I feel like some kind of programming joke, 1 bug removed 2 new arrived XD
Thanks to
@zaprobo @bigman99#8273 @admiralwarlord#3792 for feedback in previous post
Also, Reading todays (or previous patchnotes) gave me a view that devs are trying to fix as much as they can and i really hope it will only get better.
So let's go! As always I really count on feedback
DungeonsLair of Mad Mage:
- Boreworm does not listen to aggro, even tho aggro indicator shows red it still attacks random teammate, it it's not supposed to listen to aggro, then it should be grayed out
- Muscle Contraction caused by Scaladars cannot be removed by purging skills casted by healing classes
Castle Ravenloft
- Sisters of Fury sometimes they iggnore aggro indicator, attacking one player of their choice, even if they kill their target, they will await its ressurection to kill it once again
- Second sister of fury, sometimes its health bar does not appear like boss bar and it looks like epic minion.
- Strhad - sometimes when whole party dies doing last boss fight, some members are put in bossfight once again (almost instantly), when they die, the sword dissapears.
- Strhad - Sword did not appeared in the center in the first phase.
Fangbreaker Island
- Permafrost pillars affect anyone who bumps into/gets too close to them as if they had been originally captured by it's spawning.
Kessell's retreat
- Cannot use "Kessell's key" to claim bonus chest after defeating last boss
Heroic EncountersBarovia
- Merchant missery (above the city on minimap) - Last phase starts after enormous ammount of time
- On the map where you have to break wood boards, sometimes mob is stuck between textures (or something else), party is in "constant" fight and cannot progress further this unlocks after some time
- Almost on the end of the map there is portal (and you can find relic near it), mob stucks between portal, cannot be killed, team cannot progress further due to the fact, that they are in combat
QuestsLegacy Campaigns
- Dread Ring - Dread Spire daily quest does not count as mission
- Soul Puppet - Sometimes it does not follow warlock to boss fights (for example boreworm on lomm, he stays before the doors)
Warlock Soulveaver
- Lingering Sustain - Instead of healing 125 magnitude over 15 seconds it should heal 125 magnitude EACH second over 15 seconds (could be nerfed)
- Soul Sparks - After death or near death state warlock looses all of them thus making him unable to heal after death
Cleric Devout
- Searing Javelin - When targeted monster dies during animation it deals no damage to passing enemies.
Barbarian Swordmaster
- Unstopable (tab) - does not work versus soul golems (undermountine / lomm) knocks backs, or silence caused by net catch (those giants monsters in undermountine)
Barbarian Sentinel
- Daring shout is garbage
Barbarian Sentinel, Paladin, Fighter
- Shield does not block knock backs from soul golems (undermountine / lomm)
- One companion slot should be mixed offense/defense to let tank/dps distinguish companions set better
ItemsEmpowered Chain of Scales
- You need some effort to collect all scales (including campaign progress) and this item was not scaled after mod 16 should give atleast 10k power right now
- powerslotexec 1 and/or powertrayexec 1 which should bind right mouse button skill, is not doing it.
(if anyone got idea how to bind, warlock healing atwill please let me know XD)
for the second have everyone move back a bit to the next watered area, wait 5 seconds and then move back. the mob should be outside of the wall.
not really fixes per say but workarounds for it.
When you go to near death state and return to life sometimes the soul spark meter disappear (like if you not have choose a path), if you use the tab in that time the spark come to you but you are unable to use any spark related power.
Also desperate need for Renaissance era fashion items, (minus hoop skirts).
Also, MUCH LOVE to Devs, your efforts are noticable, thank you.
2. Guards in the River District salute "Neverwinter Guard!", i.e. themselves.
3. Dig site guards in the River District are often nowhere near their assigned dig site.
4. In the area of the treasure ship HE in the River District, if you're standing on the large wooden pier area you cannot dodge.
5. Young remorhazes in the northwest part of Cold Run have an absurdly high aggro radius.
6. Itsy-bitsy red spiderlings in the River District behave like Deathjump Spiders, complete with absurdly high red area radii.
7. The mimic in the AI basement has "Mimic" overhead.
8. Aforementioned mimic is *never* a normal chest.
9. Frost Giants on ships in the Sea of Moving Ice are often in the water alongside their assigned ship instead of being on it.
