Months and many threads in and the warlock class is still just terrible all around, core base mechanic issues, and mostly ignored and abandoned by devs.
Please just implement a class respec token and weapon exchange vendor. Allow warlock players to also abandon the warlock class as well.
This would make all time, money and progress somewhat salvageable and not an absolute loss with no meaningful resolution mentioned or offered anytime in the near future. Well, other than further performance reduction from multiplicative to additive "fix" coming.
Other classes players are also unhappy with such as barbi, fighter, etc. would also benefit from this.
Even if it cost as much as 5 to 10k zen, others including myself would purchase to at least salvage the millions of ad already invested in thier classes that perform terrible and are non viable at endgame for the role they have played for many mods prior.
I left the game a month ago, and to be honest i miss to play my Hellbringer, every day i check this page to see any improvement or something good for my class, it's hearbreaking to see lots of new posts from people claiming for help, devs give a f**** about the class. And toxic community saying: "want to DPS? play Wizard" is just annoying. Half sadness-Half rage...two toxic feelings for a game that used to be fun.
Well, considering the class was only a dps role for all prior mods. Others and myself built it as a dps since release.
Mistakenly many maxed it out again as dps and come to find out it's not viable at endgame as a dps role. Devs have only worked on making the healing, so I guess it could be run as a healer in tomm now.
But being forced to run and invest more into a role I never chose, a role that wasnt an option prior, and now the only viable role endgame is just ridiculous. If I wanted to be a healer, I would have chosen another class that performs better as a healer prior.
Another option would be dismantleing toon to reclaim companion upgrade tokens from leg companions, leg mounts, campain completions, etc. Which for me is well above 100m ad spent...wasted at this point.
Agree, even when i don't want to play other class because Wizard is too boring for me, and rogue, ranger isn't what i want to play in this game, the only class that fits my style is GWF (my first character but i don't want to play it as main) But a class reroll is a good option for those players with years building a DPS character forced to play support role just because some elitist players and devs wants a system with "pure" DPS classes supremacy. I feel sorry because my Warlock is almost at his FOUR years birthday, and it's garbage because he has a role that i never wanted to have and the class is forced to play because of the current game state.
M17 is a module in which developers have added really hard content. This became a test of each class and each build, but warlocks, in principle, cannot fully participate in it. Just because when starting the content, the class was not recognized by the damage dealer by the developers and were not made the simplest adjustments (such as fixing the Tyrannical Curse (does not increase the damage received by a halaster from other skill) Vampiric Embrace (Removes Paladin Shields)) and much more. Players are invited to play a soul weaver, but this is a different role and different equipment with a cost equal to the cost of creating another character. Warlock R. I. P.
On top warlock is said to deal too much damage from mulitplicative buffs like TR, CW, Hunter At given time (1 years+) they gonna fix it and warlock's dps will drop off even more. Soulweaver can handle content but who wants another supprt in case warlock was his dps class? I run Oathkeeper switched all stuff over, but honestly this all is an example of poor communication and treatment of a class and balance in general.
Well, with the animation delays that interrupt activations, misfires, powers that hit for less than stated magnitudes, broken feats and how bad si stacks are implemented. When they implement additive buffs for warlock, dps will be even more pathetic. Warlock dps role is just looking unsalvageable. Devs know this, yet the class still just sits in mediocrity with out any improvements to dps role. Only pushing fixes to make its healing role actually functional.
Soulweaver got improved a bit and capable to run content but as you said those animation stucking (sukking) bugs are a big annoyance. Several times in a run and in general in critical situation, I am stuck in animations where I want to "Tab" to gain sparks but nothing happen, same counts for any encounter, nothing works.Sometime my warlock is caught in AT Wills animation "Hellish Rebuking targets" endlessly, all other powers blocked. That bug is manageable to break by Shift, maybe somthing else. At wills blocking gameplay repeatedly.
Same issues on my wizard sometimes, a bit different. The CW is rooted by animations (guess At Wills) and can´t do a step only dodge, nothing else... I need to relogg or mount my horse to get him out of that stasis. At least Warlock is capable to break that stucking animation , but in the middle of fight you first need to be aware of that bug, it takes few seconds within the party is dead sometimes... sparks gone
I really don´t like to quote myself, but way before mod 17 lauched I anticipated exactly this scenario, where I wrote something like " I really hope this changes will not lead to another 4 years of "crawling arround" an unfinished class out of balance and without getting adressed in time" That's what it looks like to some degree, where there is no communication at no time and feedback mostly got ignored, since the one who is responsible for the class is too busy with other stuff, simply look at those classes devided into two camps, one has additive buffs the other multiplicative.
