The Infernal Ward Shirt & other shirts are only giving .1% AP gain per proc, instead of 1% AP gain.
Butcher's Zeal Description: When you damage or heal your target for more than 15% of your maximum hit points in a single blow, you gain 1% action points.
Easily confirmed with ACT.. you can also see with your eyes. Each time 15%+ is done you gain 1 action point, which equals .1% action points, since their are 1000 action ponts to fill a bar.
In Demogorgon i gained 3.3% action points in total from this item. By comparison the AP pants version... "Critical Charge" gave 45% AP gain in total.
Also Note: This item appeard to be giving only 1 proc per skill use... regardless of how many enemies you hit for more than 15% of your health with the skill.