After I collected the first set of rewards, I was going to claim a few more boots for my alts. It does say they are account-bound, so that should not be an issue, right ?

Well, it does not work....reclaiming is not available, even though I have already claimed this item for myself.
1) I buyed "Reforger's Blessing Launch Bundle"
2) I comleted 28k zariel's favor, unlocked the Reforger's Blessing and claimed all the items
I can't buy nothing from Yamael the trader
Personally I think it's not intended because:
- If you need 28K to unlock the items in the store then you need to use 8K favours in advance because the limit is 20K.
- If you need to wait until the server progress reaches 100% that's unfair because then your store items don't depend on you but other people. It's acceptable that those "new features" are server unlock but personally unlocked items should not depend on server progress.
- If you need to wait until the next milestone starts, that's really awful because it means that you should "stop" playing the event once you unlock your personal progress because there is nothing useful you can do with the favours.
Although I did hope that this store problem was fixed on yesterday's patch, I was not
There is no good reason to earn more than 28K favors in each milestone regardless if the store is locked or not. It just takes away room from the next milestone. The whole campaign needs 112K favor and that means you have to spend 92K favor. At this stage, the more (than necessary) you get, the more pain you will have.