Gotta admit i didn't read the whole post (apologize if I missed smth but it's too long for my brain ), but shouldn't steady buffs like Hellfire Expertise be taken into account in that chart?
An important thing to note with all classes is balance will be adjusted up and down as we go through changes and dial in the balance. That does mean you will see dev comments about reducing or raising damages, that will simply be par for the course over preview.
Right now Warlock tends to be in a space where it is overpowered with multi-targets and underpowered on single targets. Both are areas we'd like to work to bring into alignment compared to other classes.
Yes, we'd like you to bring them into alignment too, we're still waiting.
I've spent the past few days trying to figure out what the real problem is with Warlocks. I'd not really noticed any major issues with the damage output of Powers, but it looks like a lot of people are having issues.
Rather than go the route of "You're just not playing it properly" or "You obviously haven't played XYZ" I thought I'd see if I could find the issues that I'm not seeming to have.
I haven't stood next to a set of dummies spending ages running rotations, cos... what's the HAMSTER point. Warlocks issues are in COMBAT not when just sitting there burning scarecrows.
I've run multiple content, with all my DPS toons who are all (except my Rogue) in the 21K area. Run solo skirmishes and dungeons and MEs as well as group content and I honestly don't think there is a problem with the Powers and Magnitudes of the Warlock. Of course it is completely anecdotal and feel free to wave a pie chart at me to explain how wrong I am.
In my opinion, the real problem was mentioned a while back by someone, and it is that Warlocks are not very intuitive to play. While my Rogue my Ranger and other DPS play smooth and fluid, the Warlock is clunky and clumsy. The amount of times I get hit by a Red Zone because I can't get out of the way because my Shadow Slip won't interrupt HFR is frustrating as hell. Some powers interrupt when you don't want them to, others don't when you do. HFR seems to either lock out other powers, or decide to not fire at all purely on a whim.
Runed ME's are a HAMSTER nightmare because I can't avoid runes. All my other toons can (I don't play a Barbarian so don't know if their sprint is as bad as SS on warlock) My Rogue is like a Tesla on a smooth flat testing track, and my Warlock is like a manual transmission 8 tonne truck going up a steep dirt track with a load of rocks on board and a dusty gearbox. Soul Scorch sometimes seems to just not fire. Aimed directly at a bad guy, press the RB and nothing. And it's not the button, I checked. I don't know if Soul Scorch's 1 second cast time is self interuptable, (by breathing or something) but it seems like it.
The other thing that puts Warlock behind the curve is the issue of having two Warlocks in a group. You either get stitched up by the other guy Curse Biting your victims, or you have to be the HAMSTER head and steal theirs first. Two Warlocks in one group = BAD synergy.
I don't care about graphs and spreadsheets showing damage reports on stationary dummies in ideal situations because that never happens in a dungeon. When a warlock hits its stride and the powers flow, it can be absolutely devastating. I've done it... The problem is, that it seems that getting a Warlock to hit its stride is difficult by design, because so many things about its construction seem to get in the way of it doing its thing.
The Soul Spark/Scorch mechanic needs an overhaul. It's too often the case that it's not in a position to be even vaguely useful. For instance on something as simple as a Stronghold T1 Heroic Encounter like Beasts, or Spiders, or whatever... by the time I hit three stacks they are all dead, I have nothing to use the three stacks on and they diminish back to one before the next wave arrives. I have to be deliberately slow at killing stuff in order to speed up a cool down which would be full by the time the next wave arrives anyway. So, useless. Compared that to, say, Cleric, whose stacks stay up long after the fight finishes allowing you to either use a full charge on the next wave, or recharge your Divinity pool faster. Clerics mana management is just vastly better than Warlocks. They even have a (fairly good it seems) chance of restoring a full bank of mana when you use it. Huh? My Warlock can't get Hellfire Ring to curse stuff that walks in to it, but Clerics just get random full mana pools because... yeah.
Yes, while I remember... that's one thing I would like to see fixed asap... it be nice if HFR applied curse when a monster walks into it rather than just those hit by the initial cast since I assumed that was part of the reason for a longer cast time .
