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Damage Buffs/Critical Severity/Combat Advantage



  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    sobi#1980 said:

    sobi#1980 said:

    I can speak as a dps cleric that nothing currently is bugged of my powers, at least those that i am using for my rotations. Seems to be the case for the Barb as well right now. Arcanist however has had issues in the past and even more so on preview, at this point and time.


    Nothing is bugged you say? I am pretty sure if I test Cleric I will find something, I just can't be bothered because so much is broken that ANY comparison at all is misleading. Gaining 100% increased damage on Wizard for using a Control power for example, or another 100% from using a daily. As for Barb:
    kovu#3307 said:

    Battle Fury on Barbarian

    I main a dps cleric, i know my rotations and encounter far better than you think. I specifically stated that nothing is bugged with the encounters i used according to ACT, not that the class itself has no bugs at all. Barb on the other hand i do not main but from that ACT pic, it seems like a bug that reduces their damage. If so, you actually support my findings.
    No, it isn't a bug that reduces their damage, its a bug that increases it by far more than intended. Ordinary damage in that picture - 473.6. After Battle fury - 2889.1. That is a 510% damage buff, which is 500% more than intended. The buff is used at time = 19:32:53 and it expires at 19:33:01. In case you were not aware, the effectiveness of this buff decreases over time. But considering you have failed to read any of the bug reports in this thread, I think this might be a little bit beyond your scope.
    I don't know if 30% can be justified with the bugs, as you have stated both classes are doing more than intended. We'll see in the future.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    > @thefabricant said:

    > (Quote)

    > Nothing is bugged you say? I am pretty sure if I test Cleric I will find something, I just can't be bothered because so much is broken that ANY comparison at all is misleading. Gaining 100% increased damage on Wizard for using a Control power for example, or another 100% from using a daily. As for Barb:(Quote)

    Nothing is bugged...

  • aerhythia#3255 aerhythia Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    sobi#1980 said:

    I think i need be more specific here and stop beating around the bush. Right now, the only argument i can see from the other side is that, "at this stage, something might be bugged". That's it! They cannot disapprove the fact that the disparity is even bigger now. It could be that wiz might be doing more damage than intended but if vice versa then that there is an issue. Notwithstanding that, the disparity is larger even after the introduction of this formula, which was thought to be the magical formula, cure it all solution. But as it stands, that doesn't seem to be the case and it actually affects cryptic's credibility because it shows that they never intended non-dps classes to be equal in dps, eventhough they clearly stated that all dps paragons will be treated individually. My only argument is that the disparity would have been much more closer than before but instead it seems to get larger.

    Due to how the new formula works hopefully it will make it easier to adjust selfbuffs or magnitude of powers. Before if they adjusted Ranger powers everything benefitted from multiple selfbuffs, whereas on a Barb or Cleric any change would have had a smaller effect. Now only the amount of selfbuffs is different.

    Warlock is the only class I never really played, so I can't say much about what's going on with them, but it looks like they made adjustments downwards despite the fact that Warlock wasn't exactly overperforming before. You'd expect the opposite and it would also be more fun testing.
    sobi#1980 said:

    I don't want to be the bringer of sorrowful tides, but this needs to be clarified now that this whole damage formula was all about bringing the margin closer than it currently is. It remains to be seen but look at Warlock thread over there, you'll get the full picture then.

    Well, if balance is not the plan devs should just stop working on it and spend more time relocating Sergeant Knox and Sybella in PE! :D

    Nevertheless the new formula is still a great opportunity even if it's not a magical solution right out of the gate. If the classes were balanced before (other then having different types of selfbuffs) it might have worked better.

