you are wrong. the starting players has no gold stack. they cant do the leveling and the crafting together. And morale dont help because you need gold to pay the commision.
To be fair under the old system it used to take weeks or even months to get "crafters" to high levels
No it didn't if you had the slightest clue what you were doing, only leadership took a while.
You bought purple crafters and assets, used them to open slots and if you couldn't afford to keep them, sold them again taking only the 10% AH cut loss (or you borrowed them from guildies).
Did you instantly have the AD to buy purple crafters and assests? That took me a while to get to in the old days
Depends on how old the old days was, the epic labour and tools were pretty cheap at certain point of the game when the lockbox just split them out like crazy. I am talking about well within 4 digit AD. That was the time people complained about the lockbox only gave "useless" crafters and assets. I had a few guildies were very pissed and left the game because of the profession crafter/asset market crash.
Fair enough. I guess I am talking about two years ago or so about the time they closed down the Gateway? I couldn't do professions much after gateway closed, as sadly I have a full time job.
But yes, I do get your point and stand corrected
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,158Arc User
I used to buy green crafters and tools cheap and then combine for higher rank. In most cases it was cheaper than buying an epic and all it did was take a little time.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,453Arc User
I used to buy green crafters and tools cheap and then combine for higher rank. In most cases it was cheaper than buying an epic and all it did was take a little time.
I even did that just before mod 15. I bought some green/blue for various crafter/tools so that whatever I already had could become purple for mod 15. It was pretty cheap too.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
you are wrong. the starting players has no gold stack. they cant do the leveling and the crafting together. And morale dont help because you need gold to pay the commision.
To be fair under the old system it used to take weeks or even months to get "crafters" to high levels
No it didn't if you had the slightest clue what you were doing, only leadership took a while.
You bought purple crafters and assets, used them to open slots and if you couldn't afford to keep them, sold them again taking only the 10% AH cut loss (or you borrowed them from guildies).
Did you instantly have the AD to buy purple crafters and assests? That took me a while to get to in the old days
I purchased alchemy profession packs for peanuts after the rush for them had gone, was extremely cheap.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Now I don't know what to do because there is virtually no demand for crafting many, many pairs of pants.
Ah, yes...pants. I don't know if you saw my thread on pants over here: but you are right - that market has pretty much collapsed. Shimmerweave pants +1 used to sell for 30K right after Mod 15 hit, but yesterday I saw some offered for 10K. It's not that the demand is gone - more that the supply has increased with more people crafting them.
I do have some hope for an improved market for pants. I am optimistic that the developers will change them from "blue" to "purple", and that will mean that people who just search the AH for "purple" gear will actually find the crafted pants.
For now, however, there are other things that are more profitable than pants.
Hoping for improvements...
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Once you level this up it stalls out, because then it moves to masterwork which is for elite players only.
Well, I wouldn't say "elite"....the "realistic" requirements for doing Masterwork are the following:
Forgehammer of Gond. You really need a mythic forgehammer to be able to compete. Otherwise your failure rate will be too high. The drop rate of the hammer from the Gond event is beyond pathetic, but there have been other ways to obtain it in the past... but yes, you need to be either rich or lucky.
Alliance with temporary vendors. You will need a lot of resources like Alkali. This is much cheaper and easier if you are in an alliance that regularly summons the temporary vendors. You don't need to be "Elite" for this.
Guild with the Explorer boon. You do not "need" this, but it will double the resources you can get, and that makes a big, big difference. Again, you don't need to be "Elite".
Patience or wealth. When you do the MW quests, you either have to spend a lot of time and GMs or a lot of AD. So, "grind or spend" (which is pretty much the general rule anyhow), but once again, not "Elite".
So, not for the "Elite" only ... just a lot easier if you are very rich, very lucky or very hard working. Kind-of like real life, isn't it?
Now I don't know what to do because there is virtually no demand for crafting many, many pairs of pants.
Ah, yes...pants. I don't know if you saw my thread on pants over here: but you are right - that market has pretty much collapsed. Shimmerweave pants +1 used to sell for 30K right after Mod 15 hit, but yesterday I saw some offered for 10K. It's not that the demand is gone - more that the supply has increased with more people crafting them.
I do have some hope for an improved market for pants. I am optimistic that the developers will change them from "blue" to "purple", and that will mean that people who just search the AH for "purple" gear will actually find the crafted pants.
For now, however, there are other things that are more profitable than pants.