On the whole, I don't think there's much wrong with the Warlock's powers. But the class needs to be better oiled and given a really good service on their timing and combo continuity. And Soul Sparks/Scorch needs to be better in pretty much every way... cos it's just not very good as it is.
From what I can tell, the powers were a low magnitude for a reason and that's for the extra buffs that we can pick up. The problem is that we can't efficiently get to 5 Soul Investiture stacks. If the Warlock does not get the killing shot with Killing Flames we don't get the Soul Investiture. With the cast time and cooldown time for Hadar's Grasp and needing to cast it 6 times for 5 stacks (first one is to summon the puppet) it takes 99 seconds to get to full buff !! Yes, that's not a typo 1 minute and 39 seconds assuming that the enemy is not dead by then and that the puppet somehow didn't get itself killed. All the other DPS classes manage to get their buffs a lot faster and easier than we do. Not exactly "balanced".
After combat has finished I'm gonna regenerate any lost HP, I don't need to get that from Soul Sparks, it's a complete waste of an ability. It's a hang-over from when it used to give AP; now that was a valid reason for the sparks to diminish.
The Warlock always loses their buffs and takes far too long to gain them back. We have a double-edged sword to either keep our 4.5% buff from Soul Sparks or spend them to deal damage and lose 18*0.15%=2.7% self buff. Why should we sacrifice any buff to deal damage?
We have feats that provide flat stats; these diminish in value when gear gets better.
Shadowwalk : +10% movement speed, +2500 Deflect +2500 Critical Strike .....I'm already capped on at least one if not both of these stats - should be reworked for something better
Dark Prayers : When below 30% HP gain 2500 Defense - I'm either already dead / capped or needing healing healing not 2.5% defense which next mod will already be capped or we die in ToMM.
These are just examples of things that really need to be addressed. We have too many "pointless" things which affects the synergy of the class.
I'll be going into greater detail when I've finished compiling all my findings.
My Warlock can't get Hellfire Ring to curse stuff that walks in to it, but Clerics just get random full mana pools because... yeah.
This one's particularly frustrating. It has to be a bug, right? I mean nobody would consciously design it that way, right?
You'd like to think so. When Wizards can use a feat to gain Smolder from any Crit and are throwing round AoE DoTs like confetti, and are unlikely to be any large degree below 50% Crit, so almost guaranteeing everything within about 20' getting Smolder from a fire and forget Power you'd expect HFR to be fairly generous, given it's long casting time. It's not exactly huge.
From what I can tell, the powers were a low magnitude for a reason and that's for the extra buffs that we can pick up. The problem is that we can't efficiently get to 5 Soul Investiture stacks. If the Warlock does not get the killing shot with Killing Flames we don't get the Soul Investiture. With the cast time and cooldown time for Hadar's Grasp and needing to cast it 6 times for 5 stacks (first one is to summon the puppet) it takes 99 seconds to get to full buff !! Yes, that's not a typo 1 minute and 39 seconds assuming that the enemy is not dead by then and that the puppet somehow didn't get itself killed. All the other DPS classes manage to get their buffs a lot faster and easier than we do. Not exactly "balanced".
The Warlock always loses their buffs and takes far too long to gain them back. We have a double-edged sword to either keep our 4.5% buff from Soul Sparks or spend them to deal damage and lose 18*0.15%=2.7% self buff. Why should we sacrifice any buff to deal damage?
This... on paper warlock is one of the best DPS classes. However, since SI and Soul Sparks work the way they do, we're rarely fighting at even half our full dmg output. The timer on SI is just too short. There are boss phases where dmg is impossible for 20 seconds. That, and on a boss fight the only way to really build stacks is to use HG. That wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have such a long cooldown tho. Point is, missing one HG for whatever reason will drop stacks.
Increase the SI timer to 1min if keeping the 5 stack rule. This will still take some skill to manage, but will not result in a massive dps loss on one mistake or one misplaced spell.