Another point mentioned several times is: mod 17 is developed for "20 player" -> 20 player, taht's the average number on PC inside TOMM-> 20 not 200 ! They did a good job on that trial maybe, but in all honesty for the price of dropping and pushing away 99.9% of the rest of playerbase. Develloping an mmo arround this little minority of player and ignoring major issues like unbalanced classes (inside tomm there are 100% Hunter TR CW actually doing the trial as dps), the rest sentenced to run ME's all time and getting annoyed by bugs and unfinished classes, looks like a pretty poor decision to me.
Well, warlock does get stuck in a forever flailing around mode where no damage occurs and a green line shoots out. Just walk around flailing untill relog. Guess it's an added feature to further incentivise leaving walock class.
Maybe the class change token isn't the answer.... I want a real DPS Warlock in this game, the class that used to be when it was released, pure DPS class like the other three DPS classes, I prefer to change the name of the actual Warlock for Soulweaver or something like that and make the class a healer class only, and make Warlock class a pure DPS class. So at least the game can have a dedicated healer class, maybe devs need to be less lazy and release a pure tank class as well. I can't believe that in this game a Warlock can't be considered DPS (being a DPS/support class in the worst because of people claiming for the supremacy of pure DPS classes monopolizating damage).
Even when Asterdahl said that all DPS paths should be the same, I don't believe in that because of the state of the DPS/DPS classes vs DPS/support classes. I guess that they have another plans for class balance (DPS/DPS classes >DPS/support) like someone said in ToMM thread "All classes have their spot for ToMM, just play the role that fits the group current needs" The only viable ToMM role for Warlock is healer it seems, so the people that only plays Hellbringer haven't reasons to play this mod.
As a warlock, you kind of sold your SOUL to gain the powers that you have! When you've sold your soul for power, you'd kind of expect more, or want a refund of your soul :P, but contracts always suck so nope, no soul return policy hehe.
But yeah, I tried getting into warlock for a short time, but it just didn't work out for me. Most notably trying to be a healer with it. Got a new soul, and went back to being a devout cleric, infinitely better results even after nerfing!
I have stopped playing NW as it seems that they Warlock class is just being ignored now. I switched to my Rogue as the Developers seem to have finally thrown them a bone, along with Wizard. After playing for 3+ years as a warlock I feel nothing but frustration that we are the red-headed step children of Neverwinter.
Warlock going from mod 15 to 16...taking your car into the shop for detailing, being handed a golf cart back afterwards. Mod 17...being told no golf carts allowed, get a real car. Preview shard...hellish rebuke is quieter. Uhhh, ok?
I hope there are more fixes for us than just that, but that one's actually a big deal for me. Thank you devs! I must not be the only one who has to mute everything when a couple hellish rebuke spammers show up - that horrible sound! Like sand being scoured against my eardrums with steel wool.
I can't give up my warlock. I don't even care if it's close to dead last in terms of dps. So long as I've got three encounters that actually work - and even if there weren't, I don't think I could trade it in for something else. I do get better results with everything but my paladin, but I don't think the other classes are anywhere near as much fun to play.
> @frogwalloper#6494 said: > (Quote) > I can't give up my warlock. I don't even care if it's close to dead last in terms of dps. So long as I've got three encounters that actually work - and even if there weren't, I don't think I could trade it in for something else. I do get better results with everything but my paladin, but I don't think the other classes are anywhere near as much fun to play.
warlock for ever, also if will be able just to spawn at the campfire!!! in older mod i played cw, where controll was awsome. but when sw show his face... it was love at first glance😍
I've been fairly supportive and generous with my benefit of the doubt up until this point, but I'm getting extremely tired of week after week after week of no meaningful improvements for most Warlock issues.
Right after Mod 16 launched I advocated patience because most of the problems players were reporting were "learn to play (the new Warlock)" issues, not game-breaking ones.
Now that we're into Mod 17 and I am playing after the patch where the Warlock "improvement" was to tune the audio on Hellish Rebuke to turn it into some kind of ASMR whisper, I'm at a loss.
I would be ecstatic if they just fixed creeping death to work like prior capstone. Increase the % damage back to where it was as a capstone, allow it to properly stack again, etc. Then we would at least have a fighting chance because in all reality si stacks were really bad before and are just as bad still if not worse. Rather just have back the actual dot damage as an option to drop the ri trash feat.
