bosses drop certain items or a set comes from a certain dungeon. No MMO is pure RNG like Neverbrain. If someone wants a quickling he can farm 20 different places, not just run a certain dungeon to search for it, nor does he has to wait for a pure RNG system to go through XXXXXXXX items everytime he opens a chest. ESO has a better reward system, so did Vanguard, EverQuest, SWTOR, the list goes on and on and on.....

    I was telling that all mmo's rewarding system are based on chance to get items from loot table list.
    And there are only very few games who have rewarding system who give certain item with 100% assurance. :)

    Now if you would ask even your mentioned ESO, EverQuest, SWTOR, Vanguard players and you would definitely find who would tell that x game have better reward system than theirs. They also complan about RNG. :)
    There is no mmo where players would complain about reward system :)
    Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @hadestemplar#9918 I agree with your statement, "The whole problem with rewards is not the system itself, but players. Who got spoiled."

    When Cryptic attempts to make changes to improve the game they get scolded, when they add items or features they get told they are a greedy company and threatened. Most of the threats likely come from free players who haven't spent $1 on the game.

    If I find areas in the game that I don't care for, I simply won't play them. I have yet to finish module 15 because I find the humor too childish and YouTube characters too cartoon like. A friend in the guild loved it, and finished it in record time. Sure Cryptic has made poor decisions and bad choices, but I don't see this "Premium Rewards" as one of them.

    As soon as they reinstall scaling (yes that is on their to-do list) we will hear more screaming from spoilt players. I personally find it sad, I walk into Mantol Derith on Monday and beat Baphomet in 2 seconds then walk out 6750 AD richer. But make it a challenge and poof "Argh! They are greedy! It is a cash grab I tell you! Whaaa!!". It is sad my companion alone can kick his butt in 20 to 30 seconds. I will say the longer it continues, the harder it will be for Cryptic to yank off that band-aid. Players get spoiled, yes I get spoiled too, and I might log in some Monday to find Baphomet one shot me into next week. At that point, "Meh, it was fun while it lasted.". Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  • kierlakxkierlakx Member Posts: 117 Arc User

    @hadestemplar#9918 I agree with your statement, "The whole problem with rewards is not the system itself, but players. Who got spoiled."

    When Cryptic attempts to make changes to improve the game they get scolded, when they add items or features they get told they are a greedy company and threatened. Most of the threats likely come from free players who haven't spent $1 on the game.

    If I find areas in the game that I don't care for, I simply won't play them. I have yet to finish module 15 because I find the humor too childish and YouTube characters too cartoon like. A friend in the guild loved it, and finished it in record time. Sure Cryptic has made poor decisions and bad choices, but I don't see this "Premium Rewards" as one of them.

    As soon as they reinstall scaling (yes that is on their to-do list) we will hear more screaming from spoilt players. I personally find it sad, I walk into Mantol Derith on Monday and beat Baphomet in 2 seconds then walk out 6750 AD richer. But make it a challenge and poof "Argh! They are greedy! It is a cash grab I tell you! Whaaa!!". It is sad my companion alone can kick his butt in 20 to 30 seconds. I will say the longer it continues, the harder it will be for Cryptic to yank off that band-aid. Players get spoiled, yes I get spoiled too, and I might log in some Monday to find Baphomet one shot me into next week. At that point, "Meh, it was fun while it lasted.". Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Game barely survived the first bout with scaling. By all means, do it again and watch the crater where the game used to be. No one plays MMOs to upgrade their characters just to NEVER GET ANY STRONGER.

  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    kierlakx said:

    @hadestemplar#9918 I agree with your statement, "The whole problem with rewards is not the system itself, but players. Who got spoiled."

    When Cryptic attempts to make changes to improve the game they get scolded, when they add items or features they get told they are a greedy company and threatened. Most of the threats likely come from free players who haven't spent $1 on the game.

    If I find areas in the game that I don't care for, I simply won't play them. I have yet to finish module 15 because I find the humor too childish and YouTube characters too cartoon like. A friend in the guild loved it, and finished it in record time. Sure Cryptic has made poor decisions and bad choices, but I don't see this "Premium Rewards" as one of them.

    As soon as they reinstall scaling (yes that is on their to-do list) we will hear more screaming from spoilt players. I personally find it sad, I walk into Mantol Derith on Monday and beat Baphomet in 2 seconds then walk out 6750 AD richer. But make it a challenge and poof "Argh! They are greedy! It is a cash grab I tell you! Whaaa!!". It is sad my companion alone can kick his butt in 20 to 30 seconds. I will say the longer it continues, the harder it will be for Cryptic to yank off that band-aid. Players get spoiled, yes I get spoiled too, and I might log in some Monday to find Baphomet one shot me into next week. At that point, "Meh, it was fun while it lasted.". Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Game barely survived the first bout with scaling. By all means, do it again and watch the crater where the game used to be. No one plays MMOs to upgrade their characters just to NEVER GET ANY STRONGER.

    Sorry, I don't map the plans for Cryptic. Just looking at the 2020-2021 Road Map they made available back in August; it clearly states, "Scaling Improvements" at the end of this year and sometime in February of next year. At present we are in the middle of "Improved Dungeon Rewards" and we should see "Professions Update" and the new event "Harvester of Nightmares" coming tomorrow afternoon in Protector's Enclave.

    I have no opinion on things unavailable to me. When it comes to global scaling, it is my opinion, somethings need to get better, but tweaking the players globally isn't always the best answer for it. I apologize to @hanzohasashi#5461 for getting his thread off topic, this was not my intention. I was only pointing out how making changes in order to experiment on the Live game leads to all these hotheaded "spoilt" and "entitled" players to complain about it before anything is done to tweak it.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited September 2020
    kierlakx said:

    Game barely survived the first bout with scaling. By all means, do it again and watch the crater where the game used to be. No one plays MMOs to upgrade their characters just to NEVER GET ANY STRONGER.

    Fun fact, everyone asking, we need changes, we need updates. Yet in same moment complain why changes where implemented.
    At first it was funny to read complains about either scaling or this new reward chances, but after reading all these complains. I can assure, that most complainers simply have an inflated sense of their importance.

    Speaking about getting stronger, @kierlakx .
    Are you sure about that?? I mean, have you even try look back and measure your character when we played mod 16 and your characters current state? It's got stronger, unless you where not upgrading your builds. :)

    @sandukutupu indeed thread going to offtopic.
    Personally I would prefer to move this whole thread to offtopic forum part.

    And make new thread like 20 days latter. When reward system will be online for about month. :)
    Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • This content has been removed.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    This is such a circle of a "discussion", that its almost silly.

    Everyone wants rare items to drop for them, so they can use them or more likely, sell them on the AH for huge amounts. So people complain when they don't drop for them in a time frame they deem reasonable.

    However, if they drop like most players would like, everyone is able to get said rare items, and the price on the AH will crash. So then people complain that they can't get rare items to sell on the AH.

    It is the typical gamer mentality: I want the rare items to drop for ME, but not for anyone else. I want access to items that I can sell for AD, but I don't want anyone else to have access to them.

    Its a balancing point that the game has never been able to master. Make something rare, players complain that they have to pay for it. Make it too easy, and players complain that there is nothing rare for them to sell.

    I still believe and have always believed, I think the issue all stems from the speed at which content is gone through here. People are running high level content multiple times a day. In other MMOs, you are lucky to run high level content once a day. So the drop rate has massive implications for any changes....1% either way can have a massive swing.

    The other issue has always been the fact that Cryptic always seems to balance things on the worst case scenario...the most hardcore scenario. This is the only way that you can look at getting 1 pward as a "reward" occasionally as being in any way logical. They are looking at it from the perspective of the guy that has 5000 reroll tokens, nothing to do everyday and just runs dungeons over and over and over. They have to really, if they want to keep people buying zen. If they bump the rate up a bit, pwards wont sell.

    It is what it is.

  • kierlakxkierlakx Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    @hadestemplar He was complaining that downward scaling isn't strong enough to make him struggle against a weekly quest boss from MOD HAMSTER EIGHT.

    @oldbaldyone There's an actual balance point for loot drops, but I can tell you that a sub-10% chance to get 2 trade bars is nowhere near that point. There's serious problems with both the drop rates AND the drop amounts. At some point you have to just set the sweatys aside and deal with them in a different way, because otherwise you end up with the current situation where chances are so absurdly low to get anything good that you just stop running anything other than your daily RTQ and REDQ for RAD, because it's simply not worth the time or the keys.
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