Just one hand is going to the library, not allowing the other hand.
Dread Servitor weapons, converted the main hand, tried the offhand and it said the item was already at library, discarded the second hand and discovered that can just change the main hand visual. Lost my Dread Servitor offhand.

Forged a Blackiron Knife, converted to the library and it was dropped in the main hand slot, not allowing me to change the offhand visual. Forged a second Blackiron Knife, can't convert to Appearance Library because it says I already have that item.
Some items ask if you want to convert to both hands, some not. Lost one of my Dread Servitor offhand because of this.
Have you submitted a ticket to support to see if they can assist with the discarded item?
I'll try the ticket, but I can't remember the exact date it I discarded it.
At my understanding, the solution would be to merge the 2 libraries and make both hands avaliable to be changed.