I will be honest I was bumbed at the beginning of MOD 16 for the Warlock So i just played on my cleric. I decided to give the SW a try and fell in love and then I kept playing around with the HB and can actually pull off great DPS. The AOE dps is fantastic i lose ground in boss fights on single target. But i hold up well against wizards rangers and rogues. I average finishing number 2 with other END game players while there are clearly some adjustments that need to be made on the class. The wizard is not in as bad of a place as many proclaim
@mebalz#9859 Try taking a warlock to 218k idle power and then comparing its results with a wizards at equivalent stats and damage is 25% to 40% less damage. Faster the run, larger the damage disparity. It's a really bad place.
Cant argue against the core mechanics and math, base rotation damage single target is 45% of wizards, wizard at will is 250-500 magnitude per second compared to 30 magnitude per .7 seconds on warlock. At full peak max buffs of a warlock when the target is almost dead then warlocks still have 98% of base wizard rotation not including smolder or stacks...
Of the 98% of wizard base rotation at full buffs is up to 20% as target health decreases, and 25% from si stacks that take 96 seconds to attain if the puppet never dies and no intereuption of combat or phases.
Look at tomm act logs, warlocks output about 60% of a wizard at equivalent gear and stats... that's abysmal.
I don't ever have a 40% difference between an equivalent wizard i would say total run 20-25%. I will out dps the wizard in AOE situations and the wizard will out dps me in single target boss fights. There are also equivalent stat wizards I will out dps but that is just due to i am better at playing the warlock then they are at the wizard currently.
With the amount of times the class balance shifts in this game and considering how profitable it would be to the company, im surprised they still haven't thought about adding a class respec token.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
I don't ever have a 40% difference between an equivalent wizard i would say total run 20-25%. I will out dps the wizard in AOE situations and the wizard will out dps me in single target boss fights. There are also equivalent stat wizards I will out dps but that is just due to i am better at playing the warlock then they are at the wizard currently.
Well with the wizard nerfs, maybe, but i still need to confirm this myself if you dont mind pme ingame for a run #lardeson. You dont have to do if you dont want, not trying to prove anything but to actually see how well the warlock currently performs cos the best warlock i know in the game used to be atleast 30% behind me in lomm and that wasn't because of him being a bad player but due to the fact that the class just lacked burst damage.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
The mechanics of the class equate to 5% less damage output for every 18 seconds shaved off a boss fight if puppet lives. 96 seconds average to attain full stacks.
Breakdown of boss fights of a 18 min lomm.
Arctura si stacks are possible but one cc and all stacks lost. Situationally performance can be good or bad, pure luck.
While in a 2 phase boreworm as an example, you will have no si stack on 1st phase and possibly 1 si stack meaning max damage output is scaling from 45% to 65% of a wizards dmg output in second phase of that fight alone as it dies, extremely fast.
Same goes for last fight where only 2 or 3 si stacks capable and puppet dies immediately when 12 scorpions out and loose all stacks, final phase only capable of 2 to 3 si stacks if built up on towers and maintained/puppet survives before boss death on a fast burn group with dmg scaling from 45%of wizard scaling to 85% max as boss dies on final phase. The warlock mechanics are just bad.
Faster the burn of the group, less performance of warlock in group period. Run with 2 wizards and or arbiter in the group and the damage gap is even larger from buff synergy, along with support running debuff/buff artifacts, artifact sets, and leg mounts, which further increases the damage gap of burst dps. Warlocks just flat lack burst and dot magnitude of meta dps.
A warlock doing good dps in slow burn groups without group buff/debuffs, isn't running in endgame groups. Any good endgame non meta dps will perform well against slower, lower equipped, non bis, and less experienced players.
The mechanics of the class equate to 5% less damage output for every 18 seconds shaved off a boss fight if puppet lives. 96 seconds average to attain full stacks.
Breakdown of boss fights of a 18 min lomm.
Arctura si stacks are possible but one cc and all stacks lost. Situationally performance can be good or bad, pure luck.
While in a 2 phase boreworm as an example, you will have no si stack on 1st phase and possibly 1 si stack meaning max damage output is scaling from 45% to 65% of a wizards dmg output in second phase of that fight alone as it dies, extremely fast.
Same goes for last fight where only 2 or 3 si stacks capable and puppet dies immediately when 12 scorpions out and loose all stacks, final phase only capable of 2 to 3 si stacks if built up on towers and maintained/puppet survives before boss death on a fast burn group with dmg scaling from 45%of wizard scaling to 85% max as boss dies on final phase. The warlock mechanics are just bad.
