I like the fact that you can now just retrain just what you want.
However I don't like how the commit changes button works on the boons. I think the commit changes should just commit the particular page you have open(ie. if I'm on Sharandar only Sharandar boons will be committed). Otherwise now because it keeps the old changes if you click that button you can't change the other pages. I entered a ticket because I didn't realize commit was committing all pages. Only to go back and use another token and see that before I committed I could change each page.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has wasted tokens because of this change.
Please add a commit page button or change the commit changes to only commit the page you are working on.
Yes, it might take a few more clicks to get all the boons distributed again, but at least it won't be bugging around as it is right now, with some campaign boon pages not unlocking when using a Retrain Token.
When i use a Retrain Token, i should be able to "edit" all campaign boon pages and not just the one i'm on and a few randomly picked ones... My guess, this bug is related to using a Campaign Completion Token, and the game thinks those campaigns are still locked or something.
It makes sense once you get used to it, but there should be a second warning to say that it's committing ALL the boon pages, not just the page you are on.
Anyway, may be they could add a mouse over description/warning to the "Commit Changes" button as they allready have with the "Retrain All Boons" one.