If you die to the last five enemies in the Devil's Hold vault, your character is unable to complete the quest.
When you are "escaping the vault" the door to the exit shuts and you are required to defeat the last five enemies. If you die to these enemies, you are put back at the vault altar, but the door is still shut and the last five enemies are on the other side of the door, with no way of the opening the door. Leaving the dungeon does not reset the quest. Re-entering the vault picks up the same exact spot (unable to complete the quest).
Changing characters or logging completely out is the only way to reset the dungeon (requires player to redo the entire dungeon).
Is this ever to be fixed? Working as intended?
Once again, if you party wipe on the last mob, game over?
@greywynd I agree, it only matters when it gets between money and sales. I don't expect much more than @nitocris83 to pop in here and tell us it is being looked into and then Cryptic will wait for this thread to dissolve like so many others.
If you are in a party have one player wait for the mob to be lured away by the party. While they are distracted the free player can open the door. Killing the last mob at that point is optional.
Simple solution for this is another rest area just outside the artifact cage or in a corner. Just saying from my experience with the Foundry, this is a quick simple fix and you will hear a lot less complaints. Thank you for your attention, Julia. I am just feeling a bit moody is all.
Another "cloned" map is the house you fight the demons inside. Hidden Hostages reused Tualo the Bright's home from, the Linkletter quest "The Wizard's Folly", you can find a burnt letter in the fireplace and lore about the wizard Rhazzad. Since this is another clone, I imagine the removal of the scroll in the fireplace cannot be done because it would break the original quest.