Hey Devs.
I just tried to place two Plundered Thayan Statues in my Stronghold but I think there is a bug.
I can place it on the left side of the fireplace with no trouble, but not on the right, it shows as available to place but when you click 'place' nothing happens and the space remains blank. I already had one golden Omu statue on the right hand side, I went and bought one more of those and two of the plundered Thayan ones from the Auction House, I tried them all in all 6 available spots. The Golden Idols are able to be placed in all 6 spots, by the fireplace, on either side of the entrance, and in the two spots at the base of the stairs in the alcoves, where when you place the Golden Idols they also shrink in size to accommodate them.
The plundered Thayan statue is extremely tall so at first I wondered if it was just the fact they would not fit beside the entrance where the roof is lower, but the fact the Golden Idols reduce in size to fit in the smaller alcoves leads me to think that the much taller Thayan plundered ones should maybe do the same. Regardless of this (if they are not supposed to) the roof size and space above where you place them by the fireplace is the same height on both sides so even if they are not meant to reduce to fit in the other 4 spots, I still should be able to place one on either side of the fireplace. As I said, I can place the Golden idols in all 6 places, so having two of the same on either side should not be a problem for the Plundered ones either.
It seems this statue is bugged for some placement spaces, in all 6 places it shows the Plundered Thayan statue as an option to place and available, but will only place in that single spot.