As the title says, drops (equipment, refining, potions and scrolls etc) are NOT skirtin up on the screen. Only gold and quest items (thankfully) appear. Lord knows how many refining points or hunt lures we're missing out on due to this.
This is not a new bug, and I can (un)fondly remember it happening during the open beta so many years ago.
When will you actually get around to fixing this? Since Mod14 it's become a more frequent problem, and happens most often when hunting in groups. It may only be a "minor glitch" to you, but to us players it's proof that you won't fix anything that helps us in our enjoyment.
Please look into this!!
Also happened 1 week ago in CR. First the loot didn't shine. After killing the 2nd boss I could suddenly no longer pick up items from the floor. And it resulted in not being able to open chests when we killed the last boss.
@fortislupus you can report all the bugs you want. But they have to be approved by Microsoft when playing the game on Xbox, which tends to add a long time to fixes.
Funny thing is, as soon as it is a bug that benefits the players, it gets fixed within days depending on how much money Cryptic is potentially missing out on. However, when companion tokens doesn't work, or the new artifact set applies the debuff to you instead of the enemy, we will have to wait for months...!AoRNC5cEqt4DyFXcC_vcKiD_HUvw&h=AT198U3ScHuiifvKQv7_eiSJ0YTMHyyJ7OqMGcemyyqEAyO-RvkIJUdfmo2rizytnBWXuwXW4HhW_vxCT8LpXpzS9Tx4uC9egeFvlL6kEnm-YXqZSR8jxofbw7xlZ7rNA5amunZ2gQOTFHlgm6cL9I_PzIYnRm7rBDRtTsNWTjhRxeuFsohS-Y5lrG_lEKXlnxwqD288gvwlBWRAIRvhnOlEHgr2xCD7cycMGy0vYeX9W6W5OBw2BC7scVWndvthS5YUqBY4ldjAkAtIKSCgrECPArU38M4X3ZHAbQzLE2JvB6F84c8pr0dNAke1pZ0NceXD8xBbkTYHsoWp550u2tzAnQ4l5wmfdoahNWhnwLy65PkNren6BtVLZl6vb2WN9uxbhmRq_cDthdCjvQe4cBauIR-zR_ieYw
And also, try to keep the message in a single comment (you can edit your comment to add further information), it just gets confusing with this many.