  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    I do not care how long you play the game, how many guides that I never used or trust did you published, I do not owe you anything so do not speak in my name.
    Do any of you main a CW?
    -I do. The Demon Lord set does not give 10 , does not give 8 , in fact does not give 3% in reality.
    -There is power bonus gear that outshines damage bonus gear.
    -Who uses a passive for a daily?! Who, when one has 3 daily in a dungeon run?
    Do you know that the game is not a single target game? It is not Counter Strike or something.
    1.CW have 40 magnitude At- will !
    2.And that At- will does not Critical Strike. Does not even proc runes in runic encounters.
    3.And that At-will gets stuck 10% at the time.
    4.We do not have any AoE but 1 that has 200 magnitude and 15 sec cool down.

    Who keeps pushing the CW nerfing are out of their mind.
    In the real game we are dead weight already because we can not clear trash mobs and trash mobs are what takes time in a dungeon.
    And at the Bosses we must not DPS to not bugg them or send them into deadly mechanics.
    So what am I at use for in a party?

    If you convince the developers to change all the game for ToMM, you might as well offer yourself as support DPS for CW in any content from now on because it will take more time for the CW than for a tank to finish a quest.

    There are many things that does not work either as the developers state , either as you state.

    If you want single target better DPS , I want a decent AoE just like you have. Not to say that I am suppose to be able to do crowed control.

    I agree with your MAIN point. Wizard does not need to be nerfed. It's pretty much at the sweet spot right now, just needs some broken mechanics fixed and some of the skills buffed.. the ones that NO one uses. That said, the proccing, Rimefire, smoulder, and AP gain have always been hosed up. They should continue cleaning it up even if it makes a nerf here or there.

    I am guessing you run Thaumaturge mostly. If so, consider switching to an Arcanist build with SS & Arcane Presence or whatever. Make sure to select the feat for 10 stacks of Arcane, and also the one that gives +40 magnitude to ice skills. IT and ST are of course the back bone of the build and so awesome AoE. Use Disintegrate (master slot) + Entangling force for the last slot. There are lots of small situational variants and replacements available such as repel for boss fights. Max your defense & put a little buff into your health and you become a living nuclear torpedo with decent versatility and a unique role.

  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    What's the point to up CW for trash packs when trash packs already melt fast ?
  • ramesh84ramesh84 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    wish PvP wizards were as squishy as you tell they are..
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    I run my CW-alt and I have no issues (not the slightes) in terms of survivability doing solocontent, mobs freeze die or freeze and die in short. That's where my dps Fighter has far more problems, esp. in downscaled content/dungeons where I got onehitted out of nowhere several times (felt like bug alert tbh)
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    Whats the point of replying before reading?
    CW must do solo content too.
    CW must be useful in party. At trash we are useless , at Bosses we must stand around to avoid DPSing Durfi, Nostura, Trobriand right into deadly mechanics or bugg Kabal and so on.
    You can not talk about total damage output of one class outside of the playing content.
    Lets hit 1 dummy with all we have it is not real testing.

    Please stop wasting your energy and ours as well. No one wants a wiz nerf, the best way of testing dps is on a 1min dummy test with same conditions for all classes but ST (obviously equal gear and skill ceiling players). For Aoe you can do the maths but then you won't be able to take into account the cast time and the amount of people you hit on average.

    So ST tests are appropriate when you are comparing dps because they are convenient to test. Arcanist just seems to be the best ST dps dealer live right now. This sole purpose of having the same formula was to allow the dev's to balance classes and presumably lower the margin between pure dps and non-meta dps. It only makes sense to use wiz as an ST -dps comparison. Right now there are too many bugs so it's better to wait for more updates before testing. But i do agree that Thaum is beyond trash right now and needs help. But right now thaum has way too many bugs live to even compare. Once the bugs are sorted, a good comparison can be made with other classes.
    Post edited by sobi#1980 on
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    Whats the point of replying before reading?
    CW must do solo content too.
    CW must be useful in party. At trash we are useless , at Bosses we must stand around to avoid DPSing Durfi, Nostura, Trobriand right into deadly mechanics or bugg Kabal and so on.
    You can not talk about total damage output of one class outside of the playing content.
    Lets hit 1 dummy with all we have it is not real testing.

