With the dragonborn (and especially the metallic dragonborn) as playable races, Bahamut should be included among the choice selection of deities in the character creation process. To the game staff, please consider adding Bahamut to the list of deities in a future patch/update.
"Feras... Feras... Feras! Ferasans, HOOOOOO!"
I agree, though.
More dieties and there should be some method for players to switch dieties.
Bahamut, Ilmater, and Mielikki should all be added. I would like to see Lathander added as well, since he and Amaunator are now largely considered to be two separate dieties in the Realms if I understand things correctly.
With ne mechanics involved in the dieties themselves, this seems like about the easiest thing to add to the game.
Just need a little write-up, an image of their symbol, and a title for their followers for each one added.
A "change dieties" quest would be more work, of course, but it doesn't have to be particularly elaborate, either.
And the quest could just as easily be a test of faith for those wanting to stick with their present patron. At the end just present the full list of choices and let the player pick. They could pick a new patron or pick the one they had going in.
I would like to see them add a journal entry for every diety with a better explanation of things so players will have more info than just the little they currently get.