Yes, I saw that thread and lamented the sorry state of the pants market. I'm sure there are things that are more profitable, but there are few things that gain the same level of profitability as pants once did. Beyond Masterwork items, which are expensive and difficult to produce (and quite a risk), price compression has really squeezed margins on most items. Changing the color of the items isn't going to fix that.
I really enjoyed making decent AD from crafting many, many pairs of pants.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
I used to buy green crafters and tools cheap and then combine for higher rank. In most cases it was cheaper than buying an epic and all it did was take a little time.
Yes, or sometimes 4 Rares were cheaper than an Epic.
I would like that quite a bit. There are older weapon sets that I would like to use, but which are simply not good enough compared to the more recent weapon sets. I actually restored the SKT weapons for my SW and I'm hoping eventually to actually refine them to legendary. Maybe in the future there'll be a way to improve them and make them viable again. Probably won't happen, but I'll cling to that hope.
Not really like life at all. Life is based on luck and loyal friends...not hard work...that is an elite illusion passed on to the masses to make them believe you have a chance.
I know stand by my own quote...hard work the devs use means hard labor like in the old chain gangs. The gold sink is way too high. Forcing you to farm gold now. The game is now "Neverwinter Farming".
You farm: (all at hard labor now!) Campaign currency Astral diamonds Hunt trophies Gold Gems for RP Items to restore relics Items to get prizes for events Gear-which become useless each mod update Artifact sets-which become useless every year
Since this new mod...I am no longer having any fun. I'm done with professions.
For me,
Campaign currency (yes) Astral diamonds (yes) Hunt trophies (don't care for a long time) Gold (I did but passive. I do and more active) Gems for RP (always passive. I never need to "farm" them. The RP from leadership box were for sale and not for use) Items to restore relics (never bother) Items to get prizes for events (depends on event) Gear-which become useless each mod update (passive, never farm actively) Artifact sets-which become useless every year (I have not changed artifact for a long time. Save a lot of RP too. I also do not replace my clothing every season.).
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
I don't think it's something they meant for new players to be able to do in a day, just saying. It's supposed to take a bit of time. Be patient, and work on it bit by bit. You'll get there.
It's not about "new players" for me. I have been working professions since I entered the game in early 2014. I had multiple toons who collectively had all of the professions covered up to max level. Now I'm working on getting some leveled up - I can sell old material to get enough "new assets" to sell to Lady Begum to reach level 3 in a day for pretty much all of my alts that had level 25 professions.
But the 5 million cost for level 4? Nope - not even remotely close to being able to reach that, now or in the near future.
So for experienced players who invested the time/effort to get multiple toons to level 25 on multiple professions over a period of years - including the horribly long slog to reach level 25 in Leadership - the 10x cost increase from level 3 to 4 really feels like a kick to the nuts from the devs.
Aat least you can buy that commissions for 500k AD.... peanuts.
Look what you have to invest to get Professions leveled in Port Nyanzaru: " Taking Credit" is that quest called" Earn Chultan trade credit 0/50000 You can´t get it done without Forgehammer at first. You need to build 50xCommissioned Silverware succesfully, each one costst abou 650k AD in materials
10 mio AD for that Forgehammer 33 mio AD for the mats = 43mio AD to level Profession only for ONE STEP --> That´s completely "Super nuts"
I might be OK with the 500K cost if it was account wide. I mean they restrict our AD allotment to account wide, why not throw us a bone and restrict our cost for stuff like this as well.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,158Arc User
"Private workshop".
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
To upgrade your workshop from level to 2 to level 3 with cost you on average 1650 gold (+/- 300 gold), depending on what you make.
Sorry, but you're way off. The average to upgrade from 2 to 3 with completely crafted/gathered items is only 518g 56s 46c. The most expensive item to craft is 1640g 24s 88c, but that would only affect you if you were using Alchemy only (and even then, there are cheaper things to craft). The cheapest item to craft is 235g 5s 96c.
Level 3 to level 4 is a little different. The average for that upgrade is 7018g 17s 11c. The most expensive being a tailoring item at 12,435g 36s 16c, and the cheapest also being a tailoring item at 2,831g 96s 87c.
My numbers come from one day of Lady Begum's list, I'm still working on the other six.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,453Arc User
To upgrade your workshop from level to 2 to level 3 with cost you on average 1650 gold (+/- 300 gold), depending on what you make.