    I read, but everybody has to deal with Durfi, Nostura, Trobriand mechanics... not only CW.
    You got it easier than other classes due to your shift range, yet nobody is asking for a nerf of shift range, that would be stupid logic.
    CW are able to do solo content, CW are useful to team.
  • reeper#9973 reeper Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    If you aren't the top DPS as a CW in dungeons, you aren't playing it properly. Maybe read some guides or look at some research. Following your own head gets you nowhere and neither does being the best keyboard warrior. And when making statements, maybe provide proof.
    Does certain stuff not work the way we want them to work? Sure
    Does the lack of feedback anger us sometimes? Sure
    Have we ever had balance between DPS classes? Not that I know of, but we work with what we are given
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    2. - We all have to do with Boss mechanics-
    Yes, but if I am only good at single target and I can not DPS the Boss, it is so hard to understand that I am at disadvantage?

    Please tell me how being good at aoe would help ? If you cannot attack you cannot attack. And it's the same thing for everybody, aoe or single target dps, is it hard to understand?

    Btw you are not at disadvantage because you are range and can attack right after a dodge, thing that melee can't do every time.

  • theskalltheskall Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    > @magdalena#1708 said:
    > I do not care how long you play the game, how many guides that I never used or trust did you published, I do not owe you anything so do not speak in my name.
    > Do any of you main a CW?
    > -I do. The Demon Lord set does not give 10 , does not give 8 , in fact does not give 3% in reality.
    > -There is power bonus gear that outshines damage bonus gear.
    > -Who uses a passive for a daily?! Who, when one has 3 daily in a dungeon run?
    > .
    > Do you know that the game is not a single target game? It is not Counter Strike or something.
    > 1.CW have 40 magnitude At- will !
    > 2.And that At- will does not Critical Strike. Does not even proc runes in runic encounters.
    > 3.And that At-will gets stuck 10% at the time.
    > 4.We do not have any AoE but 1 that has 200 magnitude and 15 sec cool down.
    > Who keeps pushing the CW nerfing are out of their mind.
    > In the real game we are dead weight already because we can not clear trash mobs and trash mobs are what takes time in a dungeon.
    > And at the Bosses we must not DPS to not bugg them or send them into deadly mechanics.
    > So what am I at use for in a party?
    > If you convince the developers to change all the game for ToMM, you might as well offer yourself as support DPS for CW in any content from now on because it will take more time for the CW than for a tank to finish a quest.
    > There are many things that does not work either as the developers state , either as you state.
    > If you want single target better DPS , I want a decent AoE just like you have. Not to say that I am suppose to be able to do crowed control.
    > .

    You seem to be very familiar with wizard or at least more than sharp. I'm currently using Sharp's guide but I suppose you're able to outperform him. Do you happen to have any build or guide you could share with me? Thank you very much
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    How is a CW squishier than an HR, or a TR?

    Cap your defense, and invest in barkshield, hp, and incoming healing, like everyone else. Still have issues, then slot shield on tab and tank better than tanks.

    Or let the tank grab aggro.

    What solo phase 2? What mobs?
  • giz#2086 giz Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Wizard squishy? It's tanker than a Fighter or a Paladin in pvp... When i pug REQ and a decent Wizard is in the group, he's rushing all the dungeon without issues like a walk in the park.
  • reeper#9973 reeper Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    Please help us also with which set is better than Demon Lords' set? Not even 3% you say? We clearly need your help
  • d3cepti0n#1453 d3cepti0n Member Posts: 73 Arc User

    1.- I run my CW alt and it is ok. -
    WE are talking here either do nerf CW, either to buff other classes for -balancing-.
    How the heck is balancing only by buffing classes that outDPS CW right now in dungeons ?
    Oh, pls, do not post that your CW is the paingiver at the same level gear up. you know it is a lie.

    2. - We all have to do with Boss mechanics-
    Yes, but if I am only good at single target and I can not DPS the Boss, it is so hard to understand that I am at disadvantage?

    3. -Testing on dummy makes sense.-
    Yes, it does, in phase 1.
    Then go solo in phase 2 and see how many mobs packs there are , how long it takes to finish the dungeon for each class.
    I do not even dare to say to do the same dungeon in different party combinations bc it is obvious I am talking to the walls.

    4. -CW are at advantage for being range. -
    No, they are not. They are ranged bc they are squishy.
    Choose 1 advantage people , you just can not have it all in 1 build.

    But if you want to have it all in 1 build, I want to have at least 2 builds that are useful.

    Make the Thaumaturge able to crowed control as it was suppose to do.

    It's usually logical for games to focus balance around the latest addition to the game, in this case, ToMM. Considering ToMM's difficulty and clear rate compared to the rest of the content though, I'll address LoMM, mSP, ToNG, etc.

    Any geared dps with half a hand would force Arcturia, Nostura, Orcus and other annoying bosses™ into phase before finishing their rotation. It doesn't really matter how potent your damage is, you're never going to use it fully; I'm guessing that's your first argument.
    While that's true, it's irrelevant to class balancing. There are 2 ways to go about balancing with a type of content in mind. You either balance for the whole community, or the target audience.
    Take LoMM, for example. IL 20k+. That would mean that there are ~3 groups of people running LoMM, the barely equipped ones (20-21k IL), the "target audience" for LoMM (21k - 23k), and the endgame players (23k+).
    The first 2 groups don't have the damage to force phases on most bosses, so, in those cases, the concept of an Arcanist CW having great ST damage and not so good AoE stands. You win on the one, you lose on the other.
    On the last group, it really doesn't matter. Saying other classes "outdps CW" because you are dps racing in LoMM, as a 24k CW vs a 24k HR/TR means nothing.

    Finally, there's the sole concept of AoE vs ST. When was the last time your group wiped to a camp? When was the last time people abandoned the instance because you couldn't get past a group of mobs? By design, being good at ST is more useful than being good in AoE. Mobs are supposed to fill the gaps between bosses, not the other way around.

    Considering range; Having range is (also by design) more advantageous than not. However, due to the fact that in NW having range is useless more often than not (since you'll be forced into melee range for various reasons either way), losing too much as a tradeoff for having something you can't use would be unfair, yes. Thankfully, that's not the case, at all. A CW is just as tanky as any other dps class.
    At bis, you can have 80k defense, 5x tacticals, bark, 320k HP and 50ishK of the other defensive stats without sacrificing an inch of your dps. Saying "ew, defense doesnt add to my damage" and staying on the red areas to get an extra hit off for paingiver doesn't make your class squishy, sorry.

    To clarify; I'm not saying CW needs nerfs, buffs, or that the game is balanced in any way. My opinion is for another post. I'm saying that your reasoning behind your opinion is not accurate.
    Piece by piece.
  • sax1993sax1993 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    Will you guys be changing the formula for healing as well when it comes to critical severity? Because this will change to Vorpal will hit healers harder than DPS if that’s the case
    Main: Sax Cleric (Arbiter) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxy Healz Paladin (Oathkeeper) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxon Ranger (Warden)
    Yuri Wizard (Thaumaturge)

    Member of the guild: Legacy (Xbox) and Strawberry Yakuza (PC)
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    sax1993 said:

    Will you guys be changing the formula for healing as well when it comes to critical severity? Because this will change to Vorpal will hit healers harder than DPS if that’s the case

    It is changed for healers as well, just not clarified in the post.
  • sax1993sax1993 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    > @thefabricant said:
    > (Quote)
    > It is changed for healers as well, just not clarified in the post.

