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Bug in the quest "The duty of a Doomguide" (more than 1 quest affected)

finixfighter#8773 finixfighter Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited November 2018 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hi folks! I found a bug in the mission "The duty of a Doomguide" in the map "The lynching tree". At the end of the quest, you have to open the treasure chest to get the reward. In order to do that you need to press "F" and then click on "Accept" to get the reward (3 units of quartz). But when you click "Accept", the game tells you that your inventory is full, even if it is not. So you can't get the reward and you can't complete the quest... I already tried to delete items from my bags, there are many empty slots, but the problem is still there. I also tried to logout, I closed the game, reopened it, logged in and remade the quest but I got the same error. I also asked for help to my gild friends but we could not solve the problem, so I reported it as a bug.
PS: I found another quest affected by this bug, and the reward is the same: 3 units of quartz. So, I think that this bug affects all the quests where the treasure chest contains 3 units of quartz. Please fix this bug or I can't continue the game.
Post edited by finixfighter#8773 on


  • bigwar2bigwar2 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    We are 6 players in my guild that are leveling a new character to try out the new event. We all are not able to finish the above quest "A Doomguide´s Duty Quest in Neverdeath Graveyard. When trying to collect the reward chest it keeps stating that inventory is full which i am very clearly about that it is not, ihave 4-5 bags not containing anything at this point, and its trying to pickup 3 quartz, please fix this as the storyline ends here for us if we cannot finish this.

    Can this be related to the new professions as i see in my journal that there is a workman's balm as the reward as well, and this being a new character i have not done any professions on him yet.
  • morgaan87#1717 morgaan87 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Also having this problem, lots of bag space, but getting "Inventory Full" dialogue.
  • xfireroadxfireroad Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Some dungeon final reward (3 quartz) cannot be claimed as it said inventory full but I still got around 32 slots in my inventory.
    This totally make the progress of the quest cannot further proceed due to stuck in the dungeon and need to abort quest to left the dungeon.
    Please help to fix this bug ty as we cant really leveling well when main quest is stuck.
  • emri#8455 emri Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I am getting the same bug today, on several quests. It is limiting my quest progress.
  • dota#3132 dota Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I have to same problem. :'(
  • morbidredstarmorbidredstar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Same here.
  • finixfighter#8773 finixfighter Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I have the same problem in 2 quests... I also reported them. I hope they will fix this bug! D:
  • sycox#7808 sycox Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    ive got the same problem as well
  • sycox#7808 sycox Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    i'm having the same issue i reported it to
  • warlawk#8339 warlawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Doomguide's Duty, The last quest in the Barrow chain of Ebon Downs and Quenching the flames in Chasm so far have been broken for me with this bug.
  • warlawk#8339 warlawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Doomguide's Duty, The last quest in the Barrow chain of Ebon Downs and Quenching the flames in Chasm so far have been broken for me with this bug.
  • kageysdkageysd Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Same issue here!
  • kageysdkageysd Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    A lot of quests are affected by this issue
  • jeannie533jeannie533 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Also having this bug.. it's highly irritating spending time doing a quest just to get to the end and not be able to complete it, I want my dopamine hit!
  • kingdude#4634 kingdude Member Posts: 1 New User
    same bug its pretty stupid for a update specially designed for new players and they event test it, i skipped the doomguard dut quest to obtain my bag fron graveyard quest chain, figures after defeating the spider boss i cant finish it because the chest reward are stupid quartz
  • I'm having the same problem in every first lair everywhere, ebon downs, vellosk, pirates skyhold... can't claim the reward, can't complete the quest, stuck at the begining on each place...
  • akuarmotonakuarmoton Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Every chest that rewards quartz seems to be bugged.

    Easy solution: Replace quartz with refine points reward!
  • elizabethadlr#5547 elizabethadlr Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Those chests shouldn't have quartz, the reward that should be inside (a piece of equipement) it's drop outside after you kill the boss. It's the only drop that needs F to pick up
  • xfireroadxfireroad Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Update: After Nov 8 update, this bug is still here
  • morbidredstarmorbidredstar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I've got 3 quests now that I can't finish because of this bug.
  • redcabbage#1117 redcabbage Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Getting same bug here.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    Just a wild guess, is your costume bag filled? I wonder if the bug is about checking wrong inventory.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • jailqueenjailqueen Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I have the same problem, you can not close any quest, I just thought it was the delivery box of your profession box but not so it is a big bug
  • raulimaraulima Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have the same problem and it effects every quest that has chest reward in it. This is my 6 quest and The quest reward has to be a magical item but it is 3 quartz.
  • jadzooksjadzooks Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    add me to this list as well... Just got hit with this on the Doomguide's Duty quest. Its really irritating. They have that Sgt Knox promo running to get people to level new toons, but break the leveling so we can't actually level them.
  • warlawk#8339 warlawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Just a wild guess, is your costume bag filled? I wonder if the bug is about checking wrong inventory.

    Mine was not when I got this error. This was a freshly created character for the recruitment event, none of my inventory tabs is full.
  • jeannie533jeannie533 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    This is just unacceptable - almost every quest dungeon that has a chest at the end has this problem!! I'm not able to finish quests, how are we supposed to level when we can't complete? Plenty of bag space, in all bags, no overflow.. just nope, inventory full. Going to have to just not play until this is fixed. This is a serious road block.
  • zulunai#6806 zulunai Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Abandon Doomguide's Duty and Clockwork Guild Tomb. After abandoning these 2 the other quests started working for me.
  • Abandon Doomguide's Duty and Clockwork Guild Tomb. After abandoning these 2 the other quests started working for me.

    It worked!! i abandoned all the uncompleted quests and did again no crevice untouched and i could finish it! thanks so much!!!! :D
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