<div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
I don't care about the XP, I care about the fact that you can't reach the weekly limit in the AI campaign, even now weeks later, without spamming this quest. Putting a 1/hour limiter on it is just... not good.
Maybe eliminate the non-campaign-currency rewards ENTIRELY and leave it instantly repeatable, so we can get the required campaign currency? Or make the other quests Dailies so we can actually hit the limit without doing the lowest-level quest over and over again?
Seriously, what is the logic of putting in the 1 hour limiter? It's already painful/boring that the only way to max out our weekly campaign currency is to repeat 1 quest (Chult/Ravenloft all have multiple repeatable quests). Adding this limit makes a painful situation even worse, especially for people that can only play a limited amount of time each week.
Whoever made this decision needs to seriously rethink it and actually consider the consequences of these decisions before they are made. Look at the suggestions above from Lowjohn for alternative solutions.
An hour cooldown for Basement Investigation? That's making a tedious quest even more tedious .... Why not just limit to to only so many times per week (however many would be needed to reach your limit)?
Also no fix for masterwork quests not taking +1 items? The auction house is flooded with basically unsellable +1 items which represent a substantial investment of materials and time from people leveling masterwork professions.
Like, on the character who got the free boost, I did all the weeklies including doubling the current weekly, and I reached 110/150. The Basement quest takes 3 minutes to run as I one-shot everything. I need to run it *8* times this week to hit the limit, there's no other way I can do "most recent content", and even that won't let me unlock the next weekly, it will only put my next-weekly progress higher for next Monday.
Why would you want me to take 8 hours to do that, and not 25 minutes?
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
Shame on you guys... The worst have become even worse... Very bad move here.
Am I the only one that noticed, that there are 7 issues being "fixed" Two of the fixes, are for an event, that doesn't begin for three weeks.....
At the bottom, there are 8, known issues that aren't being addressed. Let's be honest, I can name some even that aren't on either of those lists. Boys and girls, prioritisation is at optimum.
P.S Changing the basement quest as such, is an awful thing to do. Please don't do that.
Bonk - Damage dealing machine and midnight lover of all things tasty
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Terrible decision on the basement quest! Just mind boggling!!!!
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Increase the amount of acorns for Basement Investigations so that you don't have to be concerned with how many/how fast we're going through it to get our weekly haul.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
I don't care about the XP, I care about the fact that you can't reach the weekly limit in the AI campaign, even now weeks later, without spamming this quest. Putting a 1/hour limiter on it is just... not good.
Maybe eliminate the non-campaign-currency rewards ENTIRELY and leave it instantly repeatable, so we can get the required campaign currency? Or make the other quests Dailies so we can actually hit the limit without doing the lowest-level quest over and over again?
I guess they were listening last week when I said once an hour was good enough.
Gotta careful what u said or wish for ...laughing at Jim for loosing those documents so fast and suggesting silly ideas might lead to unexpected fixes
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
They nerfed the basement cause they dont want you generating keys for end boxes for many dungeons too fast that you can buy from the campaign store one you are done unlocking all of the campaign .. It has nothing to do with slowing progresss for campaign that is meary a side effect its key generation they wanted to hit .
They nerfed the basement cause they dont want you generating keys for end boxes for many dungeons too fast that you can buy from the campaign store one you are done unlocking all of the campaign .. It has nothing to do with slowing progresss for campaign that is meary a side effect its key generation they wanted to hit .
Generating keys to fast? Please, you have a weekly haul, why does it mater if you make all your keys in 1 hrs vs 10hrs. You still get the same amount of keys per week.
On a side note, WTH with people getting extra keys? The people who already got the keys most likely picked them up on multiple characters and now you gonna give them another set? messed up.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Now it'll take you 6+ hours to finish your AI rounds for the week.
Were they worried about the Neverember recruitment event...? Oh that'll be gone soon enough, and players pay the price.
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
Baasement frequency reduction is ludicrous. I have to run this 40-50 times per week (increasing as I go thru campaign) as I'm running 7 characters through it for IL/boons. Give 15 acorns for the first, 5 for each subsequent, massively reduce the XP and can the timer.
Sorry, but which "genius" came up with the 1h cooldown timer on a boring quest you have to spam to get to the weekly limit? It is bad enough that I have to do it 8 times this week if I want to get the maximum of possible points but now I ahve to wait 8h to do that mind-hamstering-hamster?!
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
Didn't we just have a couple of MODs called Lifestyle Mods, designed to improve playability for all? What happened to that concept when you conceived of this idea? Wasn't this mod designed to pull in new players? with the reaction that people are giving ingame, i think youve scarred many away!
Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls.... Wait until you have a weekly allowance of 175. So happy ive just the 3 boons to finish.
This Mod has had a few nice changes that have had the gloss taken off by the amount off bugs. There have also been some very poorly thought out ideas.
On a side note, WTH with people getting extra keys? The people who already got the keys most likely picked them up on multiple characters and now you gonna give them another set? messed up.
I already got the keys, but I didn't know about the exploit. So I've gotten them once. Even if I had known about the exploit, it's an exploit and I would not have used it. Furthermore, I was affected by the bug that didn't allow me to pick up the rewards until after support fixed my account. So these extra keys are kind of nice reparations for their error, from my perspective.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
They nerfed the basement cause they dont want you generating keys for end boxes for many dungeons too fast that you can buy from the campaign store one you are done unlocking all of the campaign .. It has nothing to do with slowing progresss for campaign that is meary a side effect its key generation they wanted to hit .
Generating keys to fast? Please, you have a weekly haul, why does it mater if you make all your keys in 1 hrs vs 10hrs. You still get the same amount of keys per week.
On a side note, WTH with people getting extra keys? The people who already got the keys most likely picked them up on multiple characters and now you gonna give them another set? messed up.
by limiting playtime it stops people/ farmers from mass making them on alts..you really dont see the big dev/ cryptic picture do you lol it matters to cryptic that you make them in one hour ..also they dont want you making bank vault keys too fast for their new skirmish they want you to buy them from the zen store ....i did not say I agree with it .
Cryptic does not want you to play alts and wants to encourage you to run the other broken quests in the chain
the chest in the beholder conventions fails to appear ..or the final door does not sparkle and open .. or the no credit for the egg one cause you skipped the cut seen etc ,, I cant tell you how many times the other quests bugged out on me in the chain forcing me to start over and wasting my time ..cany tell you how many times i gave up running the other quests out of frustration and had to revert back to the basement ..again
I think the devs may have loosened the requirements for the basement quest as they sorted out bugs in the other ones and them boom slammed the door shut on us
also the acorn curency may have been limited but the other currency combined with the companion that offer 10% bonus more was not limited or capped ..that quest was too easily botted too by the way
they they artificiality increased the amount of currency required to advanced the campaign to buy themselves additional development time and to stall us further and did not have an extra quest to supplement / pad the difference
I dont see why they dont slightly increase the currency the other quest offer to make up the difference
we had keygate we had coalgate and now we have basement gate and this time it literally is GATED lol
Post edited by kalina311 on
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Cryptic's approach to the new campaign is interesting. In theory, this Acquisitions Incorporated campaign was designed for the new players they expected to receive thanks to the use of that "well-known" brand. However, what each new player experiences is a completely flawed campaign where they have had to repeat the same mission continuously in order to fill the weekly haul as there is no other method to do so. Now, not only they have to keep doing the same mission over and over again, but they also have to wait an hour before they can do it again. This is terrible for those who play several characters as well.
I rarely complain about anything, knowing that there are endless problems to complain about in this game, but this change is absurd and if you wanted to solve another problem originated by this quest, you could have focus elsewhere.
new campaigns bugged not resetting quest exiting quest place take new quest enter same quest area not resetting i exit try enter , idk why basement investigation quest name .
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
AFTER BAsement change goodbye alts only with my main i will do it.....
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
The whole acorn max has been screwed from the start, now their fix is problematic to say the least, without a true explanation, you have to figure its tied to experience as a whole.. but as a lvl 70, it made little different to me, I just want the acorns and I sure the heck do not want a HOUR between getting them, what a pita, do you think WE HAVE all day, we do this when we can , we cant just log in in the middle of workdays , family time just because our timer is back up.
