Yea you guys need to do one thing for mod 17 and that right there would be upgrade youre entire game ENGINE like it should have been done before mod 16, this is 90% of youre game issues, get rid of that old crappy engine please this will increase FPS and decrease server lag problems and rubberbanding problems by a ton, will also make youre game look WAYYYY better, you need to make sure this gets done, please go get the engineering team to work on a new engine and implement that engine before doing ANY MORE NEW MODS.................. like dont you want youre game to truly look better and run better or what????
@nitocris83 @terramak @frozenfirevr please make sure this gets done because its not feasible to continue using the same engine further because also it will reduce amount of bugs that come along with using that old engine
I don't get how such statements even come up. You think changing a game engine is that easy?