Bug: Cowl of the Dead multiprocs and keeps pushing enemies away multiple times after one daily use.
This also works on players in PvP, and while it is quite funny to watch, it should not work like that.
Vordon CW ‡ Vordayn DC ‡ Axel Wolfric GWF ‡ Logain SW ‡ Gawyn GF ‡ Galad OP ‡ Aspen Darkfire HR ‡ Min TR
It multiprocced 28 times in 15 seconds (missed 2 procs I think because the opponent flew up too high). There is something in the code which is making it proc every .5s for 15s.
And this applies to EVERY enemy within radius. So one cast of a daily, and you lay waste to everyone around you. It is worse than a stun, as it is both a knockback + prone. So yeah. PvP is HAMSTER on again.
This works consistently and without fail whenever I use Hallowed Ground with my DC (so I don't use it in PvP anymore). It also procs on some SW powers, but I have no way to test that yet.
Yeah, I agree...that has to be fixed. lol
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Now I guess I have the answer - and they aware of the issue as our CM has noted...