I don't know what is happening, but I'm using Steal Time on tab and sometimes it goes onto permanent cooldown, well the system thinks it is on cooldown. It will work fine for ages then suddenly it will not trigger properly - I get the first 1 second of the animation and the full sound, but it stops after that 1 sec and the timer goes to 4 seconds every time and counts back down to zero. When I hit it again it just does it over and over again. When I try to slot another power into tab from power window it tells me I cannot do it because the power is on cooldown, even though it's not. I CAN swap another power from my belt to tab and move steal time to that spot, and after that I can move things in and out of tab and they work properly, but then the key which has Steal Time on it (4,5,6 etc) will then be locked and tell me I cannot slot something in when the power is on cooldown, so it's a Steal Time thing not a tab-key thing. The only way to reset it is to log out and back in again otherwise that loadout is just locked for one power. I have been able to swap to another loadout and use all keys normally, but when I swap back to that loadout Steal Time is doing the exact same thing. I use this loadout all the time and it's mostly fine, just this happens in Castle Never, nowhere else and usually right after the first boss fight has finished with the beholder. It's really annoying me because it's my main AOE on that loadout.
The cooldown animation for that spell is also broken within HUD as sometimes it shows that it is ready, although the timer still ticks.
So far the only repeating issue for me is the indication for the cooldwon not working properly.
Caturday Survivor
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Steal Time timer is still behaving strangely, other day it jumped from 8 to 9 to 8 to 9 to 8 to 9 then 14 then counted down.