My daughter has her own account and plays off of our home gold. She has claimed the 5 coins and rp pack but no r14. Is this as intended?
I also invited a friend thru the referral program and set them up playing on our xbox gold. No r14 there either.
Was this reward time gated? The news item doesn't indicate it.
Thought I hope it didn't expire as CSTORE giveaway on Thursday, when it was originally set to END, at least until the 2 day extension was given?
She's the Cryptic Community Manager and usually does a excellent job trying to help those she can... Just be honest about what you did and when. Though realize she likely gets a lot of messages so try to be patient.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!