Alternatively, give us less time to stack by increasing the value of each stack and lowering the required amount
Give killing flames a static dmg #. It's always had this % health gimmick and has always been an unreliable spell because of it.
> @blamethecity said: > From what I can tell, the powers were a low magnitude for a reason and that's for the extra buffs that we can pick up. The problem is that we can't efficiently get to 5 Soul Investiture stacks. If the Warlock does not get the killing shot with Killing Flames we don't get the Soul Investiture. With the cast time and cooldown time for Hadar's Grasp and needing to cast it 6 times for 5 stacks (first one is to summon the puppet) it takes 99 seconds to get to full buff !! Yes, that's not a typo 1 minute and 39 seconds assuming that the enemy is not dead by then and that the puppet somehow didn't get itself killed. All the other DPS classes manage to get their buffs a lot faster and easier than we do. Not exactly "balanced". > > The Warlock always loses their buffs and takes far too long to gain them back. We have a double-edged sword to either keep our 4.5% buff from Soul Sparks or spend them to deal damage and lose 18*0.15%=2.7% self buff. Why should we sacrifice any buff to deal damage? > > . > > This... on paper warlock is one of the best DPS classes. However, since SI and Soul Sparks work the way they do, we're rarely fighting at even half our full dmg output. The timer on SI is just too short. There are boss phases where dmg is impossible for 20 seconds. That, and on a boss fight the only way to really build stacks is to use HG. That wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have such a long cooldown tho. Point is, missing one HG for whatever reason will drop stacks. > > > Increase the SI timer to 1min if keeping the 5 stack rule. This will still take some skill to manage, but will not result in a massive dps loss on one mistake or one misplaced spell. > > Alternatively, give us less time to stack by increasing the value of each stack and lowering the required amount > > Give killing flames a static dmg #. It's always had this % health gimmick and has always been an unreliable spell because of it.
There once was a warlock named Dwight Who wanted to stand up and fight He gathered sparks and a buff But when he’d gotten enough There weren’t any foes left in sight
Gotta admit i didn't read the whole post (apologize if I missed smth but it's too long for my brain ), but shouldn't steady buffs like Hellfire Expertise be taken into account in that chart?
The reason that they were not included is that they're already taken into account plus the 6 standing soul sparks into your magnitude. So when we have a power that states it has a 275 magnitude, that's already been increased by 25% for Hellfire Expertise and 0.9% for 6 Soul Sparks; the original magnitude was a heartbreaking 218.43.
Still missing smth, that's how I checked it (just re-did on preview and work the same): Naked toon, arpen/accuracy capped, no crit/CA hit, trade of blades dummy, hitting with VE at full sparks: Soulweaver: Tooltip magnitude: 200 Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*200/100=2090 Log: 2095 Result: base magnitude looks correct 200 Hellbringer: Tooltip magnitude: 200 Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,25*200/100=2612 Log: 2737 Result: as 2737/2095 is about 30% difference, gotta say that likely hellfire expertise tooltip is not correct, as still a 30% buff (more material to my buglist ty ) Updated expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*200/100=2717, less than 1% margin, looks fine. Checking if is a multiplicative buff adding DtT: Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*1,05*200/100=2853 Log: 2873 Result: 0,7% delta, still acceptable Double check with DtD+FoE Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*1,05*1,03*200/100=2938 Log 2960 Result: again 0,7% delta, enough imo to confirm datas. Any further info apreciated, ty for keeping on testing
> @mordekai#1901 said: > I've spent the past few days trying to figure out what the real problem is with Warlocks. > I'd not really noticed any major issues with the damage output of Powers, but it looks like a lot of people are having issues. > > Rather than go the route of "You're just not playing it properly" or "You obviously haven't played XYZ" I thought I'd see if I could find the issues that I'm not seeming to have. > > I haven't stood next to a set of dummies spending ages running rotations, cos... what's the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> point. Warlocks issues are in COMBAT not when just sitting there burning scarecrows. > > I've run multiple content, with all my DPS toons who are all (except my