Wasn't enough that you pretty much removed the siege? (because no one does it anymore, wasting 40min-1h for 1 voucher and a blood ruby its not worth). Now you add cooldown on the only quest left?(beside weeklies) Maybe it does not affect me that much because i was doing it only on main, but now i won't be able to finish the weekly haul on it, not talking about alts. I swear you want us to move to another game, banning half of the server, changing our favourite classes in something that can't even do solo content anymore and now you add cooldown on this quest, seriously? Atleast add one more quest, like patrols, 2 per hour not one.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
The whole acorn max has been screwed from the start, now their fix is problematic to say the least, without a true explanation, you have to figure its tied to experience as a whole.. but as a lvl 70, it made little different to me, I just want the acorns and I sure the heck do not want a HOUR between getting them, what a pita, do you think WE HAVE all day, we do this when we can , we cant just log in in the middle of workdays , family time just because our timer is back up.
What a terrible resolution.
I really dont think it tied primarily to exp .. there is plenty of that to go around and besides they already nerfed the overflow rewards from exp anyways..people already level too fast with quests all over the place anyways
Like i said in my past post they want you to actually frustrate you/ (or a casual player that does not have time) into buying universal opening keys for the new bankvault quest / skirmish from the zen store and to not actually earn them at a reasonable pace with acorns : D
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
Wasn't enough that you pretty much removed the siege? (because no one does it anymore, wasting 40min-1h for 1 voucher and a blood ruby its not worth). Now you add cooldown on the only quest left?(beside weeklies) Maybe it does not affect me that much because i was doing it only on main, but now i won't be able to finish the weekly haul on it, not talking about alts. I swear you want us to move to another game, banning half of the server, changing our favourite classes in something that can't even do solo content anymore and now you add cooldown on this quest, seriously? Atleast add one more quest, like patrols, 2 per hour not one.
I already asked / mention to the dev in the pvp section why they would mess with/ not increase the measly participation rewards for pvp siege .. and guess what no response ..lol .. unbound refinement points drop like water anyways this mod and they are worried about people exploiting a blood ruby / running large guild unity events that encourage get people to get together lol
"I started thinking, if we get a total of 6 weeklies in the end and the cap will be 175, that leaves us short on 85 acorns a week, I know we will have the skirmish as well, but frankly if you dont want to do the skirmish, you would have to do 17 basemen runs! 17!!!!!" - Silverkelt (from another thread)
Assuming the math is accurate (I haven't finished the campaign yet) that is 17 hours... WTF? Do the people making these decisions even play this game?
Change the weeklies to 25 acorns (similar to weeklies in Chult/Ravenloft) and then we only need 5 basement runs. If you still feel we need a timer, at least it's something that most people should be able to accomplish in the course of a week.
If the concern is people are spamming the basement run for XP to level characters too quickly, remove the XP completely.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Meh, I will never pay them money to progress a campaign, never and I am a "sucker" who gives them real life money from time to time.
If campaigns get so boring they need to be paid to be skipped, I will just leave again.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
"I started thinking, if we get a total of 6 weeklies in the end and the cap will be 175, that leaves us short on 85 acorns a week, I know we will have the skirmish as well, but frankly if you dont want to do the skirmish, you would have to do 17 basemen runs! 17!!!!!" - Silverkelt (from another thread)
Assuming the math is accurate (I haven't finished the campaign yet) that is 17 hours... WTF? Do the people making these decisions even play this game?
Change the weeklies to 25 acorns (similar to weeklies in Chult/Ravenloft) and then we only need 5 basement runs. If you still feel we need a timer, at least it's something that most people should be able to accomplish in the course of a week.
If the concern is people are spamming the basement run for XP to level characters too quickly, remove the XP completely.
*This is based on the assumption the cap will be 175 and we have 6 weeklies at 15 per.
Yes its too much of a boring and boorish grind.
Who is doing their counting for them anyways! They need to go study with the Count ! He will set them straight!
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
I don't care about the XP, I care about the fact that you can't reach the weekly limit in the AI campaign, even now weeks later, without spamming this quest. Putting a 1/hour limiter on it is just... not good.
Maybe eliminate the non-campaign-currency rewards ENTIRELY and leave it instantly repeatable, so we can get the required campaign currency? Or make the other quests Dailies so we can actually hit the limit without doing the lowest-level quest over and over again?
