The "Cowl of the dead" is pushing away the mobs and the bosses. Some of the dungeon bosses might get stuck due to this. Mainly on platforms fights the boss is pushed off and resets (eg. MSP second boss). Sometimes the adds are pushed of the terrain and get stuck... I had a case where the adds could not be reached anymore and it was impossible to progress the dungeon run. I didn't yet do the TONG dungeon, so not yet sure what will happen with the last boss in that dungeon.
In a dungeon setting I've also seen mobs thrown aside because the pull sometimes doesn't stop at the caster and instead slingshots the targets straight past. The Undead Pull power appears to multi-proc on SW's Brood of Hadar daily, so this could be part of the issue. I'm not able to verify right now, but maybe it's that phenomenon where a power creates independent entities that inherit the properties of the caster? Like how OP's Circle of Power continually procs Vengeance on itself or how the Immolated Spirits from the Soulbinder SW daily proc the Mane of the Manticore?
It's amusing to fling the entire Wither's Control Station into the corner behind you and to throw Ras Nsi off of his own platform (he teleports back), but could we get a fix on these behaviors while still keeping the intended function of the Crown intact? It's otherwise a lot of fun and strategically useful when applied properly.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin