3 of the 4 toons who have finished Stardock quests have the A Strange Summons quest. The fourth ("Notorious P.I.G.
@kthorne#4747") does not have it.
Can it somehow be granted to him? I reported this twice via /bug in game, but never got a ticket number.
@hannibalsmith#0854 When you turn in Fragments, you should have ToMM unlocked, and then get a quest called A Strange Summons, where Halaster wants to talk to you.
So I have finished a second 12-day cycle and have 4 Fragments of Zerthimon in my inventory. Are they good for anything?
Just finished Day 5 of a third cycle but questioning whether I should keep going just for a CHANCE at some good gear on the 12th day. Granted, I have gotten some good drops from Warden expeditions, mainly companion gear.
At this point it seems I'm better off running 3 daily Master Expeditions and taking my chances with Zok.
I was hoping that Teachings of Zerthimon would become available again after finishing the first 12-day cycle. Would it ruin the economy to do that? Especially since the companion gear choice is account-bound.