Hey all,
i can´t precisely reconstruct the problem itself ingame. So I just wanted to ask any divine mates here, if they spotted the same problem or if I´m just missing/overseeing something:
Sometimes when my Cleric (dunno about Pally though) runs out of divinity, which, thanks to the new changes rarely happens, the heals won´t work anymore. And with "don´t work" anymore I precisely mean that everytime I try to heal (with divinity then being restored of course), some red or yellow zeros appear, but the targets are not healed. The cast animation and effect are visible though. Happened to me in LOMM and to a fellow cleric in IC today. Resetting the battle solved the problem btw.
Any thoughts, explanations or did the same happen to someone?
Best regards,
Edit: The problem was the same with at wills, encounters, dailys even with Heals over time.
Edit 2: Expended Faith and Overflowing Spirit were active at that time.
And yes, if others are experiencing this please chime in!
Edit: It actually doesn´t seem to be related to divinity, since the angel also didn´t work at 50% divinity.