Normally this type of view isnt this of player, but this "creations of wonder"-mass spread is extremely exaggerated. The moral cost is low, moral can be restored without limits and materials are sold unlimited by materials vendor.
Now additionally, everybody has perfect workers and tools to get max. amount of materials from each craft.
This means everybody having enough gold is selling tens of thousands of crafted materials cheapest to other players via AH and is crafting boxes himself without having limits by material.
I`m not sure if the game devs are aware that hundreds of people can easily craft 1000+ "creations of wonder" each in these 5 days? Prices have dropped extremely and there will be enough global stock of "creations of wonder" for the next 5 years of Auction house.
For next event, they should do a rework or minimum disactivate this cheap moral replenishing or just raise moral cost to 50 each try. The balancing is totally off now, at a region where I decided not to take part in this "Land of milk and honey"-event.
A bit of challenge would be if there would not be unlimited workshop morale. Or if I had to craft some materials on some of my chars and use these on main char for crafting.
Actually you already have or buy thousands of gold, buy tons of "steel bars" etc. from materials vendor. Then you craft tons of "wondrous cogs" etc. replenishing workshop morale cheap. Absolutely easy you can craft all the day "creations of wonder" manually without material exceed. This is not a balanced event. And I`m just wondering how this can be plan of the game designers.
Btw. if my intention would be max. profit, I would abuse this situation as a lot of others do.
You don't even need gold to buy materials if you have stocked up ton of old material/vouchers.
And, I still have may be 50 stacks of 999 enchanted coffer. If it is hard, it will benefit people like me a lot because it will eliminate a lot of competitions. I don't even need to spend AD to replenish workshop morale. However, I am too lazy to do so. Regardless if the odd is easy or hard, there is a lot of manual labour involves.
Thanks for answer.
Infact, we should be asking for caps to start to be removed from content to allow/reward players for playing more.
I wouldn't call that a crash at all.
Some things I will never understand...
If somebody wants to "work", I would say let them.
As I mentioned, I don't even need to get raw material using gold. I can get the material for the final step with Vouchers.
The only gold use is for the final step crafting commission.
I also have many -75% commission artisans in many characters.
i.e. I don't even need to spend AD on moral. I don't need to spend gold on raw material.
Yet, I did not waste time on this because the profit was not attractive at all although my input cost is low (my labour cost is high).