    Awesome, thanks for clearing that up I’m on console and a lot of my pally friends were uptight about this change as they thought it was a nerf to healing again but now I can give them peace of mind that it really isn’t since they are changing how it works :)
    Main: Sax Cleric (Arbiter) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxy Healz Paladin (Oathkeeper) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxon Ranger (Warden)
    Yuri Wizard (Thaumaturge)

    Member of the guild: Legacy (Xbox) and Strawberry Yakuza (PC)
  • coolgor28#5062 coolgor28 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    sobi#1980 said:

    sobi#1980 said:

    I can speak as a dps cleric that nothing currently is bugged of my powers, at least those that i am using for my rotations. Seems to be the case for the Barb as well right now. Arcanist however has had issues in the past and even more so on preview, at this point and time.


    Nothing is bugged you say? I am pretty sure if I test Cleric I will find something, I just can't be bothered because so much is broken that ANY comparison at all is misleading. Gaining 100% increased damage on Wizard for using a Control power for example, or another 100% from using a daily. As for Barb:
    kovu#3307 said:

    Battle Fury on Barbarian

    <img src="https://media.disco


    The imaginary Friends

    Main Kingslayer.jr(barb)
  • d3cepti0n#1453 d3cepti0n Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited October 2019

    > @d3cepti0n#1453 said:

    > (Quote)

    > It's usually logical for games to focus balance around the latest addition to the game, in this case, ToMM. Considering ToMM's difficulty and clear rate compared to the rest of the content though, I'll address LoMM, mSP, ToNG, etc.


    > Any geared dps with half a hand would force Arcturia, Nostura, Orcus and other annoying bosses™ into phase before finishing their rotation. It doesn't really matter how potent your damage is, you're never going to use it fully; I'm guessing that's your first argument.

    > While that's true, it's irrelevant to class balancing. There are 2 ways to go about balancing with a type of content in mind. You either balance for the whole community, or the target audience.

    > Take LoMM, for example. IL 20k+. That would mean that there are ~3 groups of people running LoMM, the barely equipped ones (20-21k IL), the "target audience" for LoMM (21k - 23k), and the endgame players (23k+).

    > The first 2 groups don't have the damage to force phases on most bosses, so, in those cases, the concept of an Arcanist CW having great ST damage and not so good AoE stands. You win on the one, you lose on the other.

    > On the last group, it really doesn't matter. Saying other classes "outdps CW" because you are dps racing in LoMM, as a 24k CW vs a 24k HR/TR means nothing.


    > Finally, there's the sole concept of AoE vs ST. When was the last time your group wiped to a camp? When was the last time people abandoned the instance because you couldn't get past a group of mobs? By design, being good at ST is more useful than being good in AoE. Mobs are supposed to fill the gaps between bosses, not the other way around.


    > Considering range; Having range is (also by design) more advantageous than not. However, due to the fact that in NW having range is useless more often than not (since you'll be forced into melee range for various reasons either way), losing too much as a tradeoff for having something you can't use would be unfair, yes. Thankfully, that's not the case, at all. A CW is just as tanky as any other dps class.

    > At bis, you can have 80k defense, 5x tacticals, bark, 320k HP and 50ishK of the other defensive stats without sacrificing an inch of your dps. Saying "ew, defense doesnt add to my damage" and staying on the red areas to get an extra hit off for paingiver doesn't make your class squishy, sorry.


    > To clarify; I'm not saying CW needs nerfs, buffs, or that the game is balanced in any way. My opinion is for another post. I'm saying that your reasoning behind your opinion is not accurate.

    Sorry m8, the developers listened to community feedback, and besides the Trial, like ALL of the rest of this content is just a filler.. i mean u queue up and u just run till the end to pick up the chest.. if you truly find Dungeons in nw being difficult, i think the answer is simple, you are problably playing on nintendo or someth.. even the Trial is easy and can be done with competent players, not necessarly 6x wizards, but with competent players nevertheless.. so i dont know how they can balance classes based on content, when content is to easy and classes are too strong.

    Post edited by d3cepti0n#1453 on
    Piece by piece.
  • d3cepti0n#1453 d3cepti0n Member Posts: 73 Arc User

    5 ways toward helping to balance classes based on content.

    1. Is there a dps check phase like mimics at Arturia, then....
    2. Is there a Healing check phase like the butterfly quick death, then..
    3. Is there scaling?
    4. Does the boss an no-revival- move that kills players regardless of HP.
    5. You know that revival limit?
    REMOVE THE 5 TIME LIMIT. If players want to burn through scrolls on the boss fight less them. Eventually they will have to get more through Tradebars or AD.

    So... make runs impossible to fail?
    Piece by piece.
  • admiralwarlord#3792 admiralwarlord Member Posts: 616 Arc User

    5 ways toward helping to balance classes based on content.

    1. Is there a dps check phase like mimics at Arturia, then....
    2. Is there a Healing check phase like the butterfly quick death, then..
    3. Is there scaling?
    4. Does the boss an no-revival- move that kills players regardless of HP.
    5. You know that revival limit?
    REMOVE THE 5 TIME LIMIT. If players want to burn through scrolls on the boss fight less them. Eventually they will have to get more through Tradebars or AD.

    You already know that some classes are way ahead of others when it comes to DPS, and I think this topic will come to that. I know the nerf in Vorpal will have negative impacts for healers, but it was predictable that this enchant would also fit in as there is a very big difference in the damage it does compared to other enchants. And if this will affect the Healer's, I hope they will be compensated in some way.

    On the third point of your comment, I am one of those who advocate scale in dungeons and maps as well. I just don't think it's fair to make a Malabog Castle and win a Wheel of Elements Artifact, and that item hasn't been leveled 80. It also bothers me to go to Bryan Shander and be able to perform a solo BHE, as the name implies. Big Heroic Encounter and should be as challenging as it was at the time you launched the campaign.

    I am against removing the hit kill mechanic. Knowing that this exists and that if you do not know or do not perform this mechanic perhaps the whole group fails, gives an extra emotion.

    I think that the maximum scroll limit should be able to be used at most 3 and without being able to revive more than 1x as it used to be. This makes the game harder, and difficulty for me is the thrill of playing. If I fail, I will seek to improve either the mechanic or my equipment knowledge so that it does not occur.
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    The problem is that there is a huge difference between a skill ceiling player and a bad player. The majority of the players are average and some may seem good because of their gear covering up their lack of skill. The skilled players however are a minority and for who, even TOMM is presumably not challenging enough.

    The dev's have to think about the majority, eventhough TOMM was aimed at a specific population of players, that was because they were yet to be catered.

    Damage as it currently stands, is way more than what is required for any dungeon, regardless of your class. This is for a skilled player, not necessarily for a end game player.

    BUT like i keep reiterating, this post discussion should not be about if there is enough damage to beat TOMM or etc, but rather if the margin is close enough. It has been proven that non-meta can also complete TOMM, albiet not as effectively as pure dps. But after this patch, hopefully that margin will get lowered to an acceptable level.
  • harnrimharnrim Member Posts: 28 Arc User

    sax1993 said:

    Will you guys be changing the formula for healing as well when it comes to critical severity? Because this will change to Vorpal will hit healers harder than DPS if that’s the case

    It is changed for healers as well, just not clarified in the post.
    Can you, or one of the devs, clarify how it changed?
  • violencebf22violencebf22 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Barbarians need to reduce passive ability from 25% crit power to 20% Or other classes will whine. Except rangers.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    harnrim said:

    sax1993 said:

    Will you guys be changing the formula for healing as well when it comes to critical severity? Because this will change to Vorpal will hit healers harder than DPS if that’s the case

    It is changed for healers as well, just not clarified in the post.
    Can you, or one of the devs, clarify how it changed?
    Not him nor a dev, but the outgoing healing is separated from the critical severity.
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