Rogue) in the 21K area. Run solo skirmishes and dungeons and MEs as well as group content and I honestly don't think there is a problem with the Powers and Magnitudes of the Warlock. > Of course it is completely anecdotal and feel free to wave a pie chart at me to explain how wrong I am. > > In my opinion, the real problem was mentioned a while back by someone, and it is that Warlocks are not very intuitive to play. > While my Rogue my Ranger and other DPS play smooth and fluid, the Warlock is clunky and clumsy. > The amount of times I get hit by a Red Zone because I can't get out of the way because my Shadow Slip won't interrupt HFR is frustrating as hell. > Some powers interrupt when you don't want them to, others don't when you do. > HFR seems to either lock out other powers, or decide to not fire at all purely on a whim. > > Runed ME's are a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> nightmare because I can't avoid runes. All my other toons can (I don't play a Barbarian so don't know if their sprint is as bad as SS on warlock) > My Rogue is like a Tesla on a smooth flat testing track, and my Warlock is like a manual transmission 8 tonne truck going up a steep dirt track with a load of rocks on board and a dusty gearbox. Soul Scorch sometimes seems to just not fire. Aimed directly at a bad guy, press the RB and nothing. And it's not the button, I checked. I don't know if Soul Scorch's 1 second cast time is self interuptable, (by breathing or something) but it seems like it. > > The other thing that puts Warlock behind the curve is the issue of having two Warlocks in a group. You either get stitched up by the other guy Curse Biting your victims, or you have to be the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> head and steal theirs first. > Two Warlocks in one group = BAD synergy. > > I don't care about graphs and spreadsheets showing damage reports on stationary dummies in ideal situations because that never happens in a dungeon. When a warlock hits its stride and the powers flow, it can be absolutely devastating. I've done it... The problem is, that it seems that getting a Warlock to hit its stride is difficult by design, because so many things about its construction seem to get in the way of it doing its thing. > > The Soul Spark/Scorch mechanic needs an overhaul. It's too often the case that it's not in a position to be even vaguely useful. > For instance on something as simple as a Stronghold T1 Heroic Encounter like Beasts, or Spiders, or whatever... by the time I hit three stacks they are all dead, I have nothing to use the three stacks on and they diminish back to one before the next wave arrives. I have to be deliberately slow at killing stuff in order to speed up a cool down which would be full by the time the next wave arrives anyway. So, useless. > Compared that to, say, Cleric, whose stacks stay up long after the fight finishes allowing you to either use a full charge on the next wave, or recharge your Divinity pool faster. Clerics mana management is just vastly better than Warlocks. They even have a (fairly good it seems) chance of restoring a full bank of mana when you use it. > Huh? > My Warlock can't get Hellfire Ring to curse stuff that walks in to it, but Clerics just get random full mana pools because... yeah. > > Yes, while I remember... that's one thing I would like to see fixed asap... it be nice if HFR applied curse when a monster walks into it rather than just those hit by the initial cast since I assumed that was part of the reason for a longer cast time . > > On the whole, I don't think there's much wrong with the Warlock's powers. But the class needs to be better oiled and given a really good service on their timing and combo continuity. And Soul Sparks/Scorch needs to be better in pretty much every way... cos it's just not very good as it is.
I would say there is a big problem with warlocks dps. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a large consensus of warlocks complaining, neglected in groups for endgame content, etc.
If a warlock with 200k+ power and all capped stats is easily outclassed by any of the trio of current dps meta by large margins at only 160k power, that's not exactly a good place. If so then they would be viable as part of the meta.
Ri is just a bad mechanic to be our largest source of self buff. It wasnt good on damanation and isnt good now.
While yes, endgame warlocks can run lomm, but it's at a handicap compared to cw, hr, tr.
Let's be honest, how many scenarios exist where warlocks can hit full stride with max buffs where there is not interruption of combat, si stacks at full or puppet doesnt dies, no stuns or phases, etc.?
How many dps warlocks are running competively on preview for tomm?
