Hello, with the upcoming module 17, PVP seems to get few changes that mean alot, these changes are commin in small bottles, but they are making the PvP better, the following changes: a new pvp Map, upgraded PvP Gear, and better PvP Rewards all togheter will make alot of us start doing PvP, bbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut there is a buuuuuuuuuuuuut
There are few problems in PvP that we can't let them slip and these are the following Main Ones
1. PLEASE REMOVE COMPANIONS from PvP: Domination , the active bonuses are working in PvP and this creates a huge disbalance in PvP, can we please get a fix on them
2. TENACITY AS A BUFF: with module 16 this was turned off, as it is not working, CAN we please get this back specifically
- Players Deal LESS DAMAGE
- Critical Severity Resistance (keep the same formula of decreasing the critical severity %, NOT the damage)
- Healing Depression
PLEASE! make these values different for each ROLE: TANK , DPS and HEALER.
Obviously there are other changes that need to be done, but these 2 are a priority for now.
@nitocris83 @noworries#8859 @asterdahl @mimicking#6533
how does this role changing effect team balance ?
you also forgot to mention what happened to the Devs broken pvp Cc resist system that they developed and ignored all feedback on ...
how is it fair that certain classes have mutiple roles roles therefore would be able to change tankyness and defensiveness by swapping loadouts(with your proposal ) and other players are stuck only on one path / roll and can only do so by changing gear .
are some of these inequalities not simply solved by the bonuses on the new pvp gear ..which punishes/counter plays too much healing or dodging or blocking or tanknyess ... according to the players choice
furthermore there are wards/. marks in the guild hall that offer pvp dps or defensive increases vs any class of the players choice (or that they feel is too weak too strong or who they hate the most etc )
maybe those will be used more now ..
changing adjusting gear/ rings/ wards / mounts / boons etc on the fly depending on the composition of who you are fighting is nothing new here ..
there is no universal give tank more X and give certain dps class more Y in pvp formula
also different classes perform differently at the same item level .so who is the judge of what those independent class based tenacity numbers should be and based on what criteria. ? .can pvp resources not be allocated differently or on something else to achieve similar effect and be less controversial problematic to balance
we want more creative flexible Pvp builds not more cookie cutter ones imposed by devs custom pvp tenacity class rules pigeonholing people into certain roles /things
also regarding your class based tenacity pvp buff
take for example companion slots defensive offensive utility... the devs set and locked those for class / role even thos e people wanted to customize them .. Barbarians are whining right now cause they want to be more dps and have freedom to take more dps based companion buffs /slots and the devs want simplicity by role .. as they would want in pvp not further complexity based on their class visions( I personally think players should be able to mix any companions buff they want in pve indepandant of class role )
ya no pets should be in pvp period ...
asside from the Fact that 50% of the games income used to come from pvp/pve hybrid players gearing up
can we say that 20% of players used the foundry ? which is much harder to maintain then pvp ..and how did they monetize the foundry ..? hint: they did not ...
P.S back in the day Pve players were PvP players too and vice versa ..that comprises a good chunk of the population that left and never came back
Believe it or not, at one point PvPers were even civil ... going so far to trade caps when the match was lopsided. It wasn't always the imbalanced, toxic cesspool most PvEers think it is today. How to fix it? I'm not sure a new map and some new gear will make much difference, but it is a start.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
System when altering classes/skills for PVE reasons impacted PVP or vice versa was reason of that disaster
Add to that new gear/skills and tons of statistics pilling up etc and we got a system that cannot be belanced at all.
Now if devs will follow this path again it gona end up the same way.
Only solution is to create pvp mechanics as much separated form pve side as possible.
Heck I would even consider solution where none of regular gear or comapnions work in pvp at all.
Let it have its own gear/wepons system (not working with pve) and separate boons system with tencity with it replacing combined ratings.
All characters would start on same level with only enchantments making difference.
Only that way it may provide some solid background for pvp with a chance to sustain its longevity.
Even now a new map wont help a new player to have even slim chance with my 26k+ toon.
So if devs are going to do serious rework it may work out - if not its waisted effort again.