Sorry, but you're way off. The average to upgrade from 2 to 3 with completely crafted/gathered items is only 518g 56s 46c. The most expensive item to craft is 1640g 24s 88c, but that would only affect you if you were using Alchemy only (and even then, there are cheaper things to craft). The cheapest item to craft is 235g 5s 96c.
Level 3 to level 4 is a little different. The average for that upgrade is 7018g 17s 11c. The most expensive being a tailoring item at 12,435g 36s 16c, and the cheapest also being a tailoring item at 2,831g 96s 87c.
My numbers come from one day of Lady Begum's list, I'm still working on the other six.
Based on what I am crafting, my calculation for 500K commission will cost around 117 gold without using any commission discount. A lot less than that since I use -25% for most and -75% for the final combine and high focus with many +1. However, waiting for my item to show up is painful though. So far, I only saw that come up twice. The first time it showed up. I realized the possibility. The 2nd times it showed up, I could only dump 250K. The next time, I probably will have 3 workshop 3.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
Based on what I am crafting, my calculation for 500K commission will cost around 117 gold without using any commission discount. A lot less than that since I use -25% for most and -75% for the final combine and high focus with many +1. However, waiting for my item to show up is painful though. So far, I only saw that come up twice. The first time it showed up. I realized the possibility. The 2nd times it showed up, I could only dump 250K. The next time, I probably will have 3 workshop 3.
It's 7 lists in a 16 day rotation, 2 of them show up 3 times, the rest twice. One of them hits 3 times in six days. And yes, I'm half way through a second list and have found an item that can be crafted for 125g 23s 52c (base cost across the board for normal items). If you factor in commission discounts and +1 exchanges you could possibly get to under 100g for the level 3 upgrade.
But yes, I do get your point and stand corrected
I do have some hope for an improved market for pants. I am optimistic that the developers will change them from "blue" to "purple", and that will mean that people who just search the AH for "purple" gear will actually find the crafted pants.
For now, however, there are other things that are more profitable than pants.
- Forgehammer of Gond. You really need a mythic forgehammer to be able to compete. Otherwise your failure rate will be too high. The drop rate of the hammer from the Gond event is beyond pathetic, but there have been other ways to obtain it in the past... but yes, you need to be either rich or lucky.
- Alliance with temporary vendors. You will need a lot of resources like Alkali. This is much cheaper and easier if you are in an alliance that regularly summons the temporary vendors. You don't need to be "Elite" for this.
- Guild with the Explorer boon. You do not "need" this, but it will double the resources you can get, and that makes a big, big difference. Again, you don't need to be "Elite".
- Patience or wealth. When you do the MW quests, you either have to spend a lot of time and GMs or a lot of AD. So, "grind or spend" (which is pretty much the general rule anyhow), but once again, not "Elite".
So, not for the "Elite" only ... just a lot easier if you are very rich, very lucky or very hard working. Kind-of like real life, isn't it?I really enjoyed making decent AD from crafting many, many pairs of pants.
Campaign currency (yes)
Astral diamonds (yes)
Hunt trophies (don't care for a long time)
Gold (I did but passive. I do and more active)
Gems for RP (always passive. I never need to "farm" them. The RP from leadership box were for sale and not for use)
Items to restore relics (never bother)
Items to get prizes for events (depends on event)
Gear-which become useless each mod update (passive, never farm actively)
Artifact sets-which become useless every year (I have not changed artifact for a long time. Save a lot of RP too. I also do not replace my clothing every season.).
But the 5 million cost for level 4? Nope - not even remotely close to being able to reach that, now or in the near future.
So for experienced players who invested the time/effort to get multiple toons to level 25 on multiple professions over a period of years - including the horribly long slog to reach level 25 in Leadership - the 10x cost increase from level 3 to 4 really feels like a kick to the nuts from the devs.
Look what you have to invest to get Professions leveled in Port Nyanzaru:
" Taking Credit" is that quest called"
Earn Chultan trade credit 0/50000
You can´t get it done without Forgehammer at first.
You need to build 50xCommissioned Silverware succesfully, each one costst abou 650k AD in materials
10 mio AD for that Forgehammer
33 mio AD for the mats
= 43mio AD to level Profession only for ONE STEP
--> That´s completely "Super nuts"
Level 3 to level 4 is a little different. The average for that upgrade is 7018g 17s 11c. The most expensive being a tailoring item at 12,435g 36s 16c, and the cheapest also being a tailoring item at 2,831g 96s 87c.
My numbers come from one day of Lady Begum's list, I'm still working on the other six.