Some mentioned they can´t see a severe lack in damage or magnitude. I'd like to mention, that running random groups in low content at maybe lower gear, maybe with lower performing player you can't reach results and numbers some player do get when they run their toons on same level and when classes like CW, TR or Hunter are plyed by skilled player who are capalbe to maintain COMBAT ADVANTAGE wich leeds to a 60% damage increase. The only reason why we see results that differ is, that player are on a different level of gameplay. Warlock has a feature that grants constant CA and that´s the main reason why you see so many different comments imo. CA= 60% more dps
Warlock needs 1 min to stack RI to 5 (if ever), same as the class needs one rotation to curse and decurse or benefit from synergies procs to destroy them in short (Curse Consume) or loose them infight (RI). A CW simply casts one spell (CoI) or one At Will (RoF) into a mobgroup and the group explodes on a crit by Smolder procs and "Smolder-ping-pong"and synergies from crits/ critseverity is potentially higher and you get encounter reset or AP gain same way immidiately. Warlock lacks in a fast way to benefit from synergies and passive procs etc. it's the slowest class (beside Arbiter I know) So in case your CW/TR/Hunter whatever does positioning correct and you have maybe enough mobility to contain constant CA, a warlock will not be able to get even close to CW TR etc. In mod 17 they are going to address Combat advantage and by that the gap will be even more obvious. End of line the class is pittyful and has a awefull gameplay in the sum... not even started to talk about slow animations.
If they do debug and improve Arms of Hadar, in addition to widening the cone of impact, I think the amount of time enemies spend prone could stand to be adjusted too. It's way too brief as is.
Before M16 hit, I was hoping to try some things with a decent control bonus and a few interesting companions, but there just isn't enough to work with anymore.
I'd not really noticed any major issues with the damage output of Powers, but it looks like a lot of people are having issues.
Rather than go the route of "You're just not playing it properly" or "You obviously haven't played XYZ" I thought I'd see if I could find the issues that I'm not seeming to have.
I haven't stood next to a set of dummies spending ages running rotations, cos... what's the HAMSTER point. Warlocks issues are in COMBAT not when just sitting there burning scarecrows.
I've run multiple content, with all my DPS toons who are all (except my Rogue) in the 21K area. Run solo skirmishes and dungeons and MEs as well as group content and I honestly don't think there is a problem with the Powers and Magnitudes of the Warlock.
Of course it is completely anecdotal and feel free to wave a pie chart at me to explain how wrong I am.
In my opinion, the real problem was mentioned a while back by someone, and it is that Warlocks are not very intuitive to play.
While my Rogue my Ranger and other DPS play smooth and fluid, the Warlock is clunky and clumsy.
The amount of times I get hit by a Red Zone because I can't get out of the way because my Shadow Slip won't interrupt HFR is frustrating as hell.
Some powers interrupt when you don't want them to, others don't when you do.
HFR seems to either lock out other powers, or decide to not fire at all purely on a whim.
Runed ME's are a HAMSTER nightmare because I can't avoid runes. All my other toons can (I don't play a Barbarian so don't know if their sprint is as bad as SS on warlock)
My Rogue is like a Tesla on a smooth flat testing track, and my Warlock is like a manual transmission 8 tonne truck going up a steep dirt track with a load of rocks on board and a dusty gearbox. Soul Scorch sometimes seems to just not fire. Aimed directly at a bad guy, press the RB and nothing. And it's not the button, I checked. I don't know if Soul Scorch's 1 second cast time is self interuptable, (by breathing or something) but it seems like it.
The other thing that puts Warlock behind the curve is the issue of having two Warlocks in a group. You either get stitched up by the other guy Curse Biting your victims, or you have to be the HAMSTER head and steal theirs first.
Two Warlocks in one group = BAD synergy.
I don't care about graphs and spreadsheets showing damage reports on stationary dummies in ideal situations because that never happens in a dungeon. When a warlock hits its stride and the powers flow, it can be absolutely devastating. I've done it... The problem is, that it seems that getting a Warlock to hit its stride is difficult by design, because so many things about its construction seem to get in the way of it doing its thing.
