Call to Arms events only reward esthetic items, we don't even get extra rough AD from them anymore, and yet they are very rare.
Why not make them more frequent? For example there is nothing big happening this week-end, why not add a CTA on top?
I've been waiting for over a year to get tiefling weapons. I probably missed a straight to helm at some point but still.
There are 9 different CTA's and they happen less than once a month. I don't see what's preventing you from having one each week or every second week.
If they don't want to schedule them more frequently, add the transmutes we've purchased or acquired to the Maze Engine store. I need a new Savage Skull orb for my CW and it has been forever since Orc Assault.
> This has been a topic of discussion internally, it's just a matter of finding the time to make the necessary updates and fit into the development calendar along with other priorities.
That's good to know, thanks.