It's September, almost 1 month after the release of the new Mod 17 (in my opinion it's just an expansion of Mod 16) and almost 6 months after the release of Mod 16, and Expeditions loots are simply discouraging. I play 3 chars almost daily, and the time and effort I spend on these quests is causing me to lose interest in the game overall.
Here in this image is the result of virtually all of my time spent on the day within the game: 3 hours to complete new expeditions with 3 chars (GWF DPS, CW DPS and GF Tank). When I finished the quests, for some reason I remembered the Fane Rings that take so long to get, but as I had 1 chance per week (per char), the disappointment was diluted for the rest of the week and the expectation that next time he would come. Now I do this day in and day out, but no longer hoping.
Admittedly, bis items should be more difficult to achieve, but here is my question: Why do I have to waste so much time trying to get the chance?
Since I am not so frequent in the forum, I will leave a suggestion: make the items of companions of new expeditions marketable. Most of these do not interest me and should not interest many, since I am practically obliged to do so until I get the ones that really interest me, that at least I can do with some profit and my time is not totally lost.
My interest in the game still around just not as much.
I figure I will hold off and wait for next mod and get that gear most likely be a bit easier to obtain.
I do believe I ran some where that they are going to increase the drop rate but have not seen that happen yet.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
My character Tsin'xing
I was referring to all the items, no matter what color they are.
About these items, has anyone ever won any item with 2 offensive status other than egg quest? I have this question in view that all the items I won are with 1 offensive status and 1 defensive status.