Hi, i've been looking and perhaps i missed it but in the foundry there are no dungeon stairs, and what is worst in new mod, you have used the dungeon builder assets and you use those dungeons stairs that are needed!
What is even worst, those stairs are the same as the chultean stairs, but in grey instead of orange.
so i'm begging to you devs please, i know you don't care aboutthe foundry or its audience, be it authors or players, you don't care about updating monsters or maps in foundry, i know you don't care about fixing the foundry or even fixing the error where the tile image does not match the tile and takes twice the time to build simple dungeons due to this, but please, please, add that single dungeon stairs in next patch, is not that much, just 1 simple stair tile set that i'm sure you are already using!
I also opt for round staircases
Type stairs under assets, searching all. They are spread out amongst the categories. I may be wrong, but teleporters haven't been able to be tested in the foundry engine for, what, 3 years? It's an old bug.
So what do you do?
Have to publish and test live to see if they a) are in the right positions/locations b) work at all. There are different ways to lock down your quest live so noone can play it except you while you test it, and can always hide the end chest so no one can finish it.
It stinks, I know. Assets are coming from actual game content. Chances of them making an asset solely to be used in foundry is between none and negative.
So think to yourself, how many spiral staircases have you seen in the game? Pretty much just the one asset that's in Cloak Tower and Castle Never is all that comes to my mind.
How else can you build spiral staircase without using the existing stairs? Try benches. Tables. Rocks. Doors (laid flat). And there's plenty of columns to use as the center. Yes, it's literally one step at a time. Sadly.
Alternatively, use the Cloak Tower indoor map and design around just the section of the map that has that staircase.
I've been out of the loop a bit so anyone feel free to contradict me.
House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II
Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
haven't seen them in the foundry though, at this point i think the whole foundry is down sadly.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
I meant teleporters portals (and doors).
The stairs, the decors, the building assets can be that hard to add since they are already in the game and are being used. There is no excuse no to add them as well as costumes of EVERY new creature (not even asking to add mobs of new creatures that would be too much to ask, clearly).
I can get they don't want to actually work and fix the portals or transitions, but, come on! Adding assets can be THAT much work.
My Dreams
By now I would like to have seen a point and click Foundry that could be used offline to create content. The current Foundry only requires the author online to chat. Imagine a Foundry that creates a script file for upload to the database or you could share that script with other authors for collaboration on your work. A Foundry with access to ALL assets in the game. Also to keep the database fresh, the author would need to update their unplayed content every 30 days or it is archived. A Foundry like this could be used to replace the random dungeons. Running a random Foundry would be fun and eliminate any possibility for speed clears. Unfortunately this is just a dream.
There are presumably other features that I'd think should be pretty easy to add, such as a simple XYZ scaling factor for any assets we might place.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
1. I’d like a real sitting and eating/drinking animation. It’s in the game ( The tavern in Helm’s Hold, for instance). But in the foundry its not.
2. The Dwarven town map doesn’t work. Every time I’ve tried to use it the character appears in the sky.
3. Speaking of maps, it’d be nice to have the river district map to use. Or an actual ship of the sea to use.
4. The ability to have dialogue with more than one character at once, like STO. Actually, that should be number one. It would really help with storytelling.
I don’t expect to get any of those things, but I just wanted to ask, anyway.