Whoever made this decision needs to seriously rethink it and actually consider the consequences of these decisions before they are made. Look at the suggestions above from Lowjohn for alternative solutions.
Also no fix for masterwork quests not taking +1 items? The auction house is flooded with basically unsellable +1 items which represent a substantial investment of materials and time from people leveling masterwork professions.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Why would you want me to take 8 hours to do that, and not 25 minutes?
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
Shame on you guys...
The worst have become even worse...
Very bad move here.
its there, but it refuses to create
since you won't list it in known issues and won't fix it
what hope is there
At the bottom, there are 8, known issues that aren't being addressed. Let's be honest, I can name some even that aren't on either of those lists. Boys and girls, prioritisation is at optimum.
P.S Changing the basement quest as such, is an awful thing to do. Please don't do that.
The first inner look at majesty - https://youtu.be/8Yavk790hMA
The second build and some fun - https://youtu.be/b5U0H-Mdkxg
A little update - https://youtu.be/0F-qUKOv4UU
The thread where this can be found - http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1210188/bonk-a-tale-of-damage
On a side note, WTH with people getting extra keys? The people who already got the keys most likely picked them up on multiple characters and now you gonna give them another set? messed up.
Were they worried about the Neverember recruitment event...? Oh that'll be gone soon enough, and players pay the price.
The amount of experience given by Basement Investigations has been reduced, and the repeatability of this quest has been reduced to once every hour rather than being immediately repeatable.
Didn't we just have a couple of MODs called Lifestyle Mods, designed to improve playability for all? What happened to that concept when you conceived of this idea? Wasn't this mod designed to pull in new players? with the reaction that people are giving ingame, i think youve scarred many away!
Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls.... Wait until you have a weekly allowance of 175. So happy ive just the 3 boons to finish.
This Mod has had a few nice changes that have had the gloss taken off by the amount off bugs. There have also been some very poorly thought out ideas.
Cryptic does not want you to play alts and wants to encourage you to run the other broken quests in the chain
the chest in the beholder conventions fails to appear ..or the final door does not sparkle and open .. or the no credit for the egg one cause you skipped the cut seen etc ,, I cant tell you how many times the other quests bugged out on me in the chain forcing me to start over and wasting my time ..cany tell you how many times i gave up running the other quests out of frustration and had to revert back to the basement ..again
I think the devs may have loosened the requirements for the basement quest as they sorted out bugs in the other ones and them boom slammed the door shut on us
also the acorn curency may have been limited but the other currency combined with the companion that offer 10% bonus more was not limited or capped ..that quest was too easily botted too by the way
they they artificiality increased the amount of currency required to advanced the campaign to buy themselves additional development time and to stall us further and did not have an extra quest to supplement / pad the difference
I dont see why they dont slightly increase the currency the other quest offer to make up the difference
we had keygate we had coalgate and now we have basement gate and this time it literally is GATED lol
I rarely complain about anything, knowing that there are endless problems to complain about in this game, but this change is absurd and if you wanted to solve another problem originated by this quest, you could have focus elsewhere.
What a terrible resolution.
I swear you want us to move to another game, banning half of the server, changing our favourite classes in something that can't even do solo content anymore and now you add cooldown on this quest, seriously? Atleast add one more quest, like patrols, 2 per hour not one.
Like i said in my past post they want you to actually frustrate you/ (or a casual player that does not have time) into buying universal opening keys for the new bankvault quest / skirmish from the zen store and to not actually earn them at a reasonable pace with acorns : D
Assuming the math is accurate (I haven't finished the campaign yet) that is 17 hours... WTF? Do the people making these decisions even play this game?
Change the weeklies to 25 acorns (similar to weeklies in Chult/Ravenloft) and then we only need 5 basement runs. If you still feel we need a timer, at least it's something that most people should be able to accomplish in the course of a week.
If the concern is people are spamming the basement run for XP to level characters too quickly, remove the XP completely.
If campaigns get so boring they need to be paid to be skipped, I will just leave again.
Yes its too much of a boring and boorish grind.
Who is doing their counting for them anyways! They need to go study with the Count ! He will set them straight!