And yeah - PVP is worth working on it cos if implemented correctly it can be self sustaining system.
Otherwise its just a matter of time to new kind of Cursebringer ring will appear and ruin pvp again.
If premades REALLY wanted to fight other premades, there is a queue JUST for that now ... and lets be honest, that queue is so empty and unused if you find another premade it's easy to make sure you end up in a match with them as there is NOBODY else in the queue. The solo queue has only killed the premade queue because the majority of people seem to prefer to play without premades .... and thus use the solo queue.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
To the effect of dcs and pallies being unkillable to some add a pvp buff to some control powers that silences ALL (incoming and outgoing) healing for 5-10 secs, and one that can disable shields for the same duration.
I believe most toons have at least one control power be it stun, prone, freeze, daze etc. Tanks and healers would become immune after that duration for awhile. They would still be able to shield or heal but removes te unkillable aspect some complain about.
Tbh there should be hard caps on hp, how hard a crit can hit, and power. Remove active artifacts/mounts, 3 potions can be used per match, total (adds strategy and limits healing) Zero potions if you have a healer spec etc.
I rarely play anymore and only came back because a buddy asked to help him with the cw. 4 matches in pvp my cw with 300k hp is unkillable unless its 1v5 (and even then it took over 1 min). I didn't record it but my cw vs 1 bis sw, 1 bis hr, 1 bis tr, and 1 avg tr killed 3 and the other ran away in that 1v4. Keep going in this direction and no one will ever die.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
The game needs a real system to report and ban abusive and bad players in PvP. It needed it 10 modules ago before everyone was driven off from PvP. And for the record - "Bad Behavior" is not using gear you dsilike or that your guild has decided they don't want to PvP against ... it's the abusive PMs, the vote kicking people from matches who are trying to do thier best, it's the "Trash talking" that crosses the line and other harassment of other players. If Cryptic had cracked down on that sort of thing back in Mod 5 or 6, PvP would still thrive today.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
trashtalking is part of any pvp esport.. going into peoples personal Facebook accounts and lives and saying doing things in public forums in channel is another story and line to cross all together and occurs in pvp and pve and there are already systems in place to deal with this ..pvp does not need a "special one" with a cometee formed with consensus to decide the fine line between trashtalking and bannable offenses ..especially when you get similar tells in pve as well
did you /would you ban such players in your own guild for "trash talking" people in pvp back in the day ? a certain level was permitted within the guild structure no ??
and if the answer is no you would not ban such people / tolerate a certain level if misbehavior in pvp ..there goes you whole argument out the window. what made your level of tolerance just the "right amount" then or were these player so out of control / so high up in your guild structure that there was nothing you could do without a mutiny ?
I can see i am in one of your videos posted : D cudos
Now I admit, it's not always so easy to figure out where to draw the line, but I think all of us have seen people go over it (waaaaaaaay over it) and its hurt PvP and made most of the NW community avoid PvP like the plague. New maps or PvP gear probably won't bring anyone but the handful or remaining diehards back to PvP.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Unfortunately, the Devs are worried this would be abused by people just farming rewards (and sadly, they are probably right).
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Having a small number of players with the best builds and gear that demolish the other players when entering PvP is going to continue to shrink the PvP population which is the current issue right now.
The broken items that over perform in PvP never get fixed quickly which pushes players out of PvP.
The group of players in PvP being so small that you see the same people over and over doesn't help grow that group. All it takes is one issue with a player your going to see in every queue and you just lost a player who plays PvP.
Making the PvP be limited to players who either put thousands of dollars into the game or thousands of hours is a big issue. Playing with friends who don't have the same financial or time commitment into the game as me makes it hard to play with those same players. Not playing with your friends makes it so much easier to leave the game for players.
All they need to do in pvp is allow for some skins of items be purchasable with zen and PvP campaign currencies from playing PvP and earning achievements in PvP. Say that you can purchase weapon/armor enchants rank 12 for 3000 zen and 200 hours of PvP time (made in currencies). Rank 12 enchantment packs for 2000 zen and 50 hours in PvP time (currencies). Just imagine the amount of players trying to get into PvP when a sale comes up to purchase those items.
Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k