Yeah got this nice werewolf form. To go with my natural born werewolf. Now I want to get the title that makes her more werewolfy. Because of this mess where all the low level skirmishes can't be done at all. All missing and some of the titles can never be earned past a certain point because not every one of them is tied to a cta. . Can we get an eta on when this will be fixed and I'm really hoping this gets fixed before the exp bonus event. Main reason for thread was the earnable titles not being able to be earned. Which I hope will be fixed so we can get them with our characters again. But decided to post on the other things on my mind about the game itself and its dirreciton. Which can be found in the spoiler. Since I did write a lot of text on it.
First thing I wanted to mention was when they added the random queue system or when I played with it was the best version they had both seperate random dungeon and random skirmish queues it was really great for helping bridge the gap when leveling up then then they took that away. Then they kept making changes merged random dungeon and random skirmish into one so that nerfed leveling and maybe ad as well it was a ridiculous change in my mind but I guess they had their reasons and I understand they wanted to improve the system though made it more annoying in the process. But they keep changing it up and making it worse or even better in some cases but worse when it comes to lower character leveling. Their goal could be anything but I think is to reduce the ad gain but had the side effect of nerfing leveling and I think the reason for the changes they are planning on doing because of some gap between players going for the fastest content over the longest or something like that. Of course players will go the fastest route possible or through other means not using zax or to farm ad. Because they rather do that the suffer through a long grind or wait and that isn't going to change even if they get more rewards by doing the longer ones some might do the longer ones others just stick with the shorter and that isn't going to change much if any with the changes they are wanting to do. Take them out to rework them fine. But they should have at least made the titles be granted without those skirmishes in the meantime.
To say it again I really think are going in the wrong direction. Because people will still go the fast route. Say for example cloak tower gives 10000 ad and a longer more challenging dungeon 25000 ad. One takes 15 to twenty minutes another takes 35 to forty five just an example. Which one will players do the most? If one takes 15 minutes. another forty. Why have 25000 ad when you can have like 30000 ad. By doing three of them. That is the reason why people keep pugging the fastest dungeons or skirmishes. Changing the rewards to be higher for more time and effort spent isn't going to fix it. Unless the rewards are worth it enough that players will do the longer and harder dungeons. That is why I think the latest efforts to change things up to get players to do them isn't going to work. Because at best, the hardest dungeons might have good ad better then the others but at the same time you can get more by doing the faster ones over and over again. I do understand them trying to balance out stuff. But well still won't stop that gap players will find away.
Another issue is the main currency isn't seperate With Star Trek Online the zen to dil or dil to zen exchange actually works and people are constantly trading or buying zen or placing it into there. of course it has its share of issues. When dil sinks dry up and the flow of to much dil getting into the game. Through the events and well as the problematic issues of the discount system in place in sto that is why they have the pheonix boxes. Even still you can get zen instantly by trading the dil even if the price has gone up so its still working. Even if it costs more dil to trade for zen. Meaning less zen in the long run and less zen being sold its still being constantly sold. So yeah mentioning all this because well I think its part of the core issue that is causing the devs to keep changing things up to be worse then they were instead of sunsetting the current exchange system to be the other module maybe some ofi thas to do with code I don't know but either way. I do appreciate them for what they have tried to do. But its been stop gags at best. Maybe taking out discounts and not doing discount on coal wards and bags and other items that go for quite a bit of ad could be another stop gag. Just remove them. Including black friday for a few years and maybe that could help the zax out.
I think the direction is kinda really going down the ant hill instead of up for another reason. I don't blame them for wanting to make hard content and I love that they want to make challenging content for the player base but not every single module and that is the core issue I'm having with the direction. As Chult, Ravenloft, other module dungeons trails have I think been built for the hardcore types could be wrong on some of them. But some of it could be a mechanics thing that make the bosses more difficult to defeat by the most casual players and some inbetweens or even a lot of inbetweens. Some like the tomb of annihilation I can understand being hard core as the modules have been designed around that purpose I think because of the lore of the place as well the bosses I can see it. But it shouldn't be that way for every dungeon or trial added in. They need to cater to everyone as well so players can do the content and get the rewards maybe once in a while do a dungeon that is very hard to complete and killing the fast paced combat of the game to make even older content more challenging as the greats mistake since mod six even worse then mod six I think that could have happened to the game even with that blow.
I do think it will get better and with updates they will make it better and I'm hopeful the devs will make that happen and I do know they caere about the game enough to fix it and make it better for everyone and as long as they adjust things with the current system they could make it a lot better. Which the fixes were a large part of the reason why mod 17 wasn't as big which is good that they went that way and that could mean they do care and will continue to make the game great and better despite the unneeded changes that hurt the game. They do understand how bad warlock is for example for players complaining about it. So I do have to thank the devs for the wonderful game you made and you for all you have done to make the game better even if it idn't go fully as planned and I do hope for the future. Hopefully Mod 18 will be announced this week! I'm guessing it will be out in December. Since they are in alpha testing not sure how long that goes on.
Hard Headed, Black Hearted and Silent can't be acquired anymore due to missing dungeons.