The Soul Spark/Scorch mechanic needs an overhaul. It's too often the case that it's not in a position to be even vaguely useful.
For instance on something as simple as a Stronghold T1 Heroic Encounter like Beasts, or Spiders, or whatever... by the time I hit three stacks they are all dead, I have nothing to use the three stacks on and they diminish back to one before the next wave arrives. I have to be deliberately slow at killing stuff in order to speed up a cool down which would be full by the time the next wave arrives anyway. So, useless.
Compared that to, say, Cleric, whose stacks stay up long after the fight finishes allowing you to either use a full charge on the next wave, or recharge your Divinity pool faster. Clerics mana management is just vastly better than Warlocks. They even have a (fairly good it seems) chance of restoring a full bank of mana when you use it.
My Warlock can't get Hellfire Ring to curse stuff that walks in to it, but Clerics just get random full mana pools because... yeah.
Yes, while I remember... that's one thing I would like to see fixed asap... it be nice if HFR applied curse when a monster walks into it rather than just those hit by the initial cast since I assumed that was part of the reason for a longer cast time .
On the whole, I don't think there's much wrong with the Warlock's powers. But the class needs to be better oiled and given a really good service on their timing and combo continuity. And Soul Sparks/Scorch needs to be better in pretty much every way... cos it's just not very good as it is.
After combat has finished I'm gonna regenerate any lost HP, I don't need to get that from Soul Sparks, it's a complete waste of an ability. It's a hang-over from when it used to give AP; now that was a valid reason for the sparks to diminish.
The Warlock always loses their buffs and takes far too long to gain them back. We have a double-edged sword to either keep our 4.5% buff from Soul Sparks or spend them to deal damage and lose 18*0.15%=2.7% self buff. Why should we sacrifice any buff to deal damage?
We have feats that provide flat stats; these diminish in value when gear gets better.
Shadowwalk : +10% movement speed, +2500 Deflect +2500 Critical Strike
.....I'm already capped on at least one if not both of these stats - should be reworked for something better
Dark Prayers : When below 30% HP gain 2500 Defense - I'm either already dead / capped or needing healing healing not 2.5% defense which next mod will already be capped or we die in ToMM.
These are just examples of things that really need to be addressed. We have too many "pointless" things which affects the synergy of the class.
I'll be going into greater detail when I've finished compiling all my findings.
I mean nobody would consciously design it that way, right?
> Shadowwalk : +10% movement speed, +2500 Deflect +2500 Critical Strike
Everyone can easily cap stats and with 2x gladiators guile shadowslip passive gives no noticeable movement at all.
Seems that both apply the same movement enhancement calculation and has the same diminishng return.
It's not even worth using for movement.
Increase the SI timer to 1min if keeping the 5 stack rule. This will still take some skill to manage, but will not result in a massive dps loss on one mistake or one misplaced spell.
Alternatively, give us less time to stack by increasing the value of each stack and lowering the required amount
Give killing flames a static dmg #. It's always had this % health gimmick and has always been an unreliable spell because of it.
> From what I can tell, the powers were a low magnitude for a reason and that's for the extra buffs that we can pick up. The problem is that we can't efficiently get to 5 Soul Investiture stacks. If the Warlock does not get the killing shot with Killing Flames we don't get the Soul Investiture. With the cast time and cooldown time for Hadar's Grasp and needing to cast it 6 times for 5 stacks (first one is to summon the puppet) it takes 99 seconds to get to full buff !! Yes, that's not a typo 1 minute and 39 seconds assuming that the enemy is not dead by then and that the puppet somehow didn't get itself killed. All the other DPS classes manage to get their buffs a lot faster and easier than we do. Not exactly "balanced".
> The Warlock always loses their buffs and takes far too long to gain them back. We have a double-edged sword to either keep our 4.5% buff from Soul Sparks or spend them to deal damage and lose 18*0.15%=2.7% self buff. Why should we sacrifice any buff to deal damage?
> .