Faster the burn of the group, less performance of warlock in group period. Run with 2 wizards and or arbiter in the group and the damage gap is even larger from buff synergy, along with support running debuff/buff artifacts, artifact sets, and leg mounts, which further increases the damage gap of burst dps. Warlocks just flat lack burst and dot magnitude of meta dps.
A warlock doing good dps in slow burn groups without group buff/debuffs, isn't running in endgame groups. Any good endgame non meta dps will perform well against slower, lower equipped, non bis, and less experienced players.
while i agree with some of this i dont agree with it all. I will say that the warlock is broken and you can not stat them out like the other classes as far as stats per my testing and what has caused me to clime up the leaders boards in groups i run with. I will not be out dpsed by a cleric I often out dps rangers rogues and wizards now that being said if they are as good at their class as I am the warlock the rangers rogues and wizards will out dps me but not by a mile I have a great amount of burst dps and my AOE out dps even the best wizards in those situations by about 10%. once again single target is the downfall but I dont run a single target and AOE loadout and I only run lightning enchant so if i witched to vorpal for boss fights that would increase my dps in those fights. soul spark management on HB needs to be fixed to proc si more and longer IMO
I don't ever have a 40% difference between an equivalent wizard i would say total run 20-25%. I will out dps the wizard in AOE situations and the wizard will out dps me in single target boss fights. There are also equivalent stat wizards I will out dps but that is just due to i am better at playing the warlock then they are at the wizard currently.
Well with the wizard nerfs, maybe, but i still need to confirm this myself if you dont mind pme ingame for a run #lardeson. You dont have to do if you dont want, not trying to prove anything but to actually see how well the warlock currently performs cos the best warlock i know in the game used to be atleast 30% behind me in lomm and that wasn't because of him being a bad player but due to the fact that the class just lacked burst damage.
I am on console so still in MOD 16 no wizard nerfs yet for whom i play with if your on PS$ i would love to run with you
and IMO oe of the biggest changes they should make is get rid of soul burn as that is just terrible and they should make the HB mechanic like the soul weavers essence drain and be able to pull stacks of souls sparks to build SI quickly to up your DPS and i also think that the stacks of soul sparks should last longer in between combat like the on the soul weaver as well
I will not be out dpsed by a cleric I often out dps rangers rogues and wizards now that being said if they are as good at their class as I am the warlock the rangers rogues and wizards will out dps me but not by a mile I have a great amount of burst dps and my AOE out dps even the best wizards in those situations by about 10%.
Yup, if you give me another equally geared class and a month to learn it i will surely pull out around 10-15% more dps tan my sw. AOE depends on the situation, warlock's is very slow aoe. I can bring you to a party with a hr from my guild and i'm sure you won't pass anyone in dps. No wonder most of the "good warlocks" quitted the game
Mistakenly many maxed it out again as dps and come to find out it's not viable at endgame as a dps role. Devs have only worked on making the healing, so I guess it could be run as a healer in tomm now.
But being forced to run and invest more into a role I never chose, a role that wasnt an option prior, and now the only viable role endgame is just ridiculous. If I wanted to be a healer, I would have chosen another class that performs better as a healer prior.
Just a poor class implementation all around.
R.I.P DPS Warlock, you haven't any spot here.
This became a test of each class and each build, but warlocks, in principle, cannot fully participate in it.
Just because when starting the content, the class was not recognized by the damage dealer by the developers and were not made
the simplest adjustments (such as fixing the Tyrannical Curse (does not increase the damage received by a halaster from other skill) Vampiric Embrace (Removes Paladin Shields)) and much more.
Players are invited to play a soul weaver, but this is a different role and different equipment with a cost equal to the cost of creating another character.
Warlock R. I. P.
At given time (1 years+) they gonna fix it and warlock's dps will drop off even more.
Soulweaver can handle content but who wants another supprt in case warlock was his dps class?
I run Oathkeeper switched all stuff over, but honestly this all is an example of poor communication and treatment of a class and balance in general.
That bug is manageable to break by Shift, maybe somthing else. At wills blocking gameplay repeatedly.
Same issues on my wizard sometimes, a bit different. The CW is rooted by animations (guess At Wills) and can´t do a step only dodge, nothing else... I need to relogg or mount my horse to get him out of that stasis.
At least Warlock is capable to break that stucking animation , but in the middle of fight you first need to be aware of that bug, it takes few seconds within the party is dead sometimes... sparks gone
I really don´t like to quote myself, but way before mod 17 lauched I anticipated exactly this scenario, where I wrote something like " I really hope this changes will not lead to another 4 years of "crawling arround" an unfinished class out of balance and without getting adressed in time"
That's what it looks like to some degree, where there is no communication at no time and feedback mostly got ignored, since the one who is responsible for the class is too busy with other stuff, simply look at those classes devided into two camps, one has additive buffs the other multiplicative.
Another point mentioned several times is:
mod 17 is developed for "20 player" -> 20 player, taht's the average number on PC inside TOMM-> 20 not 200 !
They did a good job on that trial maybe, but in all honesty for the price of dropping and pushing away 99.9% of the rest of playerbase.
Develloping an mmo arround this little minority of player and ignoring major issues like unbalanced classes (inside tomm there are 100% Hunter TR CW actually doing the trial as dps), the rest sentenced to run ME's all time and getting annoyed by bugs and unfinished classes, looks like a pretty poor decision to me.
But yeah, I tried getting into warlock for a short time, but it just didn't work out for me. Most notably trying to be a healer with it. Got a new soul, and went back to being a devout cleric, infinitely better results even after nerfing!
I must not be the only one who has to mute everything when a couple hellish rebuke spammers show up - that horrible sound! Like sand being scoured against my eardrums with steel wool.
I can't give up my warlock. I don't even care if it's close to dead last in terms of dps. So long as I've got three encounters that actually work - and even if there weren't, I don't think I could trade it in for something else. I do get better results with everything but my paladin, but I don't think the other classes are anywhere near as much fun to play.
> (Quote)
> I can't give up my warlock. I don't even care if it's close to dead last in terms of dps. So long as I've got three encounters that actually work - and even if there weren't, I don't think I could trade it in for something else. I do get better results with everything but my paladin, but I don't think the other classes are anywhere near as much fun to play.
warlock for ever, also if will be able just to spawn at the campfire!!! in older mod i played cw, where controll was awsome. but when sw show his face... it was love at first glance😍
Right after Mod 16 launched I advocated patience because most of the problems players were reporting were "learn to play (the new Warlock)" issues, not game-breaking ones.
Now that we're into Mod 17 and I am playing after the patch where the Warlock "improvement" was to tune the audio on Hellish Rebuke to turn it into some kind of ASMR whisper, I'm at a loss.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Try taking a warlock to 218k idle power and then comparing its results with a wizards at equivalent stats and damage is 25% to 40% less damage. Faster the run, larger the damage disparity. It's a really bad place.
Cant argue against the core mechanics and math, base rotation damage single target is 45% of wizards, wizard at will is 250-500 magnitude per second compared to 30 magnitude per .7 seconds on warlock. At full peak max buffs of a warlock when the target is almost dead then warlocks still have 98% of base wizard rotation not including smolder or stacks...
Of the 98% of wizard base rotation at full buffs is up to 20% as target health decreases, and 25% from si stacks that take 96 seconds to attain if the puppet never dies and no intereuption of combat or phases.
Look at tomm act logs, warlocks output about 60% of a wizard at equivalent gear and stats... that's abysmal.
In an 18 minute lomm run? Support running debuff artifacts, mounts, etc?
Agree in slower 22 minute lomm runs usually around 25%
If your saying in tomm? I'd love to see a screenshot or act logs of either tomm or 18 min lomm.
Breakdown of boss fights of a 18 min lomm.
Arctura si stacks are possible but one cc and all stacks lost. Situationally performance can be good or bad, pure luck.
While in a 2 phase boreworm as an example, you will have no si stack on 1st phase and possibly 1 si stack meaning max damage output is scaling from 45% to 65% of a wizards dmg output in second phase of that fight alone as it dies, extremely fast.
Same goes for last fight where only 2 or 3 si stacks capable and puppet dies immediately when 12 scorpions out and loose all stacks, final phase only capable of 2 to 3 si stacks if built up on towers and maintained/puppet survives before boss death on a fast burn group with dmg scaling from 45%of wizard scaling to 85% max as boss dies on final phase. The warlock mechanics are just bad.
Faster the burn of the group, less performance of warlock in group period. Run with 2 wizards and or arbiter in the group and the damage gap is even larger from buff synergy, along with support running debuff/buff artifacts, artifact sets, and leg mounts, which further increases the damage gap of burst dps. Warlocks just flat lack burst and dot magnitude of meta dps.
A warlock doing good dps in slow burn groups without group buff/debuffs, isn't running in endgame groups. Any good endgame non meta dps will perform well against slower, lower equipped, non bis, and less experienced players.