10. The final group of enemies in the AI Noble Extraction quest before you enter the boss room have either significantly higher HP or significantly higher defense than all other enemies.
11. Vampires and Greater Vampires in Vanrakdoom **always** dodge your first attack, no matter what.
12. If you neglected to talk to Nipsy after finishing Dread Vault, the quest is now stuck in your tracker and you cannot abandon it.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
It's hard to say on thise kind of bug, because you know I saw that in this week, but for probably 20 visits there only 3 times appeared, so the problem still exists.
Also workarounds are user solutions , and since it's bug i will keep that on the list
From my programming point of view that would be pain in the a** to implement any solution, in my opinion that room before me should work like lobby, when you are in party you can go there, does not matter from which instance you're comming (and the same should be done to other quest dungeons)
(take note from something i said to burnthedead and pass it to devs with bug list XD ) I will continue to post that list anyway, to keep track of bugs that are known, mostly for players that joins this forum to post some bug, they will be aware of fact that "someone did that already" . Of course, if any bug will be listed on patch notes (if not solved then 'known issue') or any dev would make note here that "this or that was made on purpose" i will erease that thing from the list
Hope you understand ^^
I will take closer look upon those, and insert them on the list, you can expect them on thursday list So, thank you in advance for your help in improving the list
2 - Fire on ground gives to much damage everywhere (Mad Wizards Lair, River District, Master Spellplague Cavern);
3 - Prophecy of Madness is still bad scaled, almost impossible to get gold unless you have very good DPS (should not be that for a itermediate queue);
4 - Druffis arrow attack on FBI kills even if you group up, so if you get the attack you have to die alone;
5 - Milddle ice pillar on Druffi is bugged and don't protect you from winter chorus;
6 - Malabog´s Castle is too much scaled, ads hit harder than LOMM and heal is less effective on scaled zones; same with Valindra's Tower, but a little less;
7 - Intercession on Devout Cleric sometimes dont proc, but i don't know how to reproduce it;
8- Ras Nsi hits too much, almost impossible to kill it without scroll of ress, unless you have all endgames DPS. Divinity Always run down even with best management. His attacks are bugged too, the sword slash and the aoe hits even when you clearly out of range or dashes away from it. Same thing with Torbriand's AOE on LOMM. TDLR: Ras Nsi is not proportional to the rest of dungeon, so a lot of runs are frustrated after half an hour of play;
9- CODG should have a training mode for push/pull or a campfire before last boss cause it's not end dungeon anymore and most players don't know the mechanics;
10 - Tiamat is ok after moved to RAQ (feedback);
11- With legacy campaigns BHE's should have a timer like dragons, so the players doesnt have to stand half na hour to get one;
12 - Sometimes Dread Legion doesn´t play the music;
13- Pets have wrong tooltips, ie Polar Bear Cub shows outgoing heal 2% on green, 4% on blue and 2% on purple;
14 - MPF the big dinossaur has to much life, wasn't that before M16;
15 - RAQ takes more time than REQ to complete, IMO this doesn't make sense since it should be easier dungeons.
4) like paedure said, it works now - tested
5) you would need to elaborate more about "middle pillar" cuz i did it few times and it always worked fine (for me and my party)
8) that one is questionable, cuz this boss is all about teamplay tank needs to avoid all red fields (to not stack damage resistance debuff), team needs to avoid backslash (burn damage deals more than backslash overall) and the healer needs to keep an eye on tank, did it few times as barbie tank (with bad gear) and could make it. But the team knew what to do.
9) CODG, its 10 person trial, i took my "fresh" guild members there, they fall alot but we managed to finnish it few times, and they learned eventually the strategy. Also it's way easier than in m15, the only thing you need to know is how boss works, if he becomes untargetable you have to stand on "outter circle" then when he pushes you towards him, and you are in the middle you start to counter "pulling", then he stops (you can use that time to get a little closer to the inner circle) and gg you did that :P
100% of people who understood and tried that strategy, survived
11) That's idea (good one imo )
13) I noticed that, but never noted which pets are wrongly described
15) Depends it takes us for example 20 minutes for any raq queue (if it's tiamat or demo it takes less) and about 30 minutes for REQ if you have great party you can finnish raq in about 15 minutes dont know how much time it takes for ZERGS
Thanks for feedback