> This... on paper warlock is one of the best DPS classes. However, since SI and Soul Sparks work the way they do, we're rarely fighting at even half our full dmg output. The timer on SI is just too short. There are boss phases where dmg is impossible for 20 seconds. That, and on a boss fight the only way to really build stacks is to use HG. That wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have such a long cooldown tho. Point is, missing one HG for whatever reason will drop stacks.
> Increase the SI timer to 1min if keeping the 5 stack rule. This will still take some skill to manage, but will not result in a massive dps loss on one mistake or one misplaced spell.
> Alternatively, give us less time to stack by increasing the value of each stack and lowering the required amount
> Give killing flames a static dmg #. It's always had this % health gimmick and has always been an unreliable spell because of it.
And if puppet dies, there goes your stacks...
Who wanted to stand up and fight
He gathered sparks and a buff
But when he’d gotten enough
There weren’t any foes left in sight
Naked toon, arpen/accuracy capped, no crit/CA hit, trade of blades dummy, hitting with VE at full sparks:
Tooltip magnitude: 200
Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*200/100=2090
Log: 2095
Result: base magnitude looks correct 200
Tooltip magnitude: 200
Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,25*200/100=2612
Log: 2737
Result: as 2737/2095 is about 30% difference, gotta say that likely hellfire expertise tooltip is not correct, as still a 30% buff (more material to my buglist ty
Updated expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*200/100=2717, less than 1% margin, looks fine.
Checking if is a multiplicative buff adding DtT:
Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*1,05*200/100=2853
Log: 2873
Result: 0,7% delta, still acceptable
Double check with DtD+FoE
Expected hit: 1000*(1+0,15*30)*1,3*1,05*1,03*200/100=2938
Log 2960
Result: again 0,7% delta, enough imo to confirm datas.
Any further info apreciated, ty for keeping on testing
At least that's not in my report.
> I've spent the past few days trying to figure out what the real problem is with Warlocks.
> I'd not really noticed any major issues with the damage output of Powers, but it looks like a lot of people are having issues.
> Rather than go the route of "You're just not playing it properly" or "You obviously haven't played XYZ" I thought I'd see if I could find the issues that I'm not seeming to have.
> I haven't stood next to a set of dummies spending ages running rotations, cos... what's the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> point. Warlocks issues are in COMBAT not when just sitting there burning scarecrows.
> I've run multiple content, with all my DPS toons who are all (except my Rogue) in the 21K area. Run solo skirmishes and dungeons and MEs as well as group content and I honestly don't think there is a problem with the Powers and Magnitudes of the Warlock.
> Of course it is completely anecdotal and feel free to wave a pie chart at me to explain how wrong I am.
> In my opinion, the real problem was mentioned a while back by someone, and it is that Warlocks are not very intuitive to play.
> While my Rogue my Ranger and other DPS play smooth and fluid, the Warlock is clunky and clumsy.
> The amount of times I get hit by a Red Zone because I can't get out of the way because my Shadow Slip won't interrupt HFR is frustrating as hell.
> Some powers interrupt when you don't want them to, others don't when you do.
> HFR seems to either lock out other powers, or decide to not fire at all purely on a whim.
> Runed ME's are a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> nightmare because I can't avoid runes. All my other toons can (I don't play a Barbarian so don't know if their sprint is as bad as SS on warlock)
> My Rogue is like a Tesla on a smooth flat testing track, and my Warlock is like a manual transmission 8 tonne truck going up a steep dirt track with a load of rocks on board and a dusty gearbox. Soul Scorch sometimes seems to just not fire. Aimed directly at a bad guy, press the RB and nothing. And it's not the button, I checked. I don't know if Soul Scorch's 1 second cast time is self interuptable, (by breathing or something) but it seems like it.
> The other thing that puts Warlock behind the curve is the issue of having two Warlocks in a group. You either get stitched up by the other guy Curse Biting your victims, or you have to be the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> head and steal theirs first.
> Two Warlocks in one group = BAD synergy.
> I don't care about graphs and spreadsheets showing damage reports on stationary dummies in ideal situations because that never happens in a dungeon. When a warlock hits its stride and the powers flow, it can be absolutely devastating. I've done it... The problem is, that it seems that getting a Warlock to hit its stride is difficult by design, because so many things about its construction seem to get in the way of it doing its thing.
> The Soul Spark/Scorch mechanic needs an overhaul. It's too often the case that it's not in a position to be even vaguely useful.
> For instance on something as simple as a Stronghold T1 Heroic Encounter like Beasts, or Spiders, or whatever... by the time I hit three stacks they are all dead, I have nothing to use the three stacks on and they diminish back to one before the next wave arrives. I have to be deliberately slow at killing stuff in order to speed up a cool down which would be full by the time the next wave arrives anyway. So, useless.
> Compared that to, say, Cleric, whose stacks stay up long after the fight finishes allowing you to either use a full charge on the next wave, or recharge your Divinity pool faster. Clerics mana management is just vastly better than Warlocks. They even have a (fairly good it seems) chance of restoring a full bank of mana when you use it.
> Huh?
> My Warlock can't get Hellfire Ring to curse stuff that walks in to it, but Clerics just get random full mana pools because... yeah.
> Yes, while I remember... that's one thing I would like to see fixed asap... it be nice if HFR applied curse when a monster walks into it rather than just those hit by the initial cast since I assumed that was part of the reason for a longer cast time .
> On the whole, I don't think there's much wrong with the Warlock's powers. But the class needs to be better oiled and given a really good service on their timing and combo continuity. And Soul Sparks/Scorch needs to be better in pretty much every way... cos it's just not very good as it is.
I would say there is a big problem with warlocks dps. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a large consensus of warlocks complaining, neglected in groups for endgame content, etc.
If a warlock with 200k+ power and all capped stats is easily outclassed by any of the trio of current dps meta by large margins at only 160k power, that's not exactly a good place. If so then they would be viable as part of the meta.
Ri is just a bad mechanic to be our largest source of self buff. It wasnt good on damanation and isnt good now.
While yes, endgame warlocks can run lomm, but it's at a handicap compared to cw, hr, tr.
Let's be honest, how many scenarios exist where warlocks can hit full stride with max buffs where there is not interruption of combat, si stacks at full or puppet doesnt dies, no stuns or phases, etc.?
How many dps warlocks are running competively on preview for tomm?
I'd like to mention, that running random groups in low content at maybe lower gear, maybe with lower performing player you can't reach results and numbers some player do get when they run their toons on same level and when classes like CW, TR or Hunter are plyed by skilled player who are capalbe to maintain COMBAT ADVANTAGE wich leeds to a 60% damage increase.
The only reason why we see results that differ is, that player are on a different level of gameplay. Warlock has a feature that grants constant CA and that´s the main reason why you see so many different comments imo. CA= 60% more dps
Warlock needs 1 min to stack RI to 5 (if ever), same as the class needs one rotation to curse and decurse or benefit from synergies procs to destroy them in short (Curse Consume) or loose them infight (RI).
A CW simply casts one spell (CoI) or one At Will (RoF) into a mobgroup and the group explodes on a crit by Smolder procs and "Smolder-ping-pong"and synergies from crits/ critseverity is potentially higher and you get encounter reset or AP gain same way immidiately.
Warlock lacks in a fast way to benefit from synergies and passive procs etc. it's the slowest class (beside Arbiter I know)
So in case your CW/TR/Hunter whatever does positioning correct and you have maybe enough mobility to contain constant CA, a warlock will not be able to get even close to CW TR etc.
In mod 17 they are going to address Combat advantage and by that the gap will be even more obvious.
End of line the class is pittyful and has a awefull gameplay in the sum... not even started to talk about slow animations.
Before M16 hit, I was hoping to try some things with a decent control bonus and a few interesting companions, but there just isn't enough to work with anymore.
And some actual AP from Infernal Spheres would be nice too.
Just fixing